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tell you a true China!!!!

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New Recruit

Nov 19, 2006
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Indian please stop comparing India with China. I am so angry about that!!!! and please remenber that only U.S.A can be our competitor!!!!!! you are too weak!!!!!

you are even never been China, how can you know what China like???

you are far away from us!!!! believe me that is totally true!!!!!!

I will introduce some cities of China for you in following days. so you can

know the turth.

the first city I would like to introduce is Chongqing, it is one of China's
biggest cities. located in the central of China. it is directly controlled by the central government.

see pictures through links:

by the way, I love Great Pakistan:flag:
Welcome aboard Wang, we have quite a few Chinese friends here.
I'm sure you'll enjoy you stay.

Btw, easy on Indians. PFF is not just another forum where you get pissing off contests all the time.
We've great contributors and matured debators from all over the world including India. ;)

Enjoy! :ChinaFlag:
Well the point is clear.

China will over run India.
Welcome aboard. China truly has phenomenal accomplishments. Indeed 2nd only to the US.

Many Indians on PFF though treat them as adversaries, the good ones here all view the Chinese with respect. And we encourage everyone to respect the Indians as well.
So you really mean that India is too FAR AWAY from china and US of A is just sitting besides you!! :)
If you mean about technological advancement then remember you can feel our breath on your NECK all the TIME ! We are neck to neck with you, almost on every front!
Enjoy your stay.
Indian please stop comparing India with China. I am so angry about that!!!! and please remenber that only U.S.A can be our competitor!!!!!! you are too weak!!!!!

you are even never been China, how can you know what China like???

you are far away from us!!!! believe me that is totally true!!!!!!

I will introduce some cities of China for you in following days. so you can

know the turth.

the first city I would like to introduce is Chongqing, it is one of China's
biggest cities. located in the central of China. it is directly controlled by the central government.

see pictures through links:

by the way, I love Great Pakistan:flag:

Welcome man, i knew about those skyscrapers a long ago. I certainly agree with you, who ever say what ever, India is no way close to china right now. It will take india to about, 20 yrz of sheer hard work, to catch up any close to china. Facts are facts and you can't neglect them.;)

Long live China:ChinaFlag: and Pakistan:flag:
Well the point is clear.

China will over run India.
How? Militarily? Economically? India will be the world's third largest economy by 2035. (Goldmann Sachs) Bigger than Europe. China will have 'overrun' most of the world if such a day comes to pass.
How? Militarily? Economically? India will be the world's third largest economy by 2035. (Goldmann Sachs) Bigger than Europe. China will have 'overrun' most of the world if such a day comes to pass.

Which ever way you think either Militarily or economically, both has'nt done any good the people living in our countries like Pakistan and india. Poor is still poor and is gonna remain poor, while rich is earning more and more. There is a big gap in-between both two. Then whats a point of having good economy or military, none. this is just sheer politics nothing more.
Have a look on western countries, atleast people have something to eat, a roof to live these are just the basic needs i am talking about which in our countries majority of people still lack.
shanghai, as Beijing is directly controlled by central government. with a population of 17-million. it is famous for its skyscrapers, there are more that 4000 skyscrapers in Shanghai, and in each 15 days there will be a new skyscraper. it has already been the highest city in the world. some Indian said that after 20 years hard working Shanghai will catch up New Delhi. do you believe that ???

see pictures in links, so you can know i am talking the truth!


:flag: :ChinaFlag: be friends for ever!!!!!
How? Militarily? Economically? India will be the world's third largest economy by 2035. (Goldmann Sachs) Bigger than Europe. China will have 'overrun' most of the world if such a day comes to pass.

Based on what? :coffee:
With all due respect to the combatants in this discussion. Is there anything to be gained from this discussion?
Think about it keyser,

It actually changes opinions and misconceptions held by many who hold patriotic views.

Just like one came up with saying that India will be the 3rd largest economy on earth by 2035. It would be nice to know why one thinks like that, and that increases your knowledge about the competitors your facing, and there you crack them down. :D

And i love that.
:banana2: how are you doing these days my dear Pakistani friends:flag: . i heard that chairman Hu is now visiting Pakistan, he is real a good man! have a good trip Dear Chairman :tup:

after introducing directly controlled city, i would like to introduce SEZs(Special Economic Zone) to you.

there are 4 SEZs in China, namely Shenzhen, Xiamen, Zuhai, and Shantou, they are all established by Deng Xiao Ping.

because all of them are looked same, i just pick Shenzhen as an example!!!:D

seen picture in links:


by the way, i just wonder why there is no any Indian reply me by any picture.
please give me some response, and convience me that India is a Great country. ( using picture, don't using your months, Chinese only believe in evidence!!):rofl: :rofl:
Some trivia...
Did you know that Hu Jintao's father was killed by the communist regime when Hu was a student? His father was accused of being a capitalist
In 1968, Hu Jintao's father, Hu Jingzhi, was accused of capitalist transgressions, tortured in a public "struggle session," and imprisoned. According to the Asia Times story filed from Taizhou last August, Hu Jingzhi "suffered cruel physical punishment" during his imprisonment until "his body withered away." He died a broken man at age 50 in 1978, as the Cultural Revolution was ending. China's future president Hu Jintao was 36 at the time, working as an engineer, coincidentally enough, also in Gansu province like Premier Wen, and also a thousand miles from his hometown.

When he learned of his father's death, Hu Jintao rushed back to Taizhou and pleaded in vain with the local revolutionary committee to rectify his father's case. Hu tried to induce Taizhou "Revolutionary Committee" officials to exonerate his father by hosting a large luncheon banquet that cost him over a month's pay. The officials accepted the invitation, but never showed up. In the end Hu was obliged to let the restaurant staff eat the food. The old chef told Asia Times, "Don't think of me as a useless old man. Twenty years ago, Chairman Hu not only invited me to his table, but also toasted with me!" According to Asia Times, some "Say the case of Hu's father was not rectified until the late 1980s," while others "claim that his father has never been vindicated."
Think about it keyser,

It actually changes opinions and misconceptions held by many who hold patriotic views.

Just like one came up with saying that India will be the 3rd largest economy on earth by 2035. It would be nice to know why one thinks like that, and that increases your knowledge about the competitors your facing, and there you crack them down. :D

And i love that.
Let prejudice not blind us. Vnomad quoted from the Goldman Sachs report
Global Economics: Paper No.99
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