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The budget in its entirety


Dec 3, 2014
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Broad Principles of Taxation Proposals

The proposals for the budget 2015-16 are mainly based on the following principles:-

i. Least burden on poor and middle class

ii. Second phase of withdrawal of exemptions to further eliminate discriminatory tax exemptions and concessions.

iii. Expand the scheme of differential taxation for filers and non‐filers for penalizing non‐compliance without adding any further burden on the compliant.

iv. Customs tariff be rationalized to reduce both the number of slabs and the maximum duty rate.

v. Reviewing tax laws and procedures to cut down on discretion.

vi. Removal of sectoral distortions in domestic taxes.

vii. Measures for broadening of the tax base and documentation of economy.

viii. Increasing the share of the direct taxes.


Special Relief Packages:

To act as a catalyst for higher growth in the economy

Agriculture Package

Why Agricultural Sector

Rural economy is base on Agriculture which has the shortest gestation period.

a. Tax Holiday for Agricultural Delivery Chain: Income Tax Holiday for 3years is being introduced for new industrial undertakings engaged in (i) setting up and operating cold chain facilities, and (ii) setting up and operating warehousing facilities for storage of agriculture produce.

b. The exemption for 4 year for Halal’ Meat Production Companies which set up ‘halal’ meat production plant and obtain ‘halal’ certification by

31st December 2016

c. Relief to Rice Mills: In order to provide relief to Rice Mills suffering fromlow global demand, exemption from minimum tax for the Tax Year 2015 is being granted.

d. Exemption on Supply of Fish: Exemption from withholding tax on supplyof agricultural produce is to be extended to supply of fish.

e. Import and Local Supply of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment: Inorder to promote farm mechanization and enhance productivity non-adjustable sales tax at reduced rate of 7%, instead of existing rate of 17% is being imposed.


f. Import of Agricultural Machinery: At present Customs duty, Sales Taxand withholding tax on import of agricultural machinery in aggregate ranges from 28% to 43%. Customs Duty, Sales Tax and Withholding

Income Tax are being cumulatively reduced to 9% as under:

i. Customs duty from existing rate of 5-20% to 2%;

ii. Sales Tax from 17% to non-adjustable Sales Tax at 7%; and

iii. WHT from 6% to 0%

g. Interest Free Loans for Solar Tube Wells: In order to facilitate the smallgrowers and to reduce heavy expenditure incurred on diesel/electricity tube wells interest free loans of upto Rs.1 Million for setting up new solar tube wells or replacing the existing tube wells with solar tube wells shall be provided .

Package for Construction/Housing sectors Why housing sector

Construction sector has a ripple effect and impacts 16 other sectors

a. Housing Credit: Mark-up on housing loans obtained by individuals frombanks and other institutional lenders for construction or buying a house to be allowed as a deduction against income up to 50% of taxable income or

Rs. 1 million.

b. Suspension of Minimum Tax on Builders: The minimum tax on buildersleviable for the business of construction and sale of residential and other buildings is being suspended for a period of three years.

c. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Development Schemes:


i. Capital Gains of any person who sells a property to a REIT development scheme formed for the development of housing sector will be exempt from Income Tax up to 30.6.2018.

ii. If a development REIT Scheme for the development of housing sector is set up by 30.6.2018, for the first three years the rate of Income tax chargeable on dividend income of such REIT shall be reduced by 50%.

d. Bricks and crushed stone: Supply of bricks and crushed stone will beexempted from Sales Tax for three years up to 30.6.2018.

e. Reduction in customs duty on import of Construction Machinery: Onimport of construction machinery in used condition by the Construction

Companies registered with Pakistan Engineering Council and SECP, the Customs Duty is reduced to 10%.

Incentive Package for Manufacturing:

a. Employment Credit to Manufacturers: If a company, being amanufacturer, set up during next three years and employs more than 50 employees duly registered with Social Security and Employees Old Age

Benefit Institution an employment tax credit equal to 1% of the income tax payable for every 50 employees shall be provided to the company, subject to a maximum of 10%.

b. Exemption to Greenfield Projects: On demand of various investors andbusiness community, this exemption is being extended up to 30th June,


c. Domestic Production of Solar and Wind Energy Equipment Manufacturing: Exemption from income tax for 5 years is being granted


to industrial undertaking engaged in the manufacturing of equipment, plant and items required to produce solar and wind energy.

Incentives for Aviation Sector

a. Exemption from Customs Duty and Sales Tax: It is proposed thatCustoms Duty, sales tax and withholding taxin respect of various items used in Aviation Sector may be reduced to zero subject to certain conditions:

b. Remote Area Routes: Infrastructure connectivity with major economichubs is key to economic development of a region. Some areas of the country having great economic potential are however located far from existing major economic routes. In order to open up remote areas through aviation links it is proposed that air routes in Gilgit baltistan, Makran

Coastal belt, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chitral and FATA be exempted from payment of FED and withholding tax.

