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Taliban attack Pakistan's Aaj TV station in Karachi

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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The Pakistani Taliban says it carried out the attack on Monday night on a private television station in the southern port city of Karachi.

Two people were injured when gunmen on motorbikes fired at Aaj headquarters.

A Taliban spokesman told the BBC it was a response to critical comments by Aaj about the militants and its failure to accommodate Taliban views.

Correspondents say this is the Taliban's first direct attack against a media group.

The Pakistani Taliban admitted killing a journalist in the volatile region of Mohmand in January.

Nevertheless, Pakistan ranks as one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists.

Witnesses say gunmen on motorbikes opened fire on the station' s offices in the busy Karachi neighbourhood of Gurumandir and then immediately fled the scene.

Both of those injured were reportedly employees of Aaj.

Aaj TV is a privately owned Urdu-language television station that covers national and international news. BBC News - Taliban attack Pakistan's Aaj TV station in Karachi
why would taliban do that,mqm is already there to terrorize people of karachi:devil:
Wish MQM takes over the home ministry .. there would be no choice for these chickens except to drown their miseries in arabian sea or go join up with fellow brethern in waziristan or quetta
ohh thts why when yesterday evening when i was to home frm university there was a rush & so many security.....soo thts the reason but tht was not even attack, some kids did fire while in motor cycle & police/rangers instantly reach there, even Pakistani channels didnt notice so much of ths small inccidant but again BBC...:D
i feel nusrat javed comments and views had hurt the taliban very badly. he had exposed the GHQ attack inside story. how the deal between terrorist and army to release hostage at cost of Malik ishaq honorable release.
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