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Taliban or the Highway men

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Taliban or the Highway men

By Bilafond

The Pakistani Taliban, not only the TTP but all the rest are a conglomerate of thugs, thieves, robbers, kidnappers suicide killers, in short they are the “Highway Men’ who have filled in a partial vacuum of a territory which remained more in a state of rage and agitation. The power hungry that would kill and maim with complete dementia and lunacy.

This is the definition of groups operating in Pakistan; they are misguided lot of people who have misused and dishonoured the name of Islam and to justify their existence, hiding behind the excuse that they are doing all this to drive the Americans away from Afghanistan and anyone who are supporting the Americans, in this case Pakistani government and military. This is a farce and far from truth. The 9/11 and its aftermath have led the world into utter chaos and disarray both politically and economically- all in the name of peace, stability and preservation of US interests; Rest of the world be damned. There is not a single country in the region and Middle East where we do not see the American “Finger”.

These splintered groups in Pakistan who have evolved themselves in the name of anti-America ideology and all those who side with the ‘great satan’ are justified targets.

The resultant fallout is that our society seems to have lost it bearings. Creaks, Cracks and Crumble; all the three Cs are leading us fast to fourth C, the Collapse. Not only of the State structure but also our way of life is heaved into iniquity and medievalism.

The word Taliban has now taken a new meaning. It epitomizes fear, disrespect for any law of the land, except, their own beliefs and persuasion. The strengthening arms of these groups are the silence of Pakistani religious organisations across the board. The tribal connections and political culture in Pakistan of religious parties thrive on following a thin line whereby these parties never openly condemn the wanton acts perpetrated against innocent civilians. The silence of mainstream religious groups is justified by usual statement we hear ever day that these acts are result of American Policies. This is partial truth but not the whole truth.

This nature of Pakistani Taliban and centered tribal culture helps them in portrayal of their actions as justified to its supporters; but the problem is grave. They demonise the Muslim character of their Muslim opponents and also of their patrons, both foreign Muslims and non-Muslims. Pakistani Taliban have now surpassed all their non-Pakistani allies by being used by all the agencies outside and may be inside by rogue elements once part of the agencies in Pakistan.

I see the Afghan Taliban completely different to the Pakistani Taliban. The structural unity perhaps of Afghan Taliban stands more notable than on the side of Pakistani Taliban. There are few strands, which connect the Pakistani Taliban with Afghans. And that is where in my opinion the line is drawn when it comes to the definition by the good and bad Taliban. I feel it is here that we should bunch the good ones on both sides of the border. An effort to unfasten and detach our good Taliban from those with whom the International community would like to indulge in any meaningful dialogue will be in long run am afraid will not work.

At this point the solution of Afghanistan and its peace needs to be seen as not only Pashtuns but the Hazaras, the Uzbeks and the Tajiks. Iran will and should also at some stage be a player to participate in peace. Too much of suspicion dubiousness by the West to only pursue their own agenda will never work. The region, if peace has to be brought in all stake holders need to be in it; with that I mean not India but Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the adjoining countries north of Oxus River.

The demographic structure of the tribal areas on both sides of the border will not allow complete closure of the border areas. It will give rise to host of issues. Whereas of late the Iranians have decided to fence the entire Iran-Afghan and Iran-Pakistan border, this may not be possible between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It will tantamount to telling the Pashtuns inhabiting the border that we will segregate you, you are bad you move across and create problems but that is not what the case is and not the approach to be followed. It will not work. There is a need to subvert the unity and identity of the problematic groups. Seek assistance of the locals and those who are not anti-Pakistan.

Let me assure you they are in plenty who love this country, a patient hearing of the problems will work. We should be firm in meeting with each group but not with arrogance. Work within the traditions and culture of the Pakhtoon society. History of the region need not be allowed to be interpreted how all invaders were defeated, but should be analysed in how the conflicts could have been avoided. There in lies the key and the secret to determine the good from the bad; Obstinate from the Tenacious; humane from the brutal.

Taliban or the Highway men
Jana, one of my undergraduate lab partners was a Pakistani who left his country for the U.S. because highwaymen - back then, drug pushers - controlled the roads to his home town. Now it's the Taliban who are the "highwaymen". Doesn't this suggest that the problem is with Pakistani governance itself, rather than just one group? Smack down the Taliban and some other lawless group may pop up...like hitting flies with hammers.
^A reminder : members may want to ignore Solomon2, An American who prides himself as a savior for Jews but relish thought to wipe-out Muslims and Arabs alike and enjoys the torture of such people to death .......
Hitler had the same kind of thinking ...........
Solomon2 is only here just to annoy True Jews by having such thoughts.
^A reminder : members may want to ignore Solomon2, An American who prides himself as a savior for Jews but relish thought to wipe-out Muslims and Arabs alike and enjoys the torture of such people to death .......
Hitler had the same kind of thinking ...........
Solomon2 is only here just to annoy True Jews by having such thoughts.

:) many agreed with your suggestion
Many agree with the logic of Solomon. Go ahead, deny his point, which is

"In an area where government has limited to no ability to control, someone, some group, will rise to fill the void."

- Drug people
- Warlords
- Religious nut-jobs
Jana, one of my undergraduate lab partners was a Pakistani who left his country for the U.S. because highwaymen - back then, drug pushers - controlled the roads to his home town. Now it's the Taliban who are the "highwaymen". Doesn't this suggest that the problem is with Pakistani governance itself, rather than just one group? Smack down the Taliban and some other lawless group may pop up...like hitting flies with hammers.

Solomn 2 comes with open mind , I never found him irritating. I request Mods to control trolls who defame honorable members of this forum. Solomn may be jew but is a member who some time raises good points
Many agree with the logic of Solomon. Go ahead, deny his point, which is

"In an area where government has limited to no ability to control, someone, some group, will rise to fill the void."

- Drug people
- Warlords
- Religious nut-jobs

No society, community, tribe or any collection of human beings will accept or sustain a vaccum. If a Government will not fill the gap, then people like Druglords, Warlords, Religious Nut-Jobs and their like will move in. Its as simple as that.

After all: "Nature Abhors a Vaccuum" -Toricelli. No exceptions.
Solomn 2 comes with open mind , I never found him irritating. I request Mods to control trolls who defame honorable members of this forum. Solomn may be jew but is a member who some time raises good points

But that is precisely the kind of person who is the "bane" of unthinking, bigoted and closed-minded people. So the reactions are not uncharacteristic.
Dear readers,

Those oblivious to the evil motives of a terrorist organization like the TTP bear the burden of-- like an ostrich who hides its head in the sand at the first sign of danger-- hiding from the truth and turning a blind eye to terrorism. Are not TTP and their counterparts responsible for the massacre of thousands of innocent Pakistani civilians? Is it not evident from their acts of terror that TTP intend to spare no one from their hateful ideology and evil ways. Collective failure to stop this Taliban menace will result in more deaths and destruction of government officials and establishments. Propaganda and conspiracy theories no longer hide the TTP profound hatred against our nations. Combine efforts we must, to defeat those who threaten our freedom and sovereignty.

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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