Relief Measures for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

In order to revive the economy of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and to provide relief to the people, the following measures are being taken:

a) Five years Income Tax holiday on all new manufacturing units set up in KP between 1-7-2015 and 30-6-2018.

b) Exports of perishable goods namely fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat shall be allowed against Pak currency instead of dollars w.e.f. 1-7-2015.


c) Quota for ghee and vegetable oil under DTRE for export to Afghanistan and Central Asia is being enhanced from 1000 Metric Ton per 90 days to 1000 Metric Ton per month.

d) The legacy issues regarding minimum tax payable on turnover under the previous KP package available for tax years 2010to 2012 shall be resolved.

Review of concessionary regime (SROs):

• Concessionary regime under various SROs and Schedules are being reviewed reviewed. Minimally utilized concessions are being withdrawn. Socially sensitive concessions retained. Remaining concessions either withdrawn or continued on enhanced rates. Total impact of these measures is Rs. 132 B.

Customs Tariff Reforms:

• Maximum general tariff rate of 25% reduced to 20%.

• Substitution of 1% duty slab with 2% customs duty.

Legislative changes:

• To curb the menace of under invoicing, specific penal provision introduced for ensuring compliance of mandatory condition of invoice and packing list.



The budgetary measures pertaining to Sales Tax & Federal Excise are primarily aimed at:

1. Rationalization of sales tax on steel sector melters, re-rollers and , ship breakers

2. The rate of further tax for supplies to unregistered persons is being enhanced to 2%.

3. Increase in the rate of sales tax on mobile phones to Rs. 300, 500 and

1000, from Rs. 150, 250 and 500, respectively, depending on features in the mobile set.

4. Restricting zero-rating on dairy products to milk only baby formula.

5. Enhancement of rates of Federal Excise Duty on locally produced cigarettes. Average tax incidence to increase from 58% to 63%

6. The rate of Federal Excise Duty on aerated waters is being enhanced from 9% to 12% of retail price.

7. Certain services to be added in the Islamabad Capital Territory in order to align the taxation regime on services with that being followed by the provinces.

8. Exemption of sales tax on local supply of raw hides and skins to be granted as under the existing provisions of law.

9. Sales Tax Rules regarding temporary registration are being introduced to facilitate the importers-cum-manufacturers.


10. The electronic monitoring system is proposed to be introduced to monitor the production of specified sectors i.e. cigarettes, beverages, cement, fertilizer and sugar; and also to monitor the sales of restaurants etc.

11. The limit of utility bills for cottage industry is being enhanced from 700,000 to 800,000 rupees for the promotion of cottage industry.

12. Sales tax exemption on appliances for colostomy, colostomy / urosotomy bags and tubular daylight devices is being granted.

13. Input tax adjustment on Pre-fabricated buildings being allowed.

14. The provisions of temporary registration being inserted in the Sales Tax Rules, 2006, whereby a manufacturer shall be able to import machinery etc. without having to wait for completion of procedural formalities

15. The refund on monthly basis to be allowed to persons making reduced rate supplies under SRO 1125(I)/2011 dated 31.12.2011.



Relief Measures

Reduction in Tax Rate for Companies: Continuing with the policy ofreducing corporate tax rates, the rate is being further reduced to 32% for

Tax Year 2016.

Exemption to Electricity Transmission Projects for a period of 10years, provided that the project is set up by June, 2018.

Tax Credit for new investment in shares: To encourage saving andinvestment in new companies quoted on stock exchange the limit for individual investors is being enhanced to 1.5 million.

Tax Credit for Enlistment: At present, a 15% tax credit is available to acompany, if it opts for enlistment in any registered stock exchange in Pakistan. To encourage enlisting of companies on stock exchange, the credit is being be enhanced to 20%.

Reduction in Withholding Tax On Token Tax and Transfer of Vehicles.

Expanding the Scope of Small Company: The limit of capital at Rs 25million for qualifying as a small company is proposed to be enhanced to Rs 50 million.

Relief to Small Taxpayers: Salaried taxpayers earning taxable incomefrom Rs 400,000 to Rs 500,000 are chargeable to tax at a rate of 5%. To provide relief to this class the rate of tax is proposed to be reduced to 2%.

Non-Salaried individual taxpayers and Association of Persons earning


taxable income from Rs 400,000 to Rs 500,000 are chargeable to tax at a rate of 10 %. To provide relief to these taxpayers the rate of tax is proposed to be reduced to 7%.

Option to Exporters to Opt Out of the Final Tax Regime

Revenue Measures

Change in Rate of Tax and Taxable Holding Period for Securities: Therates for capital gains tax on securities are being fixed as under:

Held upto a period of 24 months: 15%

Held upto a period from 12 months to 24 months: 12.5%

Held upto a period from 2 years to 4 years: 7.5%

Increasing Cost of Non-Compliance with Tax Laws: The scope of thedistinction between a compliant and non-compliant taxpayer by prescribing higher withholding tax rates for those not filing income tax returns.

Adjustable advance income tax on banking instruments and other modes of transfer for Non-Filers: Adjustable advance income tax at therate of 0.6% of the amount of transaction is proposed to be collected on all banking instruments and other modes of transfer of funds through banks in the case of persons who do not file Income Tax returns.

