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The Future of the Japanese Navy: Supercarrier Genesis

Aircraft carriers are for OFFENSE not DEFENSE. Japan will need to rewrite it's constitution to give it's military more power.
Lol Seems our island peer Japan wants to join the exclusive super carrier club as well . Anyway for a island country a powerful offensive navy is always needed to project power and defend sea lanes/interests globally.
Interesting. :)

First---Why no EMALS??I think Japan will launch first Carrier post 2020,so why no EMALS??
Second-- when you're going to unfurl this??


Third-- if someone is kind enough,please tell me about those infos given in japanese about carrier.
Japan will need to rewrite it's constitution to give it's military more power.

HUH? It just did under Abe, C130! Not 6 months ago!
External and internal re-write with loads of mil latitude!

Do check it out, Tay.
Love from turkey! Go Nihon go!!!
Japan should also export its 5th generation aircraft,submarine, and so on... This way it will also create its own alliance... Turkey always will be next to you!!
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