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Surgical strike syndrome


Apr 1, 2007
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Another interesting article.......:coffee:

Surgical strike syndrome

ref:Surgical strike syndrome

Saturday, January 03, 2009
Ikramullah Bhatti

A surgical strike, mostly through air power, is a military attack to cause damage to only the intended target, with no, or minimal, collateral damage. Weapons used for this purpose are invariably precision-guided. Examples of surgical strikes are the Israeli bombing of PLO targets in Tunis in 1985 and Israel's 1981 Operation Babylon against Iraq. A third example is the bombing of Libyan targets by US in 1986.

A surgical strike is generally the option of the stronger side. Any unilateral military action can invoke retaliation which could lead to a full-fledged war. Only the stronger side would be ready and willing to take this risk.

When Israel attacked the PLO in Tunis in 1985, the UN Security Council passed a resolution US abstention condemning the action. Even the US expressed its disapproval but abstained. In any case, Israel could get away with it.

Though it was not a classic surgical strike, the botched US rescue attempt in Tehran in 1980 was launched to rescue US nationals. However, the hidden objective of President Carter was to ensure the release under his administration and eventually win the Democratic nomination for the presidential election. Iran released the held personnel immediately after Ronald Reagan took office.

The last requisite for surgical strikes is there is little possibility of retaliation, or for the retaliation to be bearable. In addition to likely international criticism, the victim country is bound to react to such an attack. This reaction would understandably depend on its politico-military capability and readiness for a response. Therefore, besides a diplomatic campaign, the victim country could opt to launch reciprocal attacks. These attacks will have to take place only minutes later, or there would be international intervention and the victim country would be prevented from resorting to this course of action. Hence, a retaliation would almost be certain. Furthermore, military activity may not end here and there would be a serious danger of a snowball phenomenon leading to a limited or even all-out war. A surgical strike would, therefore, become an option for a country when it has evaluated and discounted this requisite.

In the India-Pakistan context, it was in the third week of December that the readiness and willingness of the Indian air force for surgical strikes became apparent. Realising the seriousness of the situation the PAF immediately deployed its defensive elements at strategic locations and started 24-hour patrolling of the designated areas. This was further backed up by a declaration by the Pakistani government that an attack of this nature will be taken as an act of war and that Pakistan would respond and without delay. Meanwhile, the government's crackdown was already going on against the organisation declared terrorist by the UN. This crackdown has resulted in the arrest of several individuals and the closing down of numerous premises. By these three actions Pakistan was able to not only neutralise the legitimacy of the Indian cause for the attack but it also clearly indicated to the Indians that such an adventure would be very expensive. Therefore, a clear message was sent out by Pakistan to the west that it was seriously responding to the UN's call but no Indian adventurism would be accepted. Seeing this, the tone and tenor of the Indian leadership and their media has undergone a positive change. India is also accepting foreign envoys to discuss and resolve the situation. An Indian surgical strike has thus become less likely.

While it is airpower that is employed for surgical strikes, such an attack could be best countered by air power. The PAF would thus be responsible for defence against such an Indian attack. The PAF has always fought against India outnumbered by the IAF. Nevertheless, the PAF always enjoyed a technological or qualitative advantage over the IAF. This edge has, however, eroded due to sanctions on Pakistan in different periods of time. On the other hand, the planners of the PAF have earnestly worked and, despite limited resources, the PAF has upgraded all its aircraft, weapon and sensors. It does have some weaknesses which are in the process of being addressed. On exhaustion of other options, disputes between nations are being settled today not by occupying territory but by inflicting pain. Appreciating the significance of air power as the weapon of first choice in present-day warfare, the government has been providing requisite resources for the accomplishment of the PAF's development programmes. If the government maintains this support, the PAF is poised to regain its qualitative pre-eminence in the near future.

Though its likelihood has reduced to an extent, a surgical strike in the Indo-Pakistani scenario remains a clear and present danger. Nonetheless, India can opt to resort to it anytime because in the Indo-Pakistani scenario there will never be dearth of reasons and justifications. The Pakistani government and the PAF have sent out clear messages demonstrating their resolve to fight terrorism and their intent to defend Pakistan at the same time. Now it is up to India and the western world to understand and act.;):pdf:

The writer is a former air vice-marshal of the PAF. Email: ikram_bhatti@ yahoo.com
PAF cannot match Indian Airforce quantitatively, but quality wise yes it can match India no doubt.
India Quality wise is now a head of Pakistan. And has been since the late 1990s.

Like every other nation INDIA saw the awesome force of AIR & NAVAL power destroy the then huge iraqi army and air force.

