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The US objectives set for Pakistan...

Battle Axe

Aug 8, 2011
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Thursday, August 11, 2011, Ramazan 10, 1432

In the process of combating the terrorism, Pakistan and United Sates have worked as partner for a decade now. Surely, none of individuals perpetrated the incident of 9/11, belonged to Pakistan. They all were Arabs and so was OBL or Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, arrested and handed over to US along with over 700 other wanted terrorists by Pakistan. By compulsion under US pressure, or as inevitability, Pakistan sided with U.S in particular and international community in general, after the incident and supported the ISAF in Afghanistan by deploying its Army and Frontier Corps troops all along the Pak-Afghan border. By now, over 150,000 Pakistani regulars are deployed to combat the terrorist activities either emanating from the local militants from the FATA region or else, by the foreign intruders from Afghan soil after US invaded Afghanistan to dislodge the Taliban administration.

Indeed, Pakistan started its Military operations against the foreign intruders and in the process; its troops were retaliated by deadly attacks, and by now over 5000 combatants have embraced martyrdom besides wounding over 10000 troops. In October 2001, once Pakistan sided with US in combating the terrorism as a frontline state, it annoyed its own masses, the Taliban regime and all former Mujahedeen groups, as none of them wanted that nor US invasion was acceptable to anyone, less Northern Alliance. Precisely, Pakistan rendered a wholehearted support to NATO and U.S without any prejudice. So much so, that the former Afghan Ambassador (of Taliban administration, Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef) in Islamabad was also handed over to U.S, against the diplomatic norms. Unfortunately, this was the level of dedication of Pakistan towards US success in Afghanistan. US took the ambassador to Guantanamo Bay, where he remained imprisoned until 2005.

On its part, the United States has always undermined the Pakistani contributions and the sole super power has been demanding for more; through its famous ‘do more’ mantra. Lately, US started demanding military operation in North Waziristan Agency, where, U.S felt that, Haqqani network is effectively operating and supporting the counter insurgency in Afghanistan. These demands started in 2008 and accelerated after the successful military operations by Pak Army in Swat and Malakand and South Waziristan Agency. Over the period, US started accusing that, Pakistan Army and its intelligence agencies has a linkage with Haqqani network, Hafiz Gul Bahadur and Moulvi Nazir’s set up. Hafiz Gul Bahadur is Madda Khel Wazir and a descendant of Faqir of Ipi. Faqir of Ipi (Mirza Ali Khan), fought against British colonialism throughout 1930s and 1940s. Even 40,000 British and Indian troops could not subdue him and his 1000-armed tribesmen. Moulvi Nazir is a Kakakhel, part of Ahmedzai Waziris. He has dual nationality of Pakistan and Afghanistan. He maintains significant influence in South Waziristan. Pakistan rejects NATO and US accusations and feels that, NWA is comparatively peaceful area, does not require a military operation. Moreover, Pakistan does not have enough forces to operate everywhere to please its coalition partner. U.S portrays the Haqqani Network, as the most dangerous one, whose dislodging is most essential for its success in Afghanistan, as if, it is the only group operating in Afghanistan.

While tracing the history of the Haqqani Network, it is indeed, “a group of militants led by Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son, Sirajuddin Haqqani.” Originally, Haqqanis are from Jadran tribe of Paktia in Afghanistan and have roots in North Waziristan too. There is a controversy, whether, Jalaluddin Haqqani, is still alive, as he was seriously ill, a few years back and has not been seen anywhere. It is said that, he played a significant role in defeating the former Soviet forces in Afghanistan with the help of Pakistan and U.S. Subsequently, his role was more significant in defeating the Communist forces of Dr. Najibullah in Khost Province in 1991. Indeed, during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Sirajuddin Haqani was very close to CIA and ISI, since indirectly he was serving the US aims and objectives. Being close to Taliban leader Mullah Omer, he was a key minister in his Government from 1996 to 2001. As revealed by US officials, after US invasion, Haqqani crossed over to NWA and established its headquarters in Dande Darpa Khel village near Miramshah, just about 10 miles from Pak-Afghan border. Nevertheless, currently, his son, Sirajuddin Haqqani, alias Khalifa is heading this network. According to Los Angeles Times, March 14, 2011, NATO and U.S consider Sirajuddin Haqqani as “one of the most dangerous Taliban commanders in the ongoing insurgency in Afghanistan.”

