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The Closet Taliban

Humble Pakistani


New Recruit

Apr 27, 2013
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The Closet Taliban

In 2010, the former President and Army Chief, Pervez Musharraf visited Seattle, and while addressing a packed hall of an upscale Seattle Hotel’s ballroom, he called the Sharif Brothers, “closet Taliban”. He was proven right yesterday. PM Nawaz Shariff and his party goons have been giving the impression that they are all set to go after the worst enemies of Pakistan, TTP. Instead, he announced a four member committee to negotiate with the killers of our Generals, our soldiers, our gallant police officers, and rest of the innocent people that have been killed.

These leaders are no better than the terrorists who are killing Pakistanis. In fact, they are in cahoots with them. Together they are strangling Pakistan and its people. This inept government is only interested in lining its leader’s pockets while their vendetta war against their nemesis is the second most important part of the agenda. These people have over 96 billion dollars stashed in just Swiss banks! One can only wonder how much more is hidden in Cayman Islands? It wouldn’t surprise me if we find another 96 billion dollars. Why would they be loyal to Pakistan?

The leaders have been looting Pakistan since Nawaz Sharif became the finance minister of Punjab in early eighties. The trend hasn’t changed at all. Right after this government took over in May, the first thing they did was devalue Pakistan Rupee, and in turn, dollar’s value immediately went up against Rupees. Just by one stroke of the pen, Ishaq Dar, (Nawaz’s daughter’s father-in-law) made Nawaz Sharif recover every penny he spent on buying out the elections.

The nation is so naïve, they think the TTP will give up its brutal ways and join the main stream civilized society, just because their brother, Nawaz Sharif, has constituted a four member team to make a deal with them. I wonder how you would make a deal with the devil. I guess only his twin will know.

Source:The Closet Taliban | The Pakistani Spectator
A very poor piece of writing.
ah just realized its a blog.

Time is on Pak army's side.

yes. We are losing innocent citizens everyday.
yes. We need to take an action and take it soon

But I hate to see an army action without the support of major parties run by Imran Khan taliban Khan, and Noora Sharif.

And why to pick on Taliban Khan and Noora

Our top judges, and Jahalat fil Islami, Mullah diesel and many retired Islamist generals are not with army.

We have too many closet dwellers when it comes Talbitches.

not just Nooras

Political support is a MUST for any army action.

There is nothing surprising about that blog----. But the thing is that the paks deserve it all the more---every single bit of it---.

There is no big sob story teller like the pakistanis---the problem is that when you keep telling your sob stories all the time---and then the oppurtunity hits you----and you cannot differentiate between good tidings and bad times---they just keep rolling in dirt.

There is nothing surprising about that blog----. But the thing is that the paks deserve it all the more---every single bit of it---.

There is no big sob story teller like the pakistanis---the problem is that when you keep telling your sob stories all the time---and then the oppurtunity hits you----and you cannot differentiate between good tidings and bad times---they just keep rolling in dirt.

Wah Mastan Ji

Kiya qalandri baath ki hai aap nain.

Wah Wah.

Well said
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