In Israel, five high school seniors, schministim, would rather be locked up in jail than serve in the Israeli army to occupy and oppress Palestinians. Jewish Voice for Peace has begun a campaign to support them. Nineteen-year-old Yuval Oron-Ofir from an Arab-Jewish village, is currently in jail. (Since its actions have sparked so much bad press, the Israeli government has used bureaucratic loopholes to keep the other conscientious objectors out of jail.) Yuvals declaration of refusal is eloquent and moving. Here is part:
For 41 years now, Israel has been imposing an occupation of lands that are not its own. Lacking any moral justification or values, it rules over these lands by armed force My conscience does not allow me to join an organization that demolishes, by fiat of the state, the homes of innocent people, kills children who are not part of the armed fighting, and which prevents sick people from getting due treatment. The army interferes with the freedom of movement, undermines human rights and robs people of their land because they are not Jews. Implementing government orders, the Israeli army brings oppression and terror upon three and a half million Palestinians. With every day that passes, more people sink into this mire
Tell Israel: Free the Shministim!
For 41 years now, Israel has been imposing an occupation of lands that are not its own. Lacking any moral justification or values, it rules over these lands by armed force My conscience does not allow me to join an organization that demolishes, by fiat of the state, the homes of innocent people, kills children who are not part of the armed fighting, and which prevents sick people from getting due treatment. The army interferes with the freedom of movement, undermines human rights and robs people of their land because they are not Jews. Implementing government orders, the Israeli army brings oppression and terror upon three and a half million Palestinians. With every day that passes, more people sink into this mire
Tell Israel: Free the Shministim!