Rationalizing Tax Rates for Various Sources of Banking Companies:

Presently, tax rate of 35% is applicable to banking companies from all sources except income from dividend and income from capital gains. Rate differential for different sources is proposed to be removed.

Taxation of Dividend: The present rate of tax of 10% on dividend incomeis on the lower side as compared to most other countries. It is proposed that the rate be increased to 12.5%. Consequently, in case of non-filers


the rate of tax is proposed to be increased from 15% to 17.5% of which 5% shall continue to be adjustable. For Mutual Funds the existing rate of 10% shall continue.

Domestic Electricity Consumption: Due to substantial reduction inelectricity prices it is proposed that the threshold of deduction of withholding tax on electricity consumption be reduced from Rs 100,000 to Rs. 75,000.

Renting Out Machinery and Certain Equipments: At present there is nowithholding tax on either use or right to use of commercial, industrial and scientific equipment or on renting out of machinery. It is proposed that a 10% withholding tax be imposed on renting out machinery and for use or right to use commercial, scientific or industrial equipment, in case of residents also, and be treated as final tax liability.

• Holders of Mutual Funds and dividend be subjected to same tax rates.

Taxation for Not Distributing Dividend: In order to encourage publiclisted companies to distribute dividend which would encourage investment in stock markets, it is proposed that in the case of a listed company other than a scheduled bank or a modaraba, which does not distribute cash dividends within six months of the end of the said income year or distributes dividends to such an extent that its reserves, after such distribution, are in excess of hundred percent of its paid up capital, the excess amount may be taxed at the rate of 10%.

Revenue for Rehabilitation of Temporarily Displaced Persons: Tomeet enhanced revenue needs for the rehabilitation of Temporarily

Displaced Persons, it is proposed to levy a one-time tax on the affluent and rich individuals, association of persons and companies earning


income above Rs. 500 million in tax year 2015 at a rate of 4% of income for banking companies and 3% of income for all others.

Payments in respect of advertisement expenses to print/electronic media: It is proposed that exemption from withholding tax on payments toelectronic and print media in respect of the advertising services may be withdrawn.

Reduced rate for cash withdrawals by exchange companies: It isproposed that on cash withdrawals by exchange companies may be subject to withholding tax at a reduced rate of 0.15% instead of being exempt.

Rate of tax on commission to advertising agencies: Withholding tax atthe rate of 12% as is applicable to commission agents, however, tax on commission of advertising agencies is withheld at a reduced rate of 7.5%.

It is proposed that this rate be increased to 10%.


The proposals for the budget 2015-16 are mainly based on the following principles:-

i. Least burden on poor and middle class
Going through the budget I will list special provisions that the poor would look at and think "you taxed my ghee and exempted this"

a. Tax Holiday for Agricultural Delivery Chain: Income Tax Holiday for 3years is being introduced for new industrial undertakings engaged in (i) setting up and operating cold chain facilities, and (ii) setting up and operating warehousing facilities for storage of agriculture produce.
Apparently the economy depends on us sending meat outside the country or in the country through industrial scale factories. The good old concept of cattle eating grass and walking around is too artsy for those who those who want to mechanise and store meat while hoarding it in all probability.
Who benefits:-
  • People who can store build warehouses and cold storage plants(remember building is also cheaper for the next few years) and store their meat (in tons) but these people need tax relief because well, they are the poor and middle class.
Who loses: -
  • remember the shop with the butcher in every neighbourhood, the one who sells you fresh meat( fresher then frozen) and has a family who depends on his income. Well these butchers are the ones who will suffer. When the big warehouses have all the cows which the buy in bulk these neighbourhood vendors will disappear one by one. Poor friendly budgets are not for you, local ghoost bechnay wala guy.... Need a path forward, Open a factory and the government can help you out
The exemption for 4 year for Halal’ Meat Production Companies
Wow, something every meat company does already, but again the poor packaging companies need the relief, they are the real suffering parties.... Wonder which logic this is but apparently the poor will benefit. Again the muhalay wala qasaai needs to be asked how friendly this is for him.

Relief to Rice Mills: In order to provide relief to Rice Mills suffering fromlow global demand, exemption from minimum tax for the Tax Year 2015 is being granted.
The rice mills, who took a crop Pakistan was world famous for, introduced cheap packaging, reduced the quality, and to save a few bucks per bag are suddenly not getting orders.. Seriously, I wonder why that would be??
Rather then fining the companies (who fines oneself) you are giving them tax relief. But more power for the industry, I mean poor.....

Exemption on Supply of Fish: Exemption from withholding tax on supplyof agricultural produce is to be extended to supply of fish.
The poor fish farmers, who earn in the millions and invest in huge sums... Sure you had to get them into the whole Meat tax free world, but could not fit them into the Halal category. What is the excuse here, expensive fuel, fishes demanding sparkling water maybe?
or just maybe the profit margins are too low, who travels on Japanese cars any more... But yes, the needs of the poor... Why do I keep forgetting....

