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There are no good Taliban

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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There are no good Taliban

It is a sorry state of affairs as when the whole country is faced with the common threat of terrorism, the PML-N government, it seems, wants to reach a compromise of coexistence with the terrorists that as long as the Punjab based Taliban do not blow up bombs or attack installations in Punjab, the provincial government there will not touch them as will not the Islamabad government.

All Taliban are equally bad whether Punjabi Taliban or the non-Punjabi Taliban. By agreeing to talks just with the Punjabi Taliban, the government will draw the distinction that the Punjab Taliban are the good Taliban. The name has been given to the terrorists from that province by us; however, the main Taliban group the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP), of which the Punjabi Taliban is a part, has not divided itself on ethnic lines and remains united for the most part.

Still, the word Taliban has become a generic name for all anti-Pakistan and terrorist gangs and splinter groups of TTP. Even local dacoits pose themselves as Taliban to scare locals in all parts of the country. All the terrorist groups have, though, a one-point agenda and that is to destroy this country but they are independent to carry out their nefarious acts on their own; agreements, as such, with one group will not be binding on other groups. Also, the group entering into treaty for peace maybe involved in terrorism but can easily blame other groups for its actions. Under the circumstances, talks or agreements will not bring peace but rather add to the confusion and mayhem. It, therefore, should not make us happy that the Punjabi Taliban are more inclined towards entering into talks for peace with the government. At the most, the Punjabi Taliban, in case of an agreement, may not carryout their activities in their home province but will not refrain from acts of terrorism in other parts of the country. Besides who will keep a check and make sure that the Taliban group with which agreement has been reached is no more involved in terrorism.

Acceptance of talks offer by one faction of Taliban or another may be a good strategy for the terrorists; it, however, will not bring peace in the country, as while one group will be talking with the government, dozens of other groups will be busy terrorizing the country. A compromise, it seemed, was reached during the previous Punjab government of Shahbaz Sharif with the Punjabi Taliban, as the most populated province of the country was comparatively free from the threat of terrorism. It is so even now. Terrorists from Punjab crossed the provincial borders ---as they do now---to spread terror in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and return to their home province without fear of being prosecuted. The Punjab based Taliban have also taken abode in the tribal areas as it is easy to operate in KP because the province is surrounded from three sides by the tribal areas.

Frankly speaking, it is convenient for the Punjab based Taliban to continue their activities in KP if the Punjab government does not act against them. They, their families, supporters and fund providers are safer in Punjab than in the terrorists' safe havens located in the tribal areas, as there they can face military operations. As for the willingness of Punjabi Taliban to enter into talks, the TTP had even on Saturday last distanced itself from Amir of Punjabi Taliban Asmat ullah Mauwiya's statement when its spokesman said that willingness to accept the talk offer of the government was not the stance of the TTP. Today's news, though unconfirmed is that since than the Mauwiya has been deposed. All this is very confusing.

The PML-N government should heed the demands of the situation. The country is in a bad shape and it will go against the sense of national unity if one province is secure from terrorists and other provinces are not. Nawaz Sharif must, whether he decides on talks or combat with Taliban, make sure that action against terrorists is taken all over the country and the consequences of the government endeavours in this direction are felt all over the nation and evenly too. This nation cannot bear further discrimination within provinces.

Though talks with Taliban looks like a fruitless pursuit, still if talks are to be held the Islamabad government should engage with TTP the main and most powerful group. Islamabad also must put the following conditions. First, the Taliban must accept to abide by the Constitution of Pakistan, second; they must lay down their arms before entering into talks, third; all attacks on civilians, troops and installations must stop, fourth; the TTP must guarantee that all terrorist groups will quit terrorist activities during the talks and after an agreement is reached.
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