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The Other Side of Pakistan - you don't get to see ;)

. . .
Pakistan is just a normal, functioning country just like every other out there. Sure, we have wars going on on our western front, troubles in balochistan, disputes with India, US, terrorism and what not, but to even think that out of 180 million+ people in the nation, everyone is living like what they show on the TV about us is down right stupid :)

But I'm personally against tatoos (religion aside), as they're permanent, so you have to bear them for the rest of your life should you start hating them :tdown:
So is getting tattoos a "cool" thing? The only message i'm seeing in such behavior is a inferiority complex, that a society has to adopt Western culture in order to be seen as a progressing country, their must be strip clubs, bars, pubs, tattoos and wild youth getting drunk and partying having hangovers, indeed these are signs of a progressing society, we must accept these foreign ideas in order to be accepted as a progressing, modern, and liberal nation by the west, but alas do these people not know that they will not accept us no matter how we throw our selves in front of them.
i did it when i was some 10-12 years old then my mom get mad on me :rofl: i write my name's first word I with design but letter remove with acid in 2001:cry:

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