Import and Local Supply of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment: Inorder to promote farm mechanization and enhance productivity non-adjustable sales tax at reduced rate of 7%, instead of existing rate of 17% is being imposed.
I own miles of land, and have enough to buy tractors, but the darned sales tax is killing me... I mean who pays these pesky taxes anywhere.. Since my friends and I all sit in the assemblies let us ask the minister to reduce taxes.. Rather then implement land reforms, we shall make the process more mechanized and push the few people who do work the land for the Chaudry sab, to the cities.... And then complain about the urbanisation of Pakistan..........
But yes the poor benefit, how else could they ever so many tractors up close, and maybe if they are lucky and work hard they can drive one when they grow up...

Import of Agricultural Machinery: At present Customs duty, Sales Taxand withholding tax on import of agricultural machinery in aggregate ranges from 28% to 43%. Customs Duty, Sales Tax and Withholding

Income Tax are being cumulatively reduced to 9% as under:

i. Customs duty from existing rate of 5-20% to 2%;

ii. Sales Tax from 17% to non-adjustable Sales Tax at 7%; and

iii. WHT from 6% to 0%
For the love of God, you do not want to tax the agricultural sector, I get that part, because that makes our budget more balanced and the country stable economically. We would never do that, but even more subsidies for the sector and everything to do with it.. The poor really will prosper with you taking away funds from projects that could actually help them and give it for harvesters.

g. Interest Free Loans for Solar Tube Wells: In order to facilitate the smallgrowers and to reduce heavy expenditure incurred on diesel/electricity tube wells interest free loans of upto Rs.1 Million for setting up new solar tube wells or replacing the existing tube wells with solar tube wells shall be provided .
Where does it define what a small grower is in any budget, any land owning person can claim this and make tube wells. Solar tube wells will reduce the cost for the farmers, who already are getting subsidised rates of electricity, and you want to give them solar panel tube wells to top it off..... another great step towards helping the poor... Tube well water is the swimming pool of the poor, and if the Chaudry saab is nice, maybe they can have some water to themselves also.

Ok that was the first section of the budget, and it has exactly nothing for the poor. The main agricultural powers in this country are those who are making the laws. They own SUV's and a few white corollas, and they are exempt from any direct taxes. Is the income of these agriculturalists different from those of other people...
They have their own homes, compare that to a person who earns 50 thousand a year and lives in a rented home in the city, and the city dweller will be paying more direct taxes while the land owner pays no rent
The city dweller buys food from the market at mark ups while the land owners have food from their own lands
seriously I could go on with the list but the fact is meat packaging factories, cold storages and ware houses are not the poor, people who sit in our assemblies do not need rebates to get farming equipment, and those who own acres of lands are better off then a person who earns 5 hundred thousand rupees in a year. There is nothing for the poor and the middle class in this section of the budget, while our agriculture is not taxed we are going to end up over taxing the rest of the sectors and contracting our budget in sectors it really matters.
This budget is a very depressing one in its entirety and has no real focus on ground realities other then benifiting those who already have enough to pay taxes and exempting them, while increasing taxes on items of every day use and more GSTs and sale taxes, Part two I will work on later.......
@Slav Defence @WAJsal @Armstrong @Nihonjin1051 @Akheilos @Horus @WebMaster @Viper0011. @Leader @Jazzbot @araz @TankMan @syedali73 @xyxmt @Zarvan @Hyperion @farhan_9909
MY ONLY Request is that we go from sector to sector working our way down and behave civilly... Any meaningful argument will be respected, trolling will not...
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Going through the budget I will list special provisions that the poor would look at and think "you taxed my ghee and exempted this"

Apparently the economy depends on us sending meat outside the country or in the country through industrial scale factories. The good old concept of cattle eating grass and walking around is too artsy for those who those who want to mechanise and store meat while hoarding it in all probability.
Who benefits:-
  • People who can store build warehouses and cold storage plants(remember building is also cheaper for the next few years) and store their meat (in tons) but these people need tax relief because well, they are the poor and middle class.
Who loses: -
  • remember the shop with the butcher in every neighbourhood, the one who sells you fresh meat( fresher then frozen) and has a family who depends on his income. Well these butchers are the ones who will suffer. When the big warehouses have all the cows which the buy in bulk these neighbourhood vendors will disappear one by one. Poor friendly budgets are not for you, local ghoost bechnay wala guy.... Need a path forward, Open a factory and the government can help you out

Wow, something every meat company does already, but again the poor packaging companies need the relief, they are the real suffering parties.... Wonder which logic this is but apparently the poor will benefit. Again the muhalay wala qasaai needs to be asked how friendly this is for him.

The rice mills, who took a crop Pakistan was world famous for, introduced cheap packaging, reduced the quality, and to save a few bucks per bag are suddenly not getting orders.. Seriously, I wonder why that would be??
Rather then fining the companies (who fines oneself) you are giving them tax relief. But more power for the industry, I mean poor.....

The poor fish farmers, who earn in the millions and invest in huge sums... Sure you had to get them into the whole Meat tax free world, but could not fit them into the Halal category. What is the excuse here, expensive fuel, fishes demanding sparkling water maybe?
or just maybe the profit margins are too low, who travels on Japanese cars any more... But yes, the needs of the poor... Why do I keep forgetting....