Sirajuddin, in his 30s, has evaded many attempts of arrests by Pakistani security forces and many attempts of arrest and killing by ISAF. U.S has fixed $5 million as the bounty for the arrest or killing of Sirajuddin. The major difference between Hafiz Gul Bahadur and Moulvi Nazir camps and Sirajuddin Haqqani is that, the formers wants that foreign elements should leave the area, whereas, the later is a strong advocate of the foreigners in the area. Since Pakistan wants, the area should be free from the foreign intrusions, therefore considers that much publicized linkages between Haqqani Network and Pakistani security organization indeed is nothing else but a US plot to defame Pakistani armed forces and intelligence. Although, TTP and Haqqani Network are not on the same page, yet, Haqqani’s militants have not even spared Pakistanis and its installations during their terrorist activities. As revealed from the two arrested men of this network, 200 suicide bombers were infiltrated into various cities of Pakistan by this network for deadly bombing, including the suicide ones, which of course is not a favour to Pakistan. This mean, that the network even does not spare Pakistan, why should it be dear to Pakistan and its intelligence agencies. This is a common sense, thus US should also buy it.

Until now US has carried out over 290 drone attacks in Pakistan, killing thousands of innocent people and seriously compromising the sovereignty of the country. Most of these attacks targeted Haqqani Network; therefore, Pakistan feels that, presence of Haqqanis and other foreigners in its soil is posing a serious domestic threat for it, thus why should we support such elements. The significant feature of the CIA driven drone attacks have been that these are focused against Haqqanis and Hafiz Gul Bahadur or else Moulvi Nazir. These attacks never targeted TTP, the group of Taliban that overtly fight against Pakistani security forces, its innocent civilians and destroying its installations. Rather, they get most sophisticated weapons and equipments and financed enormously from Afghan soil. In many cases, weapons confiscated from the TTP terrorists were of NATO or US origin with huge USDs or even Indian currency.

At a time once Pakistani security forces are deployed all along the Pak-Afghan border and almost in all agencies of FATA including NWA, Pakistan cannot afford a military operation in NWA. Any such military operations will have many implications. First, the terrain of NWA consists of rugged mountains, generally inhospitable for attackers, thus would need heavy manpower and finances, which is not feasible with current constraint situation. Pakistani forces are engaged in military operations in all agencies of FATA including NWA. Secondly, out of promised $7.5 billion financial support through KLL, US could provide only $500 million so far. Thirdly, the people of the area are already hostile and another major attack would further provoke them against the armed forces and the Government of Pakistan, causing more destabilization all over the country. Fourthly, the military operation like Swat would call for a major internal displacement of the locals that again need financial resources and a detailed segregation, both are difficult in this agency.

It is generally very difficult to differentiate between a terrorist and innocent locals, as both look alike. Thus shifting the IDPs to settled areas would be amounting to destabilizing those areas too. These implications need to be weighed against the likely gains. A realistic assessment would reveal that there would be no real terms gain from a military operation in NWA, except fulfilling the US desires. The question is for how long we should fulfil US desires. After all, we are a sovereign nation, capable to make decisions in the best national interests of Pakistan, rather obeying the US commandments.

