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Visa scam involving Pakistan’s Olympic team*uncovered
DAWN.COM | Latest News, Breaking News, Pakistan News, Pakistani News, World News, Business, Business News, Science and Technology, Entertainment News, Sport News, Cricket, South Asia, South Asia News, Memo Gate
Agencies | 6 hours ago

KARACHI: A British tabloid has allegedly uncovered a visa scam involving Pakistan’s Olympic contingent.
According to the investigation, a group of travel agents and politicians are involved in the scam which allows anyone to travel with the Pakistani contingent as support staff if they pay a certain amount of money.
Fake passports, travel documents, a visa for two months and a letter from the Pakistan Sports Board claiming that the person is part of Pakistan’s Olympic support staff can all be arranged for around one million Pakistani rupees (7000 pounds), it was reported.
Abid Chodhary, the politician and Dream Land travel agency were allegedly involved.
The British and Pakistani authorities have been notified. Pakistan’s advisor to the Prime Minister on interior, Rehman Malik, said that the relevant people have been informed and will be looking into the matter.
Malik has formed a joint investigation team to investigate the scam.The team would include officials from the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Intelligence Bureau (IB) and Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).
The Director General (DG) FIA would head the investigation team.
Eight employees of National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) have been suspended and Chairman Nadra Tariq Malik has* has ordered inquiry into the matter.
Meanwhile, a Pakistani official, while talking to DawnNews, rubbished the story as an attempt to discredit Pakistan. He also added that it was not possible for anyone to sneak in as part of Pakistan’s contingent as there were proper checks conducted and a lot of documentation required.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

London Olympics 2012 False Flag - setting the stage !

The final battle for Damascus has begun after the elimination of the entire Syrian security team in a suicide strike by the terrorists of Syrian version of the "TTP". Just as they are doing in Pakistan to spread anarchy, the CIA is heavily using "Al-CIADA" to spread anarchy in Syria and to "soften up" the country for final invasion by NATO. Already the crusaders are moving UN to gain international approval for their intervention against Syria. This is exactly how they did in Libya just few months back. This is how they plan to create environment to declare a war against Pakistan also.

The CIA backed TTP or "Al-Qaeda" terrorists create anarchy and destroy the internal security of Pakistan. Or these terrorists conduct a false flag terrorists operation in Europe which will then be blamed on Pakistan and then all hell will break lose. CIA used 9/11 false flag operation to wage a war against Afghanistan. WMD (weapons of mass destruction) false flag threat to wage a war against Iraq. Now they plan a war against Pakistan. By blocking NATO supplies, Pakistan had made it difficult for the NATO to invade Pakistan. Now when the regime has allowed the NATO supplies to go through, CIA and MI6 are all set to stage a false flag operation in London Olympics to blame it on Pakistan and then to use that excuse to mobilize the UN to justify an intervention.

The entire British media is already creating the environment that a Pakistan based terrorist group of "Al-Qaeda" is planning an attack on London Olympics. The signs are too clear to ignore. That is why we say that under these circumstances, we urgently need a strong government in Islamabad and elections would be fatal for the country. The enemies outside the country and the traitors within have already prepared and damaged the the country enough to invite an external invasion. Let them plot and plan. Allah is plotting and planning as well and indeed He is the best of the planners. if it has to come to a physical war, just as it is happening in Syria now and happened in Libya before, then be it. Let the crusaders and their puppy dogs in India come. Muslims in Pakistan are ready to receive them with guns in hand. Our warning to them stand firm -- we will NOT take prisoners, InshAllah!






Terror arrests: former BBC security guard Richard Dart charged
Former BBC security guard Richard Dart has been charged with preparing for acts of terrorism along with four others.

Richard Dart, 29, is a white Muslim convert who featured in a BBC documentary last year filmed by his own brother about his conversion. *
1:35AM BST 19 Jul 2012

Dart, from West Ealing in West London, featured in a BBC documentary last year about his conversion to Islam.Four others were charged with terrorism offences following investigations by the Metropolitan Police counter terrorism command, the force said today.
Three men were charged last night with offences that involved travelling to Pakistan for training in terrorism between July 2010 and July 2012.A woman was also charged with possessing terrorist material.All four were arrested between July 5 and 7.