Its was following this that india approached RUSSIA to help acquire the most lethel flanker the world had seen and they asked for israeli assistance in tyhe avionics feield.

The su30 mki was born.

Green pine radar followed

Aerpstat radars & s300 ABM system

Popeye turbo cruise missles

IL76 refullers

All of these deals where concluded between 2000-2005.

This is called FORCE MULTIPLERS...

India inducted force multiplers like BVR missles,, refulling planes,, data linking and now AWACS from next month FIRST TO the indo pak theatre..

THE REASON INDIA moved first they have the partners ie RUSSIA ISRAEL AND FRANCE and very importantly the $$$$$$$$....

Pakistan will play catch up but with a much smaller budget ie about 20% of india,s and fewer options for partners...

india will certainly retain the nos & the quality
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If the government maintains this support, the PAF is poised to regain its qualitative pre-eminence in the near future.

The writer is a former air vice-marshal of the PAF. Email: ikram_bhatti@ yahoo.com

This is an implicit acceptance of India's current qualitative edge over Pakistan, proving most fanboys here wrong. Unless you think you know better than an air vice-marshal. We don't even need to talk about the quantitative edge of course.
This is an implicit acceptance of India's current qualitative edge over Pakistan, proving most fanboys here wrong. Unless you think you know better than an air vice-marshal. We don't even need to talk about the quantitative edge of course.
Actually if you look at posts here..most of the people agree that PAF needs major modernization program.The people who say PAF has better equipment are those who don't know about Military.
PAF biggest weakness is its in a ARMS race with a country whos GDP & military budget dwarfs its own.

ie 7-1 as we speak.

If the countries follow their projected paths this GAP will get even bigger.

IAF will outspend PAF over the next decade by 5 times..

PAF will struggle to match this type of investment
India Quality wise is now a head of Pakistan. And has been since the late 1990s.

Like every other nation INDIA saw the awesome force of AIR & NAVAL power destroy the then huge iraqi army and air force.

Where in the world do you dig this **** up from? Iraq had been crippled with sanctions for many years before the first gulf war. Even then it faced unbearable odds of fighting the militaries of 34 countries simultaneously which incidentally included some of the super powers. Iraqi air force chose to run away instead of fighting and the US had no problems destroying Iraq's outdated SAM sites and RADARS. As for the ground forces there was a total blockage and scrambling of Iraqi communication by the coalition forces, most of the times the Iraqi army was without any intel, info, update, tactics or purpose.......In simplest of terms Iraq did not want to fight!

Its was following this that india approached RUSSIA to help acquire the most lethel flanker the world had seen and they asked for israeli assistance in tyhe avionics feield.

The su30 mki was born.

Green pine radar followed

Aerpstat radars & s300 ABM system

Popeye turbo cruise missles

IL76 refullers

All of these deals where concluded between 2000-2005.

This is called FORCE MULTIPLERS...

India inducted force multiplers like BVR missles,, refulling planes,, data linking and now AWACS from next month FIRST TO the indo pak theatre..

THE REASON INDIA moved first they have the partners ie RUSSIA ISRAEL AND FRANCE and very importantly the $$$$$$$$....

Pakistan will play catch up but with a much smaller budget ie about 20% of india,s and fewer options for partners...

india will certainly retain the nos & the quality

Our weak economy has sort of appeared as a blessing in disguise when it comes to self reliance. Indian LCA has already failed miserably and the Kaveri engine has yet to perform without problems. MCA is still far from production and there is hardly any evidence to suggest why its fate would not follow that of the LCA. Pakistan on the other hand developed a 4th gen jet within a record time of 4 years with the help of our ally so from where I see things we are on the course of self reliance....slowly but gradually we will walk this path of independence and honor which will also drastically cut the cost of acquiring, lessen the burden on the exchequer and help inflation by providing thousands of employments. From where I see things I see a very bright future for our military if they continue this trend of self reliance.
PAF biggest weakness is its in a ARMS race with a country whos GDP & military budget dwarfs its own.

ie 7-1 as we speak.

If the countries follow their projected paths this GAP will get even bigger.

IAF will outspend PAF over the next decade by 5 times..

PAF will struggle to match this type of investment

Do you understand the meaning of offensive and defensive capabilities? Our Air Force follows the doctrine of defense hence our headache is already reduced by half where as our over aggressive neighbor India has to invest in offensive capability as well to satisfy its thirst of dominance by aggression on all her neighbors. Now only that India cannot afford to use all her Air Power against PAF in any eventual war as this will leave a major gap in her prized and protected assets that need constant guard against other threats, aka China.

