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The intelligence picture: Hamas searching for a 'victory picture'


Aug 5, 2012
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The intelligence picture: Hamas searching for a 'victory picture'
07/26/2014 14:26

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As Hamas watches two years of war preparations be destroyed, it may attempt its largest-scale rocket attack on Israel to date as the terror group searches for an image of achievement it can present to the people of Gaza.

Hamas members are seen close up during a press conference in the Gaza Strip last week. Photo: REUTERS
According to Israeli intelligence evaluations, Hamas was surprised by the timing and scope of Israel's ground offensive.

Hamas also remains frustrated by the fact that after two years of preparations, and enormous resources poured into the armament and tunnels programs, it hardly has any visible achievements to show for its efforts.

Hence, Hamas continues to search for a "victory picture" it can present to the people of Gaza, while preparing for a drawn-out conflict. Rocket fire has dropped from an average of 130 attacks a day to 70, as Hamas paces itself, and saves what remains of its rocket arsenal for the remainder of its clash with Israel.

Hamas's goal is to terrorize millions of Israelis and wage a ware of attrition against the Israeli home front, so that it can present this as an "achievement" to Palestinians at the end of the war. One possibility is that Hamas may seek a victory image by launching a massive wave of rockets, targeting nearly all of Israel simultaneously, in the coming days.

Despite the seemingly united front being presented by Hamas's military and political wings, deep tensions continue to exist between them.

The two wings are in close communication, and senior Hamas member Marwan Issa acts as a bridge between them. Nevertheless, Hamas's military wing, known as the Al-Qassam Brigades, has been progressively losing power to the political wing, which is the sovereign government in Gaza.

The Al-Kassam Brigades, which once called the shots in Gaza, remains intent on continuing the current conflict with Israel for as long as it can. Due to its decentralized operational structure, it will be difficult to identify a clear point in time when the Al-Kassam Brigades breaks under Israel's pressure, despite sustaining a series of heavy blows from the IDF.

According to evaluations in Israel, Hamas did not wish to meet IDF Ground Forces in Gaza, and did not plan on such a development occurring this month.

Additionally, the clashes with Hamas have shed light on the degree to which Hamas has reached self-reliance in Gaza.

It fires projectiles that are manufactured by a domestic Gazan arms industry. Hamas understands that it cannot count on access to the outside world for weapons imports. It has even self-produced around ten drones.

Hamas invested in a naval commando unit, and spent years training it to carry out raids against the Israeli coastline.

Yet all of these capabilities have been blocked by Israeli defenses this month.

Meanwhile, on the ground, Hamas maintains six territorial brigades and 26 battalions. Many of these elements - over 300 field commanders - are cut off from command and control sites that have been destroyed by the IDF. With tunnels also being destroyed, Hamas's terrorists are increasingly isolated and exposed.

Over the past year, Hamas created specialized brigades and battalions for tunnel warfare. They are tasked with using cross-border underground passages to send murder squads into Israel. Their missions include kidnapping a soldier, disrupting an Israeli ground offensive, and going on killing sprees in Israeli villages near the border.

These cells are seen by Hamas as elite forces. Each Hamas company is responsible for the tunnels in its area of operations, and Hamas's military wing chief, Muhammad Deif, is the senior "tunnels officer."

When it comes to defense, Hamas has built dynamic lines of protection around its tunnel network inside Gaza. It also recently set up a field intelligence division that closely tracks the IDF's activities.

These measures have failed to stop the IDF from systematically destroying the Gazan tunnel network, but they have exacted a painful number of Israeli casualties.

Israeli intelligence believes that the morale of Hamas battalions on the front line is currently low, as a result of the IDF's tactical successes. The IDF is witnessing a decrease in attempts by Hamas to engage its units.

The army expects the end of the conflict - whenever it may come - to mark the beginning of a prolonged period of calm.

Hamas will need time to rebuild itself, after sustaining large-scale damage, particularly to its weapons industry, and Israeli deterrence will be replenished, according to these evaluations. The result will be that Hamas will think long and hard before choosing to go to war against Israel in the near future.
Its already won

Hamas is a resistance organisation that has resisted

Israel has harmed its own economy, international standing, had its main cities including capital city under rocket attack

To achieve what?? Back to step one where a political solution is the only way

Hell hamas was very isolated before the attack and had to agree to a unity government

Well the unity government is still standing and hamas popularity has increased and major players have been forced to talk to it and consider their demands

If hamas gets some concessions then regardless of the death toll it is a clear winner

And all israel will be remembered for is dead civilians
first victims and now those terrorist f**ks are trying to pose as victors!
height of hypocrisy. may Israel burn hamas down to ashes.
There no hamas their just normal civilians

A ceasefire will start soon and its back to square one with the israelis not defeating a people surrounded on all sides

The israelis have come out of this very badly

whilst looking like complete scum and having increased anti semitism and put the worlds jews at risk
An example of the crippling blows to hamas by IDF.