Link: How US exploits Pakistan
Shouldn't there be another article explaining how Pakistan lets itself be exploited because of its past plannings and no future picture.
A disappointing work, both unbalanced and ill informed. The Us policy is certainly run by fanatics but making silly excuses for the Pakistan army and LEA do no justice to the cause of Pakistan. No Talib is a friend of Pakistan, they may be a expediency, but no friend of Pakistan, the very ideas that animate the Talib are anti Pakistan, so arguing that Pakistan army can't get a handle on these because it can't be everywhere is a rather shallow argument - similarly, arguing that Sirajudin is somehow so smart that LEA's and intelligence services can't get to him is to insult the intelligence of the general public and the suggestion that drone attacks do not target TTP is similarly, inaccurate, recall Baitullah and the attacks on Hakinullah and Ilyas Kashmiri.

So Pakistan does not have any need for such silly arguments, the Haqqani today served Pakistani interests as those are perceived today. If the US really cares so much about this then the US should look at those conditions inside Afghanistan that it has control over, which allow Pakistan to think that the Haqqani can be of service - in other words, work to strengthen the perception in Pakistan that the US understands Pakistani interests and will protect them. This will automatically ensure that the utility of the Haqqani or any other is delivering diminishing returns - is the US willing to do that?
Stop blaming US orany other Nation for your troubles actually it's you guys who let them do it. You guys followed US for past 5 decade and now doing same with China. Each nation has to take a stand for itself .
Thursday August 11, 2011 (1518 PST)
Asif Haroon Raja

Although the US has failed to win war in Afghanistan, it has succeeded in achieving most objectives it had chalked out in September 2001 against Pakistan through covert war. As against the advice of India, the US desisted from applying direct strategy due to Pakistan’s nuclear capability. The US and its strategic partners therefore embarked upon a well-thought plan to gradually weaken Pakistan and its institutions politically, socially, economically and militarily to such an extent that it becomes powerless and either voluntarily hands over the keys of its nuclear arsenal in return for aid for its survival or else it becomes so paralytic that it is unable to respond when nuclear arsenal is physically struck. Besides denuclearization, other major objectives were to make Pakistan forget about Kashmir and to accept India’s hegemony. Progress so far made by adversaries of Pakistan is listed as under:
* Weight of the war on terror has been craftily shifted from Afghanistan to Pakistan.

* The people of northwestern tribal belt that were always regarded as our assets and had guarded our western border without any assistance from armed forces have turned hostile and a segment among them in its misplaced belief of establishing a caliphate is towing the agenda of adversaries of Pakistan.

* The western border that had become safe from 1989 onwards during the Mujahideen rule followed by Taliban rule in Kabul has once again become unsafe and has assumed dangerous proportions due to presence of US-NATO forces in Afghanistan and their mounting aggressiveness.

* Peaceful and docile Balochistan is up in arms and rebellious Baloch nationalists are demanding independent Balochistan. Non-locals have migrated in huge numbers.

* Indian influence in Afghanistan that had vanished during Taliban rule has returned to haunt Pakistan. The US is striving to make India a key country in the region after its departure from Afghanistan. Indian and Israeli presence in Afghanistan has posed a two-front threat to Pakistan’s security.

* Volatile forces are active in whole of FATA, several parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Balochistan. Sindh is also restive and Karachi has become a killing field for target killers while southern Punjab is fast falling into the loop of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan.

* CIA, FBI, MI-6, agents have made deep inroads in government departments, legal fraternity and media while RAW and Blackwater have established networks in all the troubled regions of Pakistan. RAW’s involvement in Gilgit and CIA’s penetration within armed forces are latest revelations.

* Under a planned strategy, India has been given a go-ahead to construct large number of dams on all the rivers flowing into Pakistan to create acute water scarcity in Pakistan and make it dependent upon India. Water strategy will be applied by India to solve Kashmir dispute on Indian terms.

* Kashmir is almost a lost cause and talks are at best confined to confidence building measures only. Arrest of Kashmiri leader Ghulam Nabi Fai in USA is aimed at breaking the unarmed resistance movement of Kashmiris seeking right of self determination.