Now as our defensive Air Force will only have to face an offensive Air Force we have the luxury of using advanced SAM's and MANPADS, a lot of which are being produced indigenously. All that along with decent defensive tactics will neutralize any unfair advantage that India may or may not enjoy in the future. Plus our AWACS etc. will warn us a long time before IAF actually gets a chance to get shot down :)
Unless you think you know better than an air vice-marshal.

Well, we're glad to see that you agree with our Air Marshals prediction that PAF will gain qualitative pre-eminence over the IAF soon, since this guy's article is absolutely 100% credible in your opinion.
qualitative pre-eminence

Using whose money. ???

From wat i hear PAKISTAN will borrow $650m in soft loans from china to buy their 40+ jf17

Like i said if you want to be boss " you need some serious GDP $$$"
Like i said if you want to be boss " you need some serious GDP $$$"

Just enough to maintain parity or 'qualitative pre-eminence'.

In the long run however, if Pakistan's economy does not go back to the growth rates of the last 7 years, we will be looking at parity more than 'qualitative pre-eminence'.

Only time will tell.
qualitative pre-eminence

Using whose money. ???

From wat i hear PAKISTAN will borrow $650m in soft loans from china to buy their 40+ jf17

Like i said if you want to be boss " you need some serious GDP $$$"

Lol u dont know wat u are saying so if anything its your nation that cries everytime Pak makes some sort of arms deal while u are 4 times in numers in everything still it makes your nations leaders go to the bathroom ! so plz state facts here not false or hatered statements i have noticed your hatered actions here or soon you will find your way out and i hope u know wat you id name means in latin (little boy) no offence enjoy your day and oh next time Pak need some loans perhaps you will pay for them big daddy!! :crazy: :cheesy::cheesy:
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Please read the below aricle from Pakistani ACM AHMED re loans to acquire JF17/J10 from china.

Date Posted: 01-Dec-2008

Jane's Defence Weekly

Pakistan seeks Chinese loan for fighter purchase

Jon Grevatt Jane's Asia-Pacific Industry Reporter - Bangkok

Pakistan's economic crisis has prompted the government to seek soft loans from China in order to pay for initial deliveries of Chinese-designed JF-17 and J-10 fighter aircraft, chief of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Air Chief Marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed has revealed.

Speaking through the PakistanI government's news agency on 25 November at the country's International Defence Exhibition and Seminar in Karachi, ACM Ahmed said Pakistan was planning to approach both the Chinese government and China's private sector for the loans.

Jane's estimates that the value of the loans could be in excess of USD2 billion.

ACM Ahmed revealed that between USD700 to USD800 million would be required for the initial batch of 40 to 42 JF-17s, and that "the government would also seek credit facility on easy terms and conditions" for the purchase of the J-10s.

The PAF has so far taken delivery of eight Sino-Pakistan developed JF-17 aircraft although it plans to induct up to 250 units by 2013.

The majority of these aircraft will be manufactured by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) at Kamra.

The eight JF-17 aircraft that have been delivered to the PAF are currently undergoing an evaluation process, added ACM Ahmed, which is expected to be complete in 2009.

Although ACM Ahmed neither specified the number of J-10s to be procured nor their cost, earlier in November he confirmed that Pakistan was planning to acquire 36 units by 2010. The value of this deal is estimated to be around USD1.5 billion.

In addition to the procurement of these Chinese aircraft, the PAF has also ordered 18 F-16 Block 50/52 aircraft - comprising 12 single-seat C variants and six two-seat D variants - and is also upgrading up to 46 of its fleet of older F-16A/B aircraft through Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funds from the United States.

Additionally, the Pakistan Navy is to receive eight former US Navy P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft, also through FMF funds.

On 15 November Islamabad agreed a USD7.6 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in order to meet what the IMF said was a "serious balance of payment difficulties".

Two days later Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani stated that that although the IMF loan was a "last resort" the country's Fiscal Year 2009 defence budget of USD3.8 billion would not be affected.

© 2008 Jane's Information Group

Pakistans Fiscal miltary budget for 2009 $3.8 billion. i,m astonished...

It shows just how tiny Pakistani GDP must be....

India,s only spends 2.5% of GDP and even then india,s budget for military in 2008-2009 was $27 billion

7 times as much.

Which exactly the point i made in a earlier post.

" none of this is made" ITS FACT
Pakistans Fiscal miltary budget for 2009 $3.8 billion. i,m astonished...

It shows just how tiny Pakistani GDP must be....

India,s only spends 2.5% of GDP and even then india,s budget for military in 2008-2009 was $27 billion

7 times as much.

Which exactly the point i made in a earlier post.

" none of this is made" ITS FACT

...and your point is what? Do you see someone claiming otherwise?
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