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Sunni coalition to demand arrest of Shia clerics in Pakistan

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Jan 31, 2018
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Sunni coalition to demand arrest of Shia clerics in Pakistan
Country has seen an unprecedented wave of arrests of Shias on charges of insulting the Prophet Muhammad's companions
Zahid Hussain Khan
Zahid Hussain, Multan

Updated: September 04, 2020 06:14 AM GMT
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Sunni coalition to demand arrest of Shia clerics in Pakistan

Shia Muslims flagellate themselves during an Ashura procession during the holy month of Muharram in Quetta, Pakistan, on Aug. 30. (Photo: AFP)
A newly formed coalition of Sunni groups will stage a sit-in protest in Islamabad on Sept. 14 to demand the arrest of Shia clerics and eulogists accused of blasphemy.
The demand came despite an unprecedented wave of arrests of Shias on charges of insulting the Prophet Muhammad’s companions during the recently concluded Ashura, a 10-day mourning period marked annually by the Muslim minority sect during the holy month of Muharram.
According to news reports and activists, more than 42 people, mainly Shias and Christians, have been arrested in the past month for blasphemy.
Shias, who make up 15 percent of Pakistan’s 220 million population, commemorate the seventh-century massacre of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson Imam Husayn and his family and friends at the Battle of Karbala in Iraq for refusing to pledge allegiance to the then Muslim ruler Yazid ibn Muawiya.
Shias blame certain Islamic figures for events that led to the Karbala tragedy but the same people are revered by Sunnis for being companions of the Prophet Muhammad.
Several Sunni organizations known for their vocal support for controversial blasphemy laws — Jamiat Ulema Islam, Ahle Sunnat Pakistan, Aalmi Majlis Tahuffuz Khatm Nubawwat, Markazi Jamiat Ahle Hadith, JUI-S, Sunni Ulema Council and others — met in Islamabad and announced the creation of a new coalition to demand the arrest of Shias under blasphemy laws.
In a joint statement after the meeting, the groups condemned “insults to Prophet’s companions” during Shia majalis (processions).
The groups called for the registration of cases under terrorism laws against Shias who hold licenses for taking out Muharram processions.
They also demanded the establishment of a national commission to stop sectarianism, religious hatred and incitement.
The Sunni groups also demanded that a controversial Islam Protection Bill recently passed by the Punjab Assembly be replicated in other provinces.
Meanwhile, lawyers’ groups have voiced concern over a tweet by Prime Minister Imran Khan which appeared to criticize Shias.
“I want to thank our nation for the peaceful observing of Ashura in the country. However, unfortunately, information has come to me of elements who tried to ignite flames of sectarianism on this occasion and I will be taking very tough action against them,” Khan tweeted.
In a statement, the Pakistan Bar Council and the Supreme Court Bar Association expressed concern and dismay over Khan’s tweet “targeting a section of the Shia community and subsequent registration of cases against a number of persons of that community and their arrest being accused of blasphemy without any reason and justification. “
“The prime minister of Pakistan, being executive head of the country, is expected to play the role of a wise statesman, striking a balance among different religious sects and communities rather than to cause discrimination against a particular sect.
The prime minister of Pakistan should be a symbol of unity for its citizens irrespective of religious beliefs, which in the current situation of the country is badly needed.”

Blasphemy is a highly sensitive issue in deeply conservative Pakistan where mere allegations have led to extrajudicial killings and mob violence.

Human rights campaigners have long sought the repeal of draconian blasphemy laws, arguing they are used to victimize religious minorities or settle personal scores.
I dont think anyone should be jailed or killed for blasphemy. The punishment should be economic imo bc thats what this modern world fears the most. But I am tired of people being allowed to curse the companions, mock the religion and spout idiotic nonsense that betrays the very reason for Pakistan’s existence. As a Sunni I have never cursed or criticized or taunted revered Shia historical figures. Or Ahamdi figures. Or Christian figures. And I stand against it. Tolerance means respecting both sides. Not allowing one side to slander, insult and curse while the other side does nothing.
fools wanting limelight and trying to gain voter strength based on religion as well as settle some old scores. Should be immediately arrested since they will inflame more sectarianism then anybody in Pakistan as they declare Shias as kaffir and wajib ul qatl and the incident would reach apex when some Ashiq would gun down shias.

As for the PM. If he really wants to crackdown on sectarianism then he should arrest everybody that voted on the Protection bill, which promises the beginning of sectarianism in the country. When Iran and Arabia are on the brink of conflict and are spreading their hands everywhere in the region, we have decided to fan sectarianism. This government is going nowhere and looks absolutely lost. Populist leaders will often struggle with such since they get elected based on populism rather than any governing skill and for him, if its trending and its doable, he will declare that he will do it to maintain popular support.

The Punjab assembly itself had come under severe criticism of corruption and incompetence and whenever such rises, it has been common to use religion to base popularity on.
Why we are still fighting over freaking arab civil war 14 centuries ago? Yazid was no different then Bin Qasim. You can't worship one as hero and other as villan.
I dont think anyone should be jailed or killed for blasphemy. The punishment should be economic imo bc thats what this modern world fears the most. But I am tired of people being allowed to curse the companions, mock the religion and spout idiotic nonsense that betrays the very reason for Pakistan’s existence. As a Sunni I have never cursed or criticized or taunted revered Shia historical figures. Or Ahamdi figures. Or Christian figures. And I stand against it. Tolerance means respecting both sides. Not allowing one side to slander, insult and curse while the other side does nothing.

Basis of shiaism is to criticise certain companions of Muhammad. Christians couldn't care less, hindus couldn't care less. But you don't see shias ever being arrested because their numbers mean it will be caos all over Pakistan and for good reason. Its pointless to fight civil war in our backyard over 7th century bedoiun internal struggle to rule.

But it also exposes our coward failed state who go after poor christians and sentence them to death.
Pakistan is a sunni majority country, if Shias want to live in harmony then they should learn to keep their tongues in check while speaking in public about companions of Prophet Muhammed, Otherwise, they are free to go to Iran and do whatever the fck they want to.

Plain and simple.
Why we are still fighting over freaking arab civil war 14 centuries ago?

I agree.

Sunni coalition to demand arrest of Shia clerics in Pakistan

Shia Muslims flagellate themselves during an Ashura procession during the holy month of Muharram in Quetta, Pakistan, on Aug. 30. (Photo: AFP)

Man, they should stop doing that. It is not civilized.
Why we are still fighting over freaking arab civil war 14 centuries ago? Yazid was no different then Bin Qasim. You can't worship one as hero and other as villan.
Why we are still fighting over freaking arab civil war 14 centuries ago? Yazid was no different then Bin Qasim. You can't worship one as hero and other as villan.
Don’t know your background but for a Muslim Yazid was very different. Yazid sanctioned and instigated the murder of Husayn may Allah be pleased with him, two of his sons, his cousins and many others of Ahl al Bayt. If you love Rasul Allah you should be beyