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The Japanese Navy evolving towards LCS development


May 29, 2014
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United States
A flexible and reconfigurable seaframe, LCS derives combat capability from rapidly interchangeable mission modules and an open architecture command and control system. Modularity maximizes the flexibility of LCS and enables commanders to meet changing warfare needs, while also supporting spiral development and technology refresh. In light of the various risks to the Japanese Nation, and the Global Alliance , the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force is proceeding in earnest towards developing an LCS combat ship designs -- a future of the Japanese Naval Forces. These will be ready to meet the exigency of the future -- in the Greater Asia-Pacific Region.




Following a meeting between U.S. Ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida on March 4, the two governments announced that the Japanese Defense Ministry and the U.S. Department of Defense would hold studies for the joint development of the vessel under the bilateral Mutual Defense Assistance (MDA) agreement.

Although very little information has been released about the project, analysts contend that the trimaran would likely be a lighter variant of the U.S. Navy’s 3,000-tonne littoral combat ship (LCS), a platform designed primarily for missions in shallow coastal waters.

According to reports in Japanese media, the high-speed J-LCS would give the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) the ability to quickly intervene during incursions by Chinese vessels near the Senkaku/Diaoyu islets and other contested areas of the East China Sea. Chinese analysts speculate that the J-LCS could be intended as a counter to the PLA Navy’s (PLAN) Type 056 corvettes and Type 022 fast-attack boats, two types of vessels that could be deployed to the region should relations continue to deteriorate. Furthermore, early reports indicate that the slightly enlarged hull of the 1,000-tonne-plus vessels could accommodate SH-60K anti-submarine helicopters and MCH-101 airborne mine countermeasures (AMCM) helicopters.

US, Japan to Jointly Develop Littoral Combat Ship | The Diplomat


@SvenSvensonov @AMDR

;) ;)

When I first read the title I wanted to start crying:lol:. All I thought was, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I like the modularity of the LCS design philosophy, being able to adapt a ship to fit any role was a great concept, it just hasn't quite worked... yet, progress is being made on our LCS and over time they will serve with distinction and capability.

For Japan, they need to get this right the first time, no embarrassingly under-gunned, over-priced ships. Make them modular, make all sorts of different warfare packages to remain able to evolve to your enemies evolving, but by goodness, please, please make sure you do it right!!!!!

Also a trimaran design:o:? The Independence Class is the red-headed step child the USN never wanted and still doesn't. A Freedom Class design would be a better choice in my not so humble opinion.
When I first read the title I wanted to start crying:lol:. All I thought was, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I like the modularity of the LCS design philosophy, being able to adapt a ship to fit any role was a great concept, it just hasn't quite worked... yet, progress is being made on our LCS and over time they will serve with distinction and capability.

For Japan, they need to get this right the first time, no embarrassingly under-gunned, over-priced ships. Make them modular, make all sorts of different warfare packages to remain able to evolve to your enemies evolving, but by goodness, please, please make sure you do it right!!!!!

Also a trimaran design:o:? The Independence Class is the red-headed step child the USN never wanted and still doesn't. A Freedom Class design would be a better choice in my not so humble opinion.

My sources from JMSDF tell me that --- Cruise Missile-like Platforms --- will be installed in this vessel class. We are seeing not just the creation of 1 class of LCS , but multiple classes on the table --- as the JMSDF is planning to retire our older light destroyers soon.

Exciting time, buddy. Exciting time. ;)
My sources from JMSDF tell me that --- Cruise Missile-like Platforms --- will be installed in this vessel class. We are seeing not just the creation of 1 class of LCS , but multiple classes on the table --- as the JMSDF is planning to retire our older light destroyers soon.

Exciting time, buddy. Exciting time. ;)

Shhhhh, you had me at "Cruise Missile.":D Seeing those words and JSDF in the same sentence is like... well something naughty that would get me banned if I described it:bunny:. What a major increase this will be for the JMSDF, assuming these are offensive and not defensive missiles meant to allow Japan to strike an enemy's shores and not just ships. A first strike, deep-strike capacity is what Japan has needed as its region grows more dangerous. Currently Japan can fend for itself, but not strike back too hard, cruise missiles will change the calculus and let any aggressor know they will be hit equally hard.

Next up nukes:partay: - never let the "Japan Option" die.
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