View attachment 40765

View attachment 40766

150 palestinians have surrendered to Israel,mostly militant terrorists among them.

IDF makes up all their own figures. Hamas has lost 110 soldiers since the beginning of the whole Israeli assault. Hamas still has most of it's weapon arsenal(Nothing wrong with that). Apparently IDF and their fanboys make it appear criminal if Palestinians arm themselves.

All those arrested are civilian males, not soldiers.

This thread is foolish.
IDF makes up all their own figures. Hamas has lost 110 soldiers since the beginning of the whole Israeli assault. Hamas still has most of it's weapon arsenal(Nothing wrong with that). Apparently IDF and their fanboys make it appear criminal if Palestinians arm themselves.

All those arrested are civilian males, not soldiers.

This thread is foolish.
Don't you wish so.The Israeli figures are reliable as they have to maintain transparency as a democracy,for it is accountable to its own people.Don't talk of crappy conspiracy theories.The terrorists killed is 240+ while several terrorists have surrendered to Israel for fear of their lives.
And they are prepared to kill 1000 more of their people.

They do not care how many of their own they kill.

Hamas has truly become utter evil.
Correction,it always was evil.The top dogs of hamas don't care for the ordinary folks as long as their coffers are full and they enjoy a lavish lifestyle outside of gaza.
Don't you wish so.The Israeli figures are reliable as they have to maintain transparency as a democracy,for it is accountable to its own people.Don't talk of crappy conspiracy theories.The terrorists killed is 240+ while several terrorists have surrendered to Israel for fear of their lives.

You are a clown who can believe what you want. Even if we do believe your numbers.

That means 800 civilians killed.
You are a clown who can believe what you want. Even if we do believe your numbers.

That means 800 civilians killed.
Says the guy who speaks through his *** without sources or any sort of evidence.Where is the validation that only a hundred or so hamas members have died and all,literally every single one of those 150 surrendered individuals are civilians with absolutely no role in violence against the state of Israel and its people?
Israel made a mistake

they wanted a quick war for domestic consumption

weaken hamas a bit followed by a couple of years of peace and the status quo goes on

they didnt think hamas would regularly target Tel aviv
refuse a cease fire
kill almost 50 IDF

hurt israels economy and tourism by dragging the war on

drag israels image through the mud internationally

increase anti semitism across the world including the Holocaust being mocked

pick up support as an effective resistance organisation

and have the world support effective concessions and end of the siege
Says the guy who speaks through his *** without sources or any sort of evidence.Where is the validation that only a hundred or so hamas members have died and all,literally every single one of those 150 surrendered individuals are civilians with absolutely no role in violence against the state of Israel and its people?

Hey, don't get upset at me. We're using your IDF numbers which have source or evidence. So that still makes it 800 civilians according to IDF numbers.
Hey, don't get upset at me. We're using your IDF numbers which have source or evidence. So that still makes it 800 civilians according to IDF numbers.
I am asking for proof of your claim that only 100 or so hamas terrorists have been neutralised and those 150 surrendered individuals are all strictly civilians,every single one of them,with no participation in violence against the state of Israel and its citizens.
First time signing up on a Pakistani forum and spouting shit out of there mouths on a saturday night

Injdians HaHaHaHaHa

No woman
No life HaHaHaHaHa
I am asking for proof of your claim that only 100 or so hamas terrorists have been neutralised and those 150 surrendered individuals are all strictly civilians,every single one of them,with no participation in violence against the state of Israel and its citizens.

We don't need any proof. We have numbers from your God(IDF). Therefore you do the math, 820 civilians killed.

First time signing up on a Pakistani forum and spouting shit out of there mouths on a saturday night

Injdians HaHaHaHaHa

No woman
No life HaHaHaHaHa

This Indian is an extremist clown. Than you have the Morrocan Jew here who has been banned 74 times.

Only those two people are trying to spread IDF propaganda. But, the talking points they have are so lousy and extreme. No one bothers to address them.

They make Israel look a lot worse.

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