Olympic ‘terror visas’ racket
Pakistan passport gang is smashed

Published: Today at 01:11
A VISA scam giving potential terrorists the chance to sneak into Britain with Pakistan’s Olympic team has been smashed by The Sun.
We infiltrated a crime ring offering false passports, visas — and access to London 2012 as bogus support staff.
We uncovered a ring of corrupt Pakistani officials and travel staff conspiring with a prominent politician to bypass stringent security.
First they provided our undercover investigator with a genuine Pakistani passport in a false name.
Then leading Lahore politician Abid Chodhary spelled out how for around £7,000 he could get our man a two-month visa — and smuggle him into London 2012 as part of Pakistan’s Olympic squad.
The Sun secretly filmed Mr Chodhary as he explained how easy it was to get into the Olympic Village by masquerading as a member of the athletes’ support team.
We were told we could even take part in Friday’s opening ceremony.
Altaf warns of rogue state status for Pakistan
By News Desk
Published: July 20, 2012
Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain cautioned on Thursday that the security, sovereignty and integrity of the country were under threat.
Talking at the international secretariat of the MQM in London, Altaf said that the US Congress had recently urged the State department to designate the Haqqani network as a terrorist organisation and has demanded action against it from Pakistan. He said that Pakistan could also be declared a terrorist country if any leader of this militant organisation was found involved in any terrorist activity outside Pakistan.
He said that it was highly regrettable that instead of thinking about the survival of the country, politicians were busy in power politics, according to a press release issued here.
He went on to call for an end to clashes between the government, judiciary, military and the opposition.
The MQM chief said militant organisations formed during the Cold War had turned into Frankenstein monsters, and turned against our own army officers and men.
Talking about the media in Pakistan, Altaf regretted that Pakistani politicians, intellectuals, anchor persons and columnists were not informing the public over the real facts regarding the national crisis. He cautioned that most international newspapers and magazines had reported that a number of US war fleets had reached Pakistani waters in the Arabian Sea.
The MQM chief also addressed ‘great’ internal threats being faced by the country. He said politicians were resorting to one-upmanship at a time when the country was mired in inflation, load-shedding, unemployment and poverty.
Altaf advised the MQM leaders, elected representatives and office-bearers to create awareness among Pakistani people and inform them about the difficult circumstances facing the country. Members of the coordination committee, elected representatives, and members of the MQM international secretariat were also present on the occasion.
Published in The Express Tribune, July 20th, 2012.

Beautiful by Hamid sab. Batman thanks for the articles.
U need to push thank button sir!
& I need your views?
You want my views on olympics, my younger brother is going to them sir, I live 10 mins away, any such attack is not pleasant to think about.
You want my views on olympics, my younger brother is going to them sir, I live 10 mins away, any such attack is not pleasant to think about.

You should let every one in your contact. Know about it, with dicipline let the pak community do some meetings to show up in the british media.

Even its a 50 50% chance, but you don't need to panic soldier, its the time to let every one know , so you mobilize pak commmunity about it, if you are able to do it, even 50% the unknown danger would hve less effect.

Btw , its not just altaf hussain, NS was there & just come back, now IMRAN is there too, he went there just after meeting munter( the out going ambassdor of usa) & just a day befre , munter has met with our president & NS.
God knows what's they are cooking now, but its smelling bad already?
Remember all of our politicians are sold , they are pupets for rent.
Take care & don't pannic, just do as I say!
Good luck
You should let every one in your contact. Know about it, with dicipline let the pak community do some meetings to show up in the british media.

Even its a 50 50% chance, but you don't need to panic soldier, its the time to let every one know , so you mobilize pak commmunity about it, if you are able to do it, even 50% the unknown danger would hve less effect.

Sir these are just theories and speculation. If you can't give 100% proof, no one will care. We have no choice but to let the event happen and see if anything occurs.

Btw , its not just altaf hussain, NS was there & just come back, now IMRAN is there too, he went there just after meeting munter( the out going ambassdor of usa) & just a day befre , munter has met with our president & NS.
God knows what's they are cooking now, but its smelling bad already?
Remember all of our politicians are sold , they are pupets for rent.
Take care & don't pannic, just do as I say!
Good luck
Here we go again, you will just have to accept that Imran Khan will be PM, even though the people don't deserve it, they deserve PPP and PMLN for voting corrupt politicians all the time.
Well I m scared for Pakistan. They are creating chaos in Syria by encouraging and funding the terrorists. Same thing is done through TTP in Pakistan. With a little bit more resources, the TTP can be made into a bigger terror group. Then there will be noises about safety of nuclear weapons. With the army divided and spread all over the country fighting the militants and country nominally ruled by leaders who have self-interests above the country's, its not such a difficult operation.
Well I m scared for Pakistan. They are creating chaos in Syria by encouraging and funding the terrorists. Same thing is done through TTP in Pakistan. With a little bit more resources, the TTP can be made into a bigger terror group. Then there will be noises about safety of nuclear weapons. With the army divided and spread all over the country fighting the militants and country nominally ruled by leaders who have self-interests above the country's, its not such a difficult operation.

so thn what we can do about it, shall we keep our heads down in the holy sand till the cat eats us over?
plz come up the solutions?
cause we need solutions, this fourm give us a chance to disscuss, the situation!

Sir these are just theories and speculation. If you can't give 100% proof, no one will care. We have no choice but to let the event happen and see if anything occurs.

Here we go again, you will just have to accept that Imran Khan will be PM, even though the people don't deserve it, they deserve PPP and PMLN for voting corrupt politicians all the time.
sory with all the likeness of IMRAN in my mind, i dont see him becoming the PM, of a country where only 22% of educated voters will going to vote fr him, maybe?
this is not the solution, friend!
what happens if , a war happens before any elections?
would you still , be singing PTI songs, then?
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