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The Second Fitna


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Written by : Mshari Al-Zaydi
on : Wednesday, 7 May, 2014

Opinion: The Second Fitna
Are we in the Arab world currently living through the era of the Second Fitna (tribulation), or a new phase of post-Arab Spring democracy?

The First Fitna, of course, was the period of major unrest in the early days of Islam over the assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman, with major Islamic figures, including some Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet, taking opposing sides. This fitna plunged the entire Islamic world—from the Hijaz to Iraq, to Egypt, the Levant and Yemen—into a state of unrest and turmoil whose repercussions continue to be felt by Muslims today.

In a recent television interview, Lebanese political leader Walid Jumblatt, analyzing the post-Arab Spring situation in the Middle East, described it as the Arab equivalent of the “fall of the Berlin Wall,” adding that chaos and intolerance had swept from behind the wall to engulf the entire region.

He said: “We have not succeeded in resolving our differences since the era of the First Fitna, and we are now paying the price for this.” Such talk may be captive to old frustrations, but when looking at the fighting taking place in Syria—between different factions as well as against the regime—we can hear the echoes of the battles of Siffin, Nahrawan, and Dayr Al-Jamajim which raged during the First Fitna.

Shi’ite fighters from Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon and Iran are fighting under the slogan, “Revenge for Al-Husayn,” in reference to the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson, Al-Husayn Ibn Ali, at Karbala in Iraq in 680 CE. This was a pivotal moment that split the nascent Islamic community. Also today, Sunni mujahideen from the Gulf and North Africa—in fact from across the world, including even Europe—are rushing to defend the “honorable” Levant, which is to say the Levant of Sunni Islam. These jihadists are fighting against what they deem Rawafid, a derogatory term meaning those who reject “true” Islam, and Majus, another derogatory term most often used by Sunnis to refer to Iranian Shi’ite Muslims. However, in Syria today, these are names that each faction, including those of the same sect, is calling the other.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri issued a statement this week calling on his “brothers” in Syria, specifically the Al-Nusra Front and its emir, Mohammed Al-Golani, to immediately stop fighting their “brother” jihadists in the Levant and turn their attention to the “enemies of Islam.” Zawahiri explicitly cited the Ba’athists, Alawites, and their allies, the rawafid, in his statement. The Al-Qaeda leader also addressed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria emir Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi—who claims to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad—to follow the path of his “grandfather,” Al-Hasan Ibn Ali, “who forfeited his role as Caliph to save the blood of Muslims.”

In an earlier recording, Zawahiri sought to incite terrorism in Egypt. Claiming that his predecessor Osama Bin Laden had been the spark for the Arab Spring, he said: “The events [of the Arab Spring] proved the foresight of the sheikh [Bin Laden], and he was calling for the completion of the revolutions that were lost in the quagmire of democracy.”

Let us compare the Al-Qaeda leader’s words with those of former Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, Yahya Rahim Safavi, who currently serves as military adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He famously said that Iran’s borders, specifically its southern border, end at the shores of the Mediterranean, namely encompassing all of Lebanon. He proudly stated that, “this is the third time that Iran’s influence has expanded to the shores of the Mediterranean,” referring to the march of the Persian Empire before Islam’s arrival in the Levant.

Bearing all this in mind, one comes to a dangerous conclusion, which is close to that put forward by Walid Jumblatt—namely that we are facing the resumption of the devastating civil wars that engulfed the first Islamic community. This is a state where every side is ready to mobilize and fight at the slightest pretext, regardless of the cost.

We are now truly in the era of the Second Fitna.


Mshari Al-Zaydi
Mshari Al-Zaydi is a Saudi journalist and expert on Islamic movements and Islamic fundamentalism, as well as on Saudi affairs. He is Asharq Al-Awsat’s opinion page editor. Mr. Zaydi has worked for the local Saudi press, and has been a guest on numerous news and current affairs programs as an expert on Islamic extremism.

Written by : Mshari Al-Zaydi
on : Wednesday, 7 May, 2014

Opinion: The Second Fitna
Are we in the Arab world currently living through the era of the Second Fitna (tribulation), or a new phase of post-Arab Spring democracy?

The First Fitna, of course, was the period of major unrest in the early days of Islam over the assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman, with major Islamic figures, including some Sahaba (companions) of the Prophet, taking opposing sides. This fitna plunged the entire Islamic world—from the Hijaz to Iraq, to Egypt, the Levant and Yemen—into a state of unrest and turmoil whose repercussions continue to be felt by Muslims today.

In a recent television interview, Lebanese political leader Walid Jumblatt, analyzing the post-Arab Spring situation in the Middle East, described it as the Arab equivalent of the “fall of the Berlin Wall,” adding that chaos and intolerance had swept from behind the wall to engulf the entire region.

He said: “We have not succeeded in resolving our differences since the era of the First Fitna, and we are now paying the price for this.” Such talk may be captive to old frustrations, but when looking at the fighting taking place in Syria—between different factions as well as against the regime—we can hear the echoes of the battles of Siffin, Nahrawan, and Dayr Al-Jamajim which raged during the First Fitna.

