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Taliban and American commandos shacking and waving hands


Jun 8, 2010
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Freedom: Watch the Dramatic Moment Taliban Released Bowe Bergdahl

Freedom: Watch the Dramatic Moment Taliban Released Bowe Bergdahl - NBC News ( Video in the link)


Pentagon spokesman RADM John Kirby told NBC News there was "no reason to doubt the authenticity" of the clip.

"U.S. officials are currently reviewing the video, but our focus right now is in getting Bergdahl the care he needs," Kirby said.

Staff Sgt. Bergdahl, who was held captive for five years, was released Saturday in exchange for five high-ranking Taliban militants held by the U.S. at Guantanamo Bay.

The swap was criticized by members of Congress who say that the Obama administration violated the law by failing to inform Congress of the move in advance. Some lawmakers say the decision to transfer Guantanamo detainees amounts to "negotiating with terrorists."

Bergdahl remains at the U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany undergoing physical and psychological treatment.

In the video released by the Taliban, Bergdahl is shown in white local dress, appearing to blink in the bright light.

Bowe Bergdahl’s Final Moments in Captivity

As a helicopter comes in for a landing, Bergdahl is brought out of the truck to
As a helicopter comes in for a landing, Bergdahl is brought out of the truck to wait, standing and clutching a plastic bag. Armed men dot the hillside above him.

Bergdahl is then led by two escorts - one of them waving a white flag - to greet three other men who have emerged from the helicopter in what appears to be civilian clothing.

Quick handshakes are exchanged and Bergdahl is patted down. One of the soldier's new escorts flashes a thumbs up to the waiting helicopter, which has soldiers inside.

Bergdahl is frisked again, his plastic bag discarded, and he is then loaded into the chopper.The entire apparent transfer - from helicopter landing to take off - takes just over one minute.

The video was also distributed on social media.

In the video, a Taliban commander discusses how the transfer was arranged, saying that local tribal elders had been approached to help negotiate with the U.S. and select a location for the handoff that would guarantee security.

The Americans were informed about the 18 armed militants who would be present on the hilltops and had asked questions about Bergdahl’s health and even facial hair before the swap, the commander adds.

The commander also noted that the U.S. had requested that a green light be carried to the meet, but that it was difficult to find one so a white flag was used instead.

- Alastair Jamieson contributed to this report.
People could end this stupid war, however the leaders of nations are busy competing for interests and causing all this tension.
Me watching video :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :omghaha: :omghaha:

Okay sure, let's have more death and destruction all over the region. It will benefit it us in the future as evident of how beneficial it has been for us.
LMFAO!!! The American commandos kinda hesitated to shake the Taliban guy's hands, they were probably thinking like "wtf?? Are these guys really offering to shake hands???" :rofl:

Okay sure, let's have more death and destruction all over the region. It will benefit it us in the future as evident of how beneficial it has been for us.

Such things are beyond our control. No use in fretting
Such things are beyond our control. No use in fretting

That's what I was trying to imply as well. :)

I'm waiting for that time that the world actually gets a good willed leader. Hopefully we'll see that in our lifetimes.
That's what I was trying to imply as well. :)

I'm waiting for that time that the world actually gets a good willed leader. Hopefully we'll see that in our lifetimes.

But Mahdi will kill all the sunni's :partay:
LMFAO!!! The American commandos kinda hesitated to shake the Taliban guy's hands, they were probably thinking like "wtf?? Are these guys really offering to shake hands???" :rofl:

They've should've sat down and had a cup of tea together. :D

But Mahdi will kill all the sunni's :partay:

He's Sunni himself. :lol:
My master is Allah, Mohammad PBUH, jinnah and Raheel Sharif. Raheel is from my area, i feel after long time we have gotten real patriotic general because in our part of the world people are brainwashed from early age to be Pakistani nationalist. I can see Raheel making TTP history.

I just hope in the process he doesnt finish democracy also.
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