* A large part of Pakistan’s Army, paramilitary forces and police have got deeply embroiled in fighting its own people on own soil with little hope of extrication in near future.

* While precious military resources of Pak Army are being wasted out in futile war on terror, Indian military conventional and nuclear capabilities have been vastly upgraded to outclass Pakistan’s military capability and also weaken its nuclear deterrence value.

* Application of indirect strategy by our adversaries to weaken Pakistan from within has rendered our nuclear deterrence redundant.

* Pakistan has been gifted with NRO cleansed leaders who are totally subservient to the wishes of Washington.

* The US administration has tightened its iron grip over the ruling regime to an extent that it treats Pakistan as its 51st state.

* The rulers have on several occasions declared that Pakistan faces no threat from India. This change of mindset in respect of archrival which yearns to put Pakistan in the shredding machine is a drastic transformation which the US could only do.

* Pakistan is US ally and is not at war with USA but is being subjected to drone attacks, threats etc.

Link: Pakistan News Service - PakTribune
By Azam Khalil | Published: August 11, 2011

Since Pakistan has joined the nuclear club, reports have been pouring in about USA’s nefarious design to deprive the country of its nuclear assets.
According to media reports, America’s special forces units are rehearsing in case the leadership in Washington issues orders to “snatch Pakistan’s 100-plus nuclear weapons if it feared they were about to fall into the wrong hands.” Perhaps, the Obama administration seems to have underestimated the resolve of the Pakistani people and military after the Navy SEALs succeeded in killing Al-Qaeda Chief Osama Bin Laden (OBL) in a raid at Abbottabad. Also, it has misread the Pakistani army’s state of preparedness when a handful of terrorists succeeded in attacking PNS Mehran in Karachi, and destroying navy’s two P-3C Orion aircrafts.
For quite some time, the US administration and its intelligence agency, the CIA, have been spending millions of dollars on recruiting local agents to gather information about Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. But this does not mean that our military and intelligence agency, the ISI, are not aware about their evil designs; they (Pak Army and ISI) have, indeed, put in foolproof security systems for the safety of the nuclear arsenal. However, it would be prudent if those concerned with their security are not only put on further alert, but are also provided the equipment that is required to counter any act of aggression against it. So, any attempt to deprive Pakistan from its nukes by Washington will be at best a misadventure, and it will not be tolerated and could lead to unforeseen consequences, even for the United States.
Also, it is in our interest to warn those nations, especially India and Israel, that are hostile towards our nuclear programme and may miscalculate an adventure which may trigger grave consequences for the South Asian region.
Anyway, this situation needs to be reviewed in the context where several congressional panels of the US were briefed about the contingency plans, which has been prepared by their top leadership to stop Pakistan’s nuclear weapons from falling into the “wrong hands”. This clearly indicates that the Obama administration is planning a stupid adventure without realising the outcome, if such an exercise is undertaken by its military. It should also realise that all “hands” are “wrong”, except those of the concerned authorities in Pakistan.
Moreover, “India”, reportedly, “has been practising its Cold Start Doctrine (CSD)”, which is equally dangerous, since it will lead to consequences that will be unbearable for the neighbouring countries – India and Pakistan. Even though, the Pakistani government and the armed forces have rightly designed their own strategy to inflict a fatal blow on the Indian army in case they initiate a war. But the main concern for Islamabad remains Washington’s plans that have been building up for years, and it is against these designs that Pakistan must have its own contingency plan to ensure that no attempt will ever succeed to destroy its nuclear arsenal. It would be in the fitness of things, if the Pakistani leadership not only educates its own people in case of such an eventuality, but also an exercise must be conducted to plug the loopholes that are detected in the effort, which has been made till now by the government to protect its vital assets.
In the same vein, Islamabad needs to take steps on the diplomatic front so that Pakistan can clearly tell the international community, especially the US, India and Israel, that there is no possibility of its nuclear weapons falling into the “wrong” hands. However, the best possible defence mechanism must be placed, for example, if it is a three-layer security, it should be enhanced to four-layers. It will surely increase the cost being borne by the Government of Pakistan, but the finances spent to protect the country’s vital deterrence from hostile forces will be money well spent.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that Pakistan should engage in an arms race; in fact, it means that minimal deterrence should always be maintained that is absolutely essential for the nation’s defence. In case of certain technological disadvantages, Pakistan can seek assistance from friendly countries like China and also purchase the much needed technologies from Europe that will boost its defence. In addition, it needs to purchase the technologies that would boost up the defence mechanism of the sites where the nuclear arsenal is kept, including radars and other military sensors, that would detect not only high flying US surveillance planes, but will also help Pakistan’s navigators to block those passages that are vulnerable and could be utilised by radar evading technology available with the US.
According to reports, anti-stealth technology is now available. It is important that Pakistan’s leadership, both civilian and military, make sincere efforts to immediately acquire this technology in order to ensure that the nation’s airspace is not violated in future. Although Pakistan does not have the capability to match America’s military power, yet the resolve of our people is enough to tilt the balance in favour of the country in case the Americans try to indulge in any misadventure.
More so, streamlining and pruning of the people attached with the nuclear programme must be periodically carried out to ensure that the enemy never succeeds in infiltrating into our system/organisation or the facility, which may bother us at a later stage. Despite the fact that the situation is not so alarming at present, it must be remembered that great national victories are always plotted during peace time and those countries that lower their guard during peaceful years tend to suffer the most once an eventuality is thrust on them. Thus, while Washington plots a strategy to dispossess Pakistan of its nuclear assets, Islamabad should design its own contingency plans to block the evil designs plotted against the country’s nuclear arsenal from any quarter. However, this objective can only be achieved in case dedicated and committed Pakistanis are associated with these programmes.
At the same time, it is necessary that the people of Pakistan, along with the civilian and military leadership, understand their responsibilities and ensure that no one - even the Americans - dare cast an evil eye on the country’s nukes for all times to come.
The writer has been associated with various newspapers as editor and columnist. At present, he hosts a political programme on Pakistan Television.

