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The Depth of the Firangis' Enmity & Malice Toward India (& Pakistan)


Dec 21, 2008
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I have said in another thread "Pakistan is a firangi-controlled insurgency within India, created by the firangis to serve their purposes. The United States is the firangi nation in control of Pakistan now. We will rub the United States out of existence. But we would not like Pakistan to be hurt."

The depth of the firangis' malice toward India can be seen in the following from Lord Macaulay:-

Lord Macaulay's address to the British parliament, Feb 2, 1835:-

"I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber, that I do not think that we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation."

The success of this program is seen in Indians -- from president and prime minister to parliament to the media -- exulting in Oscar awards from the white master for the British movie, "Slumdog Millionaire", which defecates on India and calling it their own.

It is also seen in, for exmple, a former head of RAW, Vikram Sood, in an article in Hindustan Times, repeatedly quoting the white/Christian head of the missionary school he attended as the fount of all wisdom on various issues and referring to Indians as worshippers of snakes and monkeys on a Times of India blog. Most of all it is seen in RAW and heads of RAW, including Sood, participating in the C.I.A.'s crimes against India and the greatest living Indian which exceed in the depth of their malice and depravity any in the history of mankind. See post # 1 in this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-raw-indias-external-intelligence-agency.html and also the links at the bottom of post # 1 of this thread.

The British succeeded in this program because of their superiority in technology. India's RAW, India's Army chief, India's government and media -- all participate in the sabotage and suppression of the development of India's technology, as you will see if you click on the links above, as also in the suppression of India's greatest scientist and greatest living Indian who is kept under 24-hour satellite surveillance for this purpose by the Americans who spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on 'neutralising' him.

As I have said in another thread, the Americans have demanded access to Mumbai attack suspects in Pakistan, knowing that the Pakistanis "will continue to submit as they submitted to the scandal of the British rule over India" "because they know the same cowardly Indian blood runs in the veins of Pakistanis". And "A thunderous silence descends on both their Indian and Pakistani slaves when their slavery to the White Master is pointed out. 'Why are you asking us to fight the White Master? The task assigned to us by the White Master is to fight each other'."

You cannot shame or prod the Indians into action against the white master. Those in a position to block action -- they are in New Delhi -- have to be removed like so much inanimate matter. Two nuclear explosions are needed to move enough of this inanimate matter out of the way. This is a time sensitive task & has to be done without delay. Only technical or logistical reasons can justify any delay; otherwise this should go ahead at the first possible opportunity. There should be no hesitation in this. This is merely the first stage of a bigger task I have described -- nuclear supremacy over and extermination of the white race and the liberation of India.

How will the white race be exterminated? This is how:-

In designing nuclear weapons for use against the United States, radioactive materials should be identified that can be dispersed over the territory of the United States, either via separate radiological weapons (“dirty bombs”) or as part of the regular thermonuclear weapons, that will so contaminate the territory of the United States with radioactivity that nothing will grow there for at least several years that can be consumed without getting a lethal dose of radiation. This will force the Americans who survive the nuclear bomb explosions on the four thousand largest population centers to eat one another till no one remains alive.

The ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with such radioactivity can be done in a separate operation -- such as by unmanned aerial vehicles -- after its four thousand largest population centers have been destroyed by regular thermonuclear weapons. This requires that India be the dominant power after the initial exchange of, say, five thousand nuclear weapons between India and the United States. India has the leadership required for this but the cover up of the news and views of the leadership has to be lifted. Lifting this cover up is the first stage of India’s war for survival. As this cover up is lifted, many politicians, media people and, above all, RAW bosses such as the kingpin of C.I.A.-RAW operations in India for decades, K. Subrahmanyam, will try to flee to the United States and those who succeed will share the fate of Americans. Once the cover up of the news about the greatest living Indian is lifted, the genocidal intent and behaviour of the United States toward India will be clear. He has been writing about it for three decades.

The grip of the United States on India through C.I.A.-RAW can be broken only temporarily by the nuclear destruction of New Delhi. Exterminating the population of the United States is essential for India to survive.

In considering candidate substances that could be used to exterminate the population of a country by ‘salting’ its territory with radioactivity (addendum dated December 30, 2008 above), let us examine Polonium-210 which was used in the death of former Russian agent Litvinenko in Britain. It is produced in nuclear reactors by irradiating Bismuth-209, has a median lethal dose of 50 nanograms, a half-life of 138 days and is reduced to about one eighth of its original radioactivity about 18 months after production ( Alexander Litvinenko poisoning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Poisoning Of Ex-Agent Sets Off Alarm Bells - washingtonpost.com ). This half-life may be too short for the purpose above but substances with longer half-lives can be found.

Getting fissile material for ten thousand nuclear warheads is also necessary. The question is: can the ‘salting’ of the territory of the United States with radioactivity be done while keeping the regular, explosive thermonuclear warheads in reserve?

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