I own miles of land, and have enough to buy tractors, but the darned sales tax is killing me... I mean who pays these pesky taxes anywhere.. Since my friends and I all sit in the assemblies let us ask the minister to reduce taxes.. Rather then implement land reforms, we shall make the process more mechanized and push the few people who do work the land for the Chaudry sab, to the cities.... And then complain about the urbanisation of Pakistan..........
But yes the poor benefit, how else could they ever so many tractors up close, and maybe if they are lucky and work hard they can drive one when they grow up...

For the love of God, you do not want to tax the agricultural sector, I get that part, because that makes our budget more balanced and the country stable economically. We would never do that, but even more subsidies for the sector and everything to do with it.. The poor really will prosper with you taking away funds from projects that could actually help them and give it for harvesters.

Where does it define what a small grower is in any budget, any land owning person can claim this and make tube wells. Solar tube wells will reduce the cost for the farmers, who already are getting subsidised rates of electricity, and you want to give them solar panel tube wells to top it off..... another great step towards helping the poor... Tube well water is the swimming pool of the poor, and if the Chaudry saab is nice, maybe they can have some water to themselves also.

Ok that was the first section of the budget, and it has exactly nothing for the poor. The main agricultural powers in this country are those who are making the laws. They own SUV's and a few white corollas, and they are exempt from any direct taxes. Is the income of these agriculturalists different from those of other people...
They have their own homes, compare that to a person who earns 50 thousand a year and lives in a rented home in the city, and the city dweller will be paying more direct taxes while the land owner pays no rent
The city dweller buys food from the market at mark ups while the land owners have food from their own lands
seriously I could go on with the list but the fact is meat packaging factories, cold storages and ware houses are not the poor, people who sit in our assemblies do not need rebates to get farming equipment, and those who own acres of lands are better off then a person who earns 5 hundred thousand rupees in a year. There is nothing for the poor and the middle class in this section of the budget, while our agriculture is not taxed we are going to end up over taxing the rest of the sectors and contracting our budget in sectors it really matters.
This budget is a very depressing one in its entirety and has no real focus on ground realities other then benifiting those who already have enough to pay taxes and exempting them, while increasing taxes on items of every day use and more GSTs and sale taxes, Part two I will work on later.......
@Slav Defence @WAJsal @Armstrong @Nihonjin1051 @Akheilos @Horus @WebMaster @Viper0011. @Leader @Jazzbot @araz @TankMan @syedali73 @xyxmt @Zarvan @Hyperion @farhan_9909
MY ONLY Request is that we go from sector to sector working our way down and behave civilly... Any meaningful argument will be respected, trolling will not...

you want the tax exemption to butchers and thelay wala selling fruits and veggies, the one who will half of this stock turn to rot at the end of everyday and the butcher who will sell you dirty meat (not knowing what kind). I will rather give tax exemption to the big departmental store where you can find cleaner and cheaper dall and rice when poor woman dont have to sit and pick out stones from it before cleaning (yes the stones the corner shop owner puts in it to increase the weight). Do you even know how much of fruits, veggies and meat gets wasted every day in Karachi? poor people pay for that wasted food. those stores also give employement to 100s of people who pay taxes.

- you own miles of land, but do you pay taxes? no you dont
but you also want a tractor free of tax too, I am sure you want fertilizer and petrol free of tax too...but you want relief to poor.

basically you are anti-tax pro relief.
you want the tax exemption to butchers and thelay wala selling fruits and veggies, the one who will half of this stock turn to rot at the end of everyday and the butcher who will sell you dirty meat (not knowing what kind).
OMG you are some rich pompous asshole arent you? Just because someone hated you and sold you rotting stuff doesnt make every poor evil!

I feel so sick just reading this post!

I will rather give tax exemption to the big departmental store where you can find cleaner and cheaper dall and rice when poor woman dont have to sit and pick out stones from it before cleaning (yes the stones the corner shop owner puts in it to increase the weight).
Yes eat up the poor people's job coz than we have more poor people to prosecute for the petty crimes they will commit thanks to the heavy taxing...

Tell me which moron told you that departmental stores wont sell you shit? Do you think their daal doesnt have stones? Or that they dont sell you expired stuff?

Do you even know how much of fruits, veggies and meat gets wasted every day in Karachi?
And lets not tax the people who store them and let them rot over selling them cheaper!

poor people pay for that wasted food. those stores also give employement to 100s of people who pay taxes.
The stores can afford the taxes but the 100s of people cant so why cant we tax the stores? Coz you are running one of them?
- you own miles of land, but do you pay taxes? no you dont
And here comes the mental challenge of reading bits:

I own miles of land, and have enough to buy tractors, but the darned sales tax is killing me... I mean who pays these pesky taxes anywhere.. Since my friends and I all sit in the assemblies let us ask the minister to reduce taxes..

He was talking about the ministers who happen to own vast amounts of land and sit in the parliament to make others their workers when they are supposed to be public servants...Wonder if they know that!

but you also want a tractor free of tax too, I am sure you want fertilizer and petrol free of tax too...but you want relief to poo
Do you know anything about farmers and the exemptions they are given? Or are you just a paper barbie?