Link: USA’s future military plans | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
When will the Pakistani media give up on this India-US-Israel axis idea...
When will the Pakistani media give up on this India-US-Israel axis idea...

Until the real eventuality happens. It is still tragic that 100% of Pakistani defense is focused on us when other countries are just walking into their territory, getting their objective done (and in process, killing Pakistan's unconventional strategic assets) and simply walking out without any opposition. But then again, their military can only claim any legitimacy to power as long as we remain their enemies.

Sadly, the PA will end up getting Pakistan in big trouble by forcing third parties to involve other than India at all.
Until the real eventuality happens. It is still tragic that 100% of Pakistani defense is focused on us when other countries are just walking into their territory, getting their objective done (and in process, killing Pakistan's unconventional strategic assets) and simply walking out without any opposition. But then again, their military can only claim any legitimacy to power as long as we remain their enemies.

Sadly, the PA will end up getting Pakistan in big trouble by forcing third parties to involve other than India at all.

Only two-thirds of PA is postured towards Eastern border, now. Further, the threat on East is pretty conventional while the Western threat is more of the unconvential. Hence, the posture seems very correct in light of current manpower, we got...

And our strategic assets are super secure, nothing happening in there. Even though, a country in ME has been very fond of repeating its Baghdad performance.
I don't get this, even if US comes and takes all of Pakistanis nuclear arsenal, Pakistan will make more. You can't take away the knowledge and technology can you.

Its just scare mongering and anti US propaganda.
I don't get this, even if US comes and takes all of Pakistanis nuclear arsenal, Pakistan will make more. You can't take away the knowledge and technology can you.

Its just scare mongering and anti US propaganda.
But they can surely assassinate the "knowledge"!

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