Shi’ite fighters from Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon and Iran are fighting under the slogan, “Revenge for Al-Husayn,” in reference to the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson, Al-Husayn Ibn Ali, at Karbala in Iraq in 680 CE. This was a pivotal moment that split the nascent Islamic community. Also today, Sunni mujahideen from the Gulf and North Africa—in fact from across the world, including even Europe—are rushing to defend the “honorable” Levant, which is to say the Levant of Sunni Islam. These jihadists are fighting against what they deem Rawafid, a derogatory term meaning those who reject “true” Islam, and Majus, another derogatory term most often used by Sunnis to refer to Iranian Shi’ite Muslims. However, in Syria today, these are names that each faction, including those of the same sect, is calling the other.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri issued a statement this week calling on his “brothers” in Syria, specifically the Al-Nusra Front and its emir, Mohammed Al-Golani, to immediately stop fighting their “brother” jihadists in the Levant and turn their attention to the “enemies of Islam.” Zawahiri explicitly cited the Ba’athists, Alawites, and their allies, the rawafid, in his statement. The Al-Qaeda leader also addressed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria emir Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi—who claims to be a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad—to follow the path of his “grandfather,” Al-Hasan Ibn Ali, “who forfeited his role as Caliph to save the blood of Muslims.”

In an earlier recording, Zawahiri sought to incite terrorism in Egypt. Claiming that his predecessor Osama Bin Laden had been the spark for the Arab Spring, he said: “The events [of the Arab Spring] proved the foresight of the sheikh [Bin Laden], and he was calling for the completion of the revolutions that were lost in the quagmire of democracy.”

Let us compare the Al-Qaeda leader’s words with those of former Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps commander, Yahya Rahim Safavi, who currently serves as military adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He famously said that Iran’s borders, specifically its southern border, end at the shores of the Mediterranean, namely encompassing all of Lebanon. He proudly stated that, “this is the third time that Iran’s influence has expanded to the shores of the Mediterranean,” referring to the march of the Persian Empire before Islam’s arrival in the Levant.

Bearing all this in mind, one comes to a dangerous conclusion, which is close to that put forward by Walid Jumblatt—namely that we are facing the resumption of the devastating civil wars that engulfed the first Islamic community. This is a state where every side is ready to mobilize and fight at the slightest pretext, regardless of the cost.

We are now truly in the era of the Second Fitna.


Mshari Al-Zaydi
Mshari Al-Zaydi is a Saudi journalist and expert on Islamic movements and Islamic fundamentalism, as well as on Saudi affairs. He is Asharq Al-Awsat’s opinion page editor. Mr. Zaydi has worked for the local Saudi press, and has been a guest on numerous news and current affairs programs as an expert on Islamic extremism.

The west had "predicted" it - I am sure with some prodding and help from our side :-) - a while back. Watch some interviews on You tube
Solomon desperately wants a full blown civil war in the Middle East. Makes you wonder why....

Israel and it's allies are always trying to get to that happen, so chaos at the expense of Israeli interests. It doesn't take much to tip off a large scale conflict.

Only God knows who has been setting off all these bombs in Muslim nations, especially in Iraq on a consistent basis. They sure aren't all ragtag militias.
Thank You for that clarification! Appreciate it! :tup:

But make no mistake that a wedge can only be used if there is an existing "gap." The west did not create it but just made them AWARE of it :-)
But make no mistake that a wedge can only be used if there is an existing "gap." The west did not create it but just made them AWARE of it :-)
Two sides to a story. But thank you for that comment as well.
If the world wants a second fitna then they should remember what followed the conclusion of the first fitna. Ziotards like @Solomon2 may be cheering such a thing right now but when it is over and the Muslims once again look towards Jerusalem he will be crying. :lol:
But make no mistake that a wedge can only be used if there is an existing "gap." The west did not create it but just made them AWARE of it :-)

Mind you, Muslim nations create artificial gaps to see who will try to exploit them from the outside, and hence what you call fitna, that is, to create chaos. And it is a Muslim war technique no one can match them in it, because they know the insides and outs of it, and they are adjusting to these foreign hands playing in their backyards for a relatively long time, that is why it is called:
Islamic awakening.
If the world wants a second fitna then they should remember what followed the conclusion of the first fitna. Ziotards like @Solomon2 may be cheering such a thing right now but when it is over and the Muslims once again look towards Jerusalem he will be crying. :lol:
He won't only be crying............;)
Mind you, Muslim nations create artificial gaps to see who will try to exploit them from the outside, and hence what you call fitna, that is, to create chaos. And it is a Muslim war technique no one can match them in it, because they know the insides and outs of it, and they are adjusting to these foreign hands playing in their backyards for a relatively long time, that is why it is called:
Islamic awakening.

As the saying goes "If you like me then you are doing a damn good job of hiding it." If it is a strategy they are doing a pretty damn good job of camouflaging it.

But in all honesty I don't buy your somewhat warped analysis.
Mind you, Muslim nations create artificial gaps to see who will try to exploit them from the outside, and hence what you call fitna, that is, to create chaos. And it is a Muslim war technique no one can match them in it, because they know the insides and outs of it, and they are adjusting to these foreign hands playing in their backyards for a relatively long time, that is why it is called:
Islamic awakening.
Is "pot" legal in canada? Just wondering?
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