Learn to read:

f. Import of Agricultural Machinery: At present Customs duty, Sales Taxand withholding tax on import of agricultural machinery in aggregate ranges from 28% to 43%. Customs Duty, Sales Tax and Withholding

Income Tax are being cumulatively reduced to 9% as under:

i. Customs duty from existing rate of 5-20% to 2%;

ii. Sales Tax from 17% to non-adjustable Sales Tax at 7%; and

iii. WHT from 6% to 0%

Your ministers are the ones who came up with the cheaper tractors!

basically you are anti-tax pro relief.
You just got angry on @Gufi for imitating the thoughts of a minister (who are benefiting from the taxes)....yet you think this tax is good? If @Gufi said it , it is bad....if ministers say it and impose tax on the poor it is good...Brilliant mentality!
you want the tax exemption to butchers and thelay wala selling fruits and veggies, the one who will half of this stock turn to rot at the end of everyday and the butcher who will sell you dirty meat (not knowing what kind). I will rather give tax exemption to the big departmental store where you can find cleaner and cheaper dall and rice when poor woman dont have to sit and pick out stones from it before cleaning (yes the stones the corner shop owner puts in it to increase the weight). Do you even know how much of fruits, veggies and meat gets wasted every day in Karachi? poor people pay for that wasted food. those stores also give employement to 100s of people who pay taxes.

- you own miles of land, but do you pay taxes? no you dont
but you also want a tractor free of tax too, I am sure you want fertilizer and petrol free of tax too...but you want relief to poor.

basically you are anti-tax pro relief.
Yaar we need more people like you... people who can actually think out of this status quo. Everywhere in Pakistan from the poorest sabzi wala to my friends to the wealthy tycoons, all want that one one "mufta". They want something for free because it has this certain net +ve gain in their mind. It's like an achievement to them, a way of proving they are so "gangsta"...
I believe everyone of my countrymen must contribute towards the nation, whether small or big doesn't matter but they must give it all... and at all time we must think of that one person that is living a life poorer than ours...
As far as the budget is concerned i believe this a substantial improvement from what we had earlier... the 1 % has been "supertaxed" as far as i've read and they should be...

basically you are anti-tax pro relief.
Pakistan jaye bhar me mujhe sastay aalo tenday de doo...
Yaar we need more people like you... people who can actually think out of this status quo. Everywhere in Pakistan from the poorest sabzi wala to my friends to the wealthy tycoons, all want that one one "mufta". They want something for free because it has this certain net +ve gain in their mind. It's like an achievement to them, a way of proving they are so "gangsta"...
those sitting in the parliament wanna have a gangster feel? :o:

What are they 12 yr old?

A country that cant behave equally will never succeed...why do you think we are where we are now?

Thinking out of status quo would be moving from unfair BS to taxing everyone in the West (like where Mr. Canada claims to hail from) if you have higher salary/ income you pay MORE ...

I believe everyone of my countrymen must contribute towards the nation, whether small or big doesn't matter but they must give it all...
How is that working for the budget?

the 1 % has been "supertaxed" as far as i've read and they should be...
Did you read OP?

Pakistan jaye bhar me mujhe sastay aalo tenday de doo...
Pakistan jai bhar mein agriculture wadera (0.5% of the population) nu kabhi tax nai kerna! Balkay jitna baycahra tax dayta tha...usko aur relief milgiyea to kill the poor paddler (around whom the majority really is earning)!
those sitting in the parliament wanna have a gangster feel? :o:

What are they 12 yr old?

A country that cant behave equally will never succeed...why do you think we are where we are now?

Thinking out of status quo would be moving from unfair BS to taxing everyone in the West (like where Mr. Canada claims to hail from) if you have higher salary/ income you pay MORE ...
Madame with due respect they are my representatives if not yours and i hold them i high esteem especially the work they've shown around my locale...
As far as my knowledge goes every one IS taxed and people are being added in the tax net even though as of now it is very poor...
Also one thing that i know is much money has been reserved for the payment of debt which is a good thing i believe ( i confess i know zilch about economics...)

How is that working for the budget?
Just my POV... i wish my people don't think lahore, punjab karachi or quetta but only Pakistan... again just a POV...

Did you read OP?
yes but just a bit...

Pakistan jai bhar mein agriculture wadera (0.5% of the population) nu kabhi tax nai kerna! Balkay jitna baycahra tax dayta tha...usko aur relief milgiyea to kill the poor paddler (around whom the majority really is earning)!
political weakness probably... i agree it's a bad thing if true...
especially the work they've shown around my locale...
You see, when Pakistanis start taking Pakistan more than their local surrounding, than we can move to a new level...Until then unity is a dream....A progressive Pakistan is a dream coz local bits are the only reality many get!

No one is against good work...People are against inequality and high levels of injustice! Juicing the poor was what many tried doing and in a country where the MAJORITY is poor....it is really disgusting!

