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The making of ISIS


Jul 22, 2012
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The US funding the Syrian opposition!

We will provide "non-lethal" assistance? Committed to political transition? Not a civil war.....

US funded weapons for them!

Why do nothing when videos of so called ISIS "on US equipment" was making on its way to the internet?

How did US not see this coming/ happening? Something wrong with their intelligence or did they intentionally make it happen?
US taxpayers seem to have some blood on their hands to make some defence contractors rich and making some other people homeless and orphans!
Very similar script to Al-Qaida. After fall of Soviet Union, an enemy was required. Same is after fall of Al-Qadia.
But thankfully there is an unwelcome guest, ruining the whole script.

Just look at the excellent choice of name Islamic State, as it is complete representative of Islam.
US taxpayers seem to have some blood on their hands to make some defence contractors rich and making some other people homeless and orphans!

Syrian's only fault was that they were a small nation.
Foreign powers played very well ,tested their new weapons against them including Russians.millions of people became homeless .Refugee problem was a hot news recently .Now reports are coming about a possible deporatation of refugees from EU.
But again world forgot them.
This is not about weapon advertisment but also strategic gameplay to satisfy human ego.
I call it planned genocide!
Of Course .The entities that planned these bloodbath happens to be world most powerful persons,companies ,intel agencies and also nations.They written these script ,they know the events ,consequences etc.
Not only arms manufactures but oil companies also took a huge profit.
This is a conglomerate and their only morality is profit and power.
Human lives are nothing in these game.
May be US is funding them but do you people really think that each and every Islamic terror organizations are blowing innocent people just for money?? What makes them to become suicide bomber? Money?? What is the use of money after death? Lol. A strong ideology need to make their mind blocked, it can't be done by money alone.
innocent people just for money??
Why not? People kill for much less!

What makes them to become suicide bomber? Money??
A misconception, a manipulated ideology and mindset!

A strong ideology need to make their mind blocked, it can't be done by money alone.
A strong ideology which has been nurtured for a very long time!

Telling them that USA is bombing you (not a lie btw) and the ONLY way to go around is it bomb their allies (whoever is taking part in WOT), bomb the infrastructure that is helping them communicate with USA, bomb the people/ govt who is taking their money and harming the people, bomb the schools teaching their propaganda....Heck even hate those who catch you at airports, lock you in detention without trials (as the story of a few ISIS supporters), bar you from going to middle east or from seeking job (esp when you background check doesnt come ok or a tag is stuck to you without you even doing anything wrong)....When people bash your religion instead of the monsters that arent representing your religion are hijacking it...so when you are told you are fighting these monsters.....

when you have made the stage for just that...it is not hard to manipulate!

Now no one is telling them that these institutions includes INNOCENT PEOPLE and also women and children ....OR WORSE tells them that this is a small price to pay for the bigger picture..

Now having said all this ....We have to see what mindset made up ISIS?

The self declared leader was a regular at a club- always found drunk and doing drugs! And suddenly he is found in Syria claiming he accepted Islam? Lovely story....

Majority of the ISIS idiots did nothing Islamic....if they claim to have come to Islam on their own...then they would have researched on it....how did they end up with misconceptions? Of course no one asks these questions - it requires thinking which many arent willing....
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