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The real face of Britain and France about Syria and Islam


Apr 15, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
“Britain said it would increase aid to France and other African nations seeking to quell the Islamist uprising in Mali. ”

From my perspective, it couldn’t be clearer that the UK is indeed at war against Islam – that is, the Islam that it feels it can’t control.

The UK has absolutely no problem with the neutered neo-colonial Islam. In fact, it loves it. That’s the “Islam” that’s been peppered with western ideals, such as the phoney usury (riba) based economic system, and now the embrace of homosexuals into the flock, with leaders who push the mantra that ‘if you want to get change, first you must change yourself’ – as a cop out, and of course the biggie: The acceptance of the little horror zone otherwise known as Israyhell. Oh yes, the UK absolutely loves that Islam, just as those that destroyed Christianity were loved like the dirty Popes of the past, the John Calvins and Oliver Cromwells of history.

It even loves those stupid little idiots who believe the filthy sins/crimes they are doing in Syria is somehow legitimate under the unilateralist declaration of a Jihad, Why does the UK love them? because they dance to the UK’s tune, Remember Regan highly praising the Mujahadeen of Afghanistan against the Soviet presence there?

And should those ridiculously called ‘Jihadi’s’ in ever win in Syria, the PanZionist alliance will strangely and suddenly start hearing all the long said calls that groups like Al Nusra are Al Qaeda (what ever that means) affiliated, so the UK and its gang of like-minded thugs will seek to bomb the crap out of them in a very much weakened and scarred Syria, until they can install their own puppet in power that’s subservient to the evils of panZionism. But Al Nusra and co, seen far too stupid and misguided to see the writing on the wall.

Islam has already been pretty much hollowed out, there is only a tiny part of it is not going to yield to the hegemonic tyranny dished out by Zionist vassals – that actually make almost all ordinary peoples lives a misery, Muslin or not.

The way the UK has bent over backwards to birth this little bastard Israyhell is astounding, but fails to penetrate the thick skulls of Most colonised Muslims – to their eternal shame.

The UK and fellow partners in crime have done a great job. Hats off to them. I bet Muslims from say 1900AD-700AD could never have imagined this collapse and how even some so Muslims have assisted in it.

As part of their extraordinary success, they have managed to make even neutrals feel worried about a unified caliphate, pimping myths like Islam was spread by the sword etc… This is another reason why the UK is backing thise slime in Syria as their savageness can be seen by all – and while it’s correctly rejected, it’s falsely taken that THAT is what living under Islam would be like.

It put it to you dear reader that a proper unified Islamic Caliphate will in fact provide you with a very successful and peaceful life, which, while you may not be able to go to a place under Caliphate dominion to go on a pubcrawl or try to ‘pull a bird’ (or whatever your vice is), will give you intellectual liberty, education, security, harmony, real fair economics, sustainability, wholesomeness (nutrition wise also) and freedom of atheistic thought or alternative religious belief.

Trouble is, its the way Muslims have been perverted (some under their own steam) that makes it very hard to envisage that ever becoming a reality.

“What war against Islam?” (incriminating statements)” – lwtc247, see: What war against Islam? | Living with the Conspiracy 24-7

“European colonialists conspired to destroy the Khilafah state” – Abdul-Kareem, see: European colonialists conspired to destroy the Khilafah state

“The Power Behind the Rebels Why No Revolution Exists in Syria” – By Shamus Cooke, see: The Power Behind the Rebels: Why No Revolution Exists in Syria

But Britain has one of largest migrant Muslim from Pakistan, India and other South Asian nations....I am even not sure..why our subcontintal Muslim population prefer Britain over US..So if we by your logic Muslim people should not migrate to Britain at all..But it is not happening...
“Britain said it would increase aid to France and other African nations seeking to quell the Islamist uprising in Mali. ”

From my perspective, it couldn’t be clearer that the UK is indeed at war against Islam – that is, the Islam that it feels it can’t control.

The UK has absolutely no problem with the neutered neo-colonial Islam. In fact, it loves it. That’s the “Islam” that’s been peppered with western ideals, such as the phoney usury (riba) based economic system, and now the embrace of homosexuals into the flock, with leaders who push the mantra that ‘if you want to get change, first you must change yourself’ – as a cop out, and of course the biggie: The acceptance of the little horror zone otherwise known as Israyhell. Oh yes, the UK absolutely loves that Islam, just as those that destroyed Christianity were loved like the dirty Popes of the past, the John Calvins and Oliver Cromwells of history.

It even loves those stupid little idiots who believe the filthy sins/crimes they are doing in Syria is somehow legitimate under the unilateralist declaration of a Jihad, Why does the UK love them? because they dance to the UK’s tune, Remember Regan highly praising the Mujahadeen of Afghanistan against the Soviet presence there?

And should those ridiculously called ‘Jihadi’s’ in ever win in Syria, the PanZionist alliance will strangely and suddenly start hearing all the long said calls that groups like Al Nusra are Al Qaeda (what ever that means) affiliated, so the UK and its gang of like-minded thugs will seek to bomb the crap out of them in a very much weakened and scarred Syria, until they can install their own puppet in power that’s subservient to the evils of panZionism. But Al Nusra and co, seen far too stupid and misguided to see the writing on the wall.

Islam has already been pretty much hollowed out, there is only a tiny part of it is not going to yield to the hegemonic tyranny dished out by Zionist vassals – that actually make almost all ordinary peoples lives a misery, Muslin or not.

The way the UK has bent over backwards to birth this little bastard Israyhell is astounding, but fails to penetrate the thick skulls of Most colonised Muslims – to their eternal shame.

The UK and fellow partners in crime have done a great job. Hats off to them. I bet Muslims from say 1900AD-700AD could never have imagined this collapse and how even some so Muslims have assisted in it.

As part of their extraordinary success, they have managed to make even neutrals feel worried about a unified caliphate, pimping myths like Islam was spread by the sword etc… This is another reason why the UK is backing thise slime in Syria as their savageness can be seen by all – and while it’s correctly rejected, it’s falsely taken that THAT is what living under Islam would be like.

It put it to you dear reader that a proper unified Islamic Caliphate will in fact provide you with a very successful and peaceful life, which, while you may not be able to go to a place under Caliphate dominion to go on a pubcrawl or try to ‘pull a bird’ (or whatever your vice is), will give you intellectual liberty, education, security, harmony, real fair economics, sustainability, wholesomeness (nutrition wise also) and freedom of atheistic thought or alternative religious belief.

Trouble is, its the way Muslims have been perverted (some under their own steam) that makes it very hard to envisage that ever becoming a reality.

“What war against Islam?” (incriminating statements)” – lwtc247, see: What war against Islam? | Living with the Conspiracy 24-7

“European colonialists conspired to destroy the Khilafah state” – Abdul-Kareem, see: European colonialists conspired to destroy the Khilafah state

“The Power Behind the Rebels Why No Revolution Exists in Syria” – By Shamus Cooke, see: The Power Behind the Rebels: Why No Revolution Exists in Syria

“Britain said it would increase aid to France and other African nations seeking to quell the Islamist uprising in Mali. ”

Why, the Brits are either confused about geography or France has deteriorated much more that was evident from the reports on the economic and financial crises....

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