As far as my knowledge goes every one IS taxed and people are being added in the tax net even though as of now it is very poor...
The tax budget in post 1 shows the decrease or what we call tax relaxation for multimillionaire

Also one thing that i know is much money has been reserved for the payment of debt which is a good thing i believe ( i confess i know zilch about economics...)
Sure it is a good thing, we can pay off our debt if we tax the MULTI BILLIONAIRES, coz they can afford it... instead of giving them relaxation and taxing the poor who cant!

Just my POV... i wish my people don't think lahore, punjab karachi or quetta but only Pakistan... again just a POV...
And how is your thinking working on that route? Coz out of these cities, people are MAJORLY POOR....increasing tax on them is what we call inequality, injustice and a piece of Jahalat!

yes but just a bit...
Read more of it and be surprised what is happening in Pakistan:
Let me show you something that is simple and straight forward:

f. Import of Agricultural Machinery: At present Customs duty, Sales Taxand withholding tax on import of agricultural machinery in aggregate ranges from 28% to 43%. Customs Duty, Sales Tax and Withholding

Income Tax are being cumulatively reduced to 9% as under:
i. Customs duty from existing rate of 5-20% to 2%;
ii. Sales Tax from 17% to non-adjustable Sales Tax at 7%; and
iii. WHT from 6% to 0%

Now my question: those who purchase machines for agriculture means have LARGE FARMS....so if they are rich enough to have large farms, would they not be rich enough to pay the tax? Why do they need to reduce these tax?
You see, when Pakistanis start taking Pakistan more than their local surrounding, than we can move to a new level...Until then unity is a dream....A progressive Pakistan is a dream coz local bits are the only reality many get!

No one is against good work...People are against inequality and high levels of injustice! Juicing the poor was what many tried doing and in a country where the MAJORITY is poor....it is really disgusting!

The tax budget in post 1 shows the decrease or what we call tax relaxation for multimillionaire

Sure it is a good thing, we can pay off our debt if we tax the MULTI BILLIONAIRES, coz they can afford it... instead of giving them relaxation and taxing the poor who cant!

And how is your thinking working on that route? Coz out of these cities, people are MAJORLY POOR....increasing tax on them is what we call inequality, injustice and a piece of Jahalat!
Madame look, i am of the opinion that unless the people see riches they won't come towards it. Not to mention i'm not really the roti kapra makaan kind of guy. I wish to see my country as a power in the league of nations. And it's america not the russia that holds major power at world stage and we know why...
Also everyday i see lazy people who won't move their bums unless absolutely so for them it must be made necessary...

You see, when Pakistanis start taking Pakistan more than their local surrounding, than we can move to a new level...Until then unity is a dream....A progressive Pakistan is a dream coz local bits are the only reality many get!

No one is against good work...People are against inequality and high levels of injustice! Juicing the poor was what many tried doing and in a country where the MAJORITY is poor....it is really disgusting!
my comment was not upto the mark i agree i shouldnt have used "my locale" but you can't really develop sky high buildings in the midst of balochistan as an investor... can you?
Madame look, i am of the opinion that unless the people see riches they won't come towards it.
I beg your pardon?!

Not to mention i'm not really the roti kapra makaan kind of guy. I wish to see my country as a power in the league of nations. And it's america not the russia that holds major power at world stage and we know why...
And yet it is America that tax its people based on their income/ revenue not Pakistan...

Also everyday i see lazy people who won't move their bums unless absolutely so for them it must be made necessary...
I am sorry you live in such a neighbourhood, try stepping out of the cities and seeing where the poor work their *** off and get taxed on the little they earn after having to struggle against multimillionaire giants!

You see, Europe and America gave it all in to the giants, they gave them all the benefits, destroyed their farms and whatnot...These giants monopolize their market....They now put expired food (get away with a small fine), they have bacterial outbreaks (again get away with fines), they abuse workers (in terms of clothing industry) and get away....West is turning to imported food coz they killed off A LOT OF THE COMPETITION...everyone eats SUPER CLEAN food, has no resistance and y the age of 5 already have done an antibiotic course!

Why do you think many buy lands in Africa?

Why do you think Organic (from small scale farmers) is expensive? - it serves both to save their small scale local businesses and also to provide healthy...

Do you want Pakistan to realize it after decades, what we can already learn from West?
OMG you are some rich pompous asshole arent you? Just because someone hated you and sold you rotting stuff doesnt make every poor evil!

I feel so sick just reading this post!

Yes eat up the poor people's job coz than we have more poor people to prosecute for the petty crimes they will commit thanks to the heavy taxing...

Tell me which moron told you that departmental stores wont sell you shit? Do you think their daal doesnt have stones? Or that they dont sell you expired stuff?

And lets not tax the people who store them and let them rot over selling them cheaper!

The stores can afford the taxes but the 100s of people cant so why cant we tax the stores? Coz you are running one of them?

And here comes the mental challenge of reading bits:

He was talking about the ministers who happen to own vast amounts of land and sit in the parliament to make others their workers when they are supposed to be public servants...Wonder if they know that!

Do you know anything about farmers and the exemptions they are given? Or are you just a paper barbie?

Learn to read:

Your ministers are the ones who came up with the cheaper tractors!

You just got angry on @Gufi for imitating the thoughts of a minister (who are benefiting from the taxes)....yet you think this tax is good? If @Gufi said it , it is bad....if ministers say it and impose tax on the poor it is good...Brilliant mentality!

bachey go out sometime, watch what happens to the tomattos at the end of the day in the hot weather of Karachi. you guys living in Pakistan has no clue about how things work and the only word you know is relief to poor, you have no idea that relief to poor comes form relief to industrials those who create jobs for poor. all you want is yeh bhi sasta kerdo woh bhi sasta kerdo, tax relief do, subsidy do...lakin tax na lo and then you have problem with goint to IMF...no wonder with this kind of thinking you can support PTI.

also bachy I belong to a farmer family and I know how much money they are making with extra ordinary higher commodity prices, yet no tax on agri and they want tractor for free too. dont worry Insha-allah PTI will win next election then everything for free for all.
my comment was not upto the mark i agree i shouldnt have used "my locale" but you can't really develop sky high buildings in the midst of balochistan as an investor... can you?
Sky high buildings are not an indicator of development...They are found in few countries namely, China, Japan, Dubai and America....but not every city in these countries have sky high buildings YET they are termed developed...coz these buildings are not an indicator of development but an indicator of space

What really is an indicator is education, equality, law and order and things which dont exist in Pakistan hence why we are not termed developed!
Madame look, i am of the opinion that unless the people see riches they won't come towards it. Not to mention i'm not really the roti kapra makaan kind of guy. I wish to see my country as a power in the league of nations. And it's america not the russia that holds major power at world stage and we know why...
Also everyday i see lazy people who won't move their bums unless absolutely so for them it must be made necessary...

and hence the reason for 20 billion exports for country of 200 million people, it is really shameful, tax the fcukers so they get up their asses and start working, tax the damn agriculture land by the size of the land so those lazy farmers grow two or three crops instead of just one.
I am sorry you live in such a neighbourhood, try stepping out of the cities and seeing where the poor work their *** off and get taxed on the little they earn after having to struggle against multimillionaire giants!
I haven't been to a lot of villages but the ones i've been to it's usually it's a donkey family, where they have two donkeys in a family one is the actual one while the other is a guy (read father) who is literally looking out for tens of people while these people free load in one way or the other... but that's my observation only...

You see, Europe and America gave it all in to the giants, they gave them all the benefits, destroyed their farms and whatnot...These giants monopolize their market....They now put expired food (get away with a small fine), they have bacterial outbreaks (again get away with fines), they abuse workers (in terms of clothing industry) and get away....West is turning to imported food coz they killed off A LOT OF THE COMPETITION...everyone eats SUPER CLEAN food, has no resistance and y the age of 5 already have done an antibiotic course!
I am sorry you want them to eat dirty food, the same giants you talk about are the ones who make sure the gdp of that country stays sky high and the trickle down effect reaches to the common man...
btw your two highlighted points are in contradiction to each other....
bachey go out sometime, watch what happens to the tomattos at the end of the day in the hot weather of Karachi.
Uncle, do you know how tomatoes are grown in the West? I am not sure how providing for the rich who can afford the tax is helping the poor sell his tomatoes before they get rotten for you to see?

you guys living in Pakistan has no clue about how things work and the only word you know is relief to poor, you have no idea that relief to poor comes form relief to industrials those who create jobs for poor.
Uncle do you think a billionaire in Canada pays the same amount of tax as you? Do you pay the same tax as a taxi driver?

all you want is yeh bhi sasta kerdo woh bhi sasta kerdo, tax relief do, subsidy do...
Honestly speaking that is what the parliament is doing for its friends....I gave you 1 block of example from gufi's post did you reply to it instead of ranting about whats jammed in your mind?

You have not contributed the thread on HOW these tax are helping the poor / MAJORITY?

.lakin tax na lo and then you have problem with goint to IMF.
We never said tax na lo...we said haramkhor say lo! Those who use model to smuggle their money, those waderay who have LARGE amounts of land and can afford large sums of money to IMPORT cars but cant spend same money to improve their farms and hence need tax relief? Interesting!

no wonder with this kind of thinking you can support PTI.
Typical party minded people will always try to sniff what party other belongs instead of answering legit questions :tsk:

also bachy I belong to a farmer family and I know how much money they are making with extra ordinary higher commodity prices, yet no tax on agri and they want tractor for free too.
If you belong to a farmer family than that explains the lazy people you claim to see and complain about...How about taxing these farms....

If you belong and know how much they are making then why are they asking for tax relief and getting it? Why?

Just answer this one...its the simplest one in OP:

f. Import of Agricultural Machinery: At present Customs duty, Sales Taxand withholding tax on import of agricultural machinery in aggregate ranges from 28% to 43%. Customs Duty, Sales Tax and Withholding
Income Tax are being cumulatively reduced to 9% as under:
i. Customs duty from existing rate of 5-20% to 2%;
ii. Sales Tax from 17% to non-adjustable Sales Tax at 7%; and
iii. WHT from 6% to 0%
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