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Third orbit raising manoeuvre successful, 2 more to go


Jun 24, 2012
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Third orbit raising manoeuvre successful, 2 more to go


The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Saturday raised the orbit of its Mars bound Mangalyaan spacecraft from 40,186 km to 71,636 km as part of its ongoing series of orbit raising manoeuvres. ISRO intends to raise the orbit of the spacecraft further to around 2 lakh kilometres in the next few days to generate the velocity to slingshot the Mars Orbiter toward the Red Planet on December 1.

The third orbit raising manoeuvre was carried out at 02:10:43 hrs (IST) on Saturday by firing the 440 Newton liquid engine on-board the spacecraft for 707 seconds. Two prior orbit raising manoeuvres — on Friday and Thursday — had raised the apogee of the spacecraft (furthest point from Earth) to 40,186 km from 28,814 km. The spacecraft was originally placed at an apogee of 23,500 km by the PSLV-25 rocket which launched the mission on November 5.

ISRO aims to conduct three more orbit raising moves before the spacecraft leaves its Earth orbit. “This enables the spacecraft to travel to the vicinity of Mars in September 2014 after a 300-day journey in deep space. At that time, the 440 Newton Liquid Engine is fired again to slow down the spacecraft to enable it to be captured by the Martian gravity into an orbit around it,” ISRO said.

Link - Third orbit raising manoeuvre successful, 2 more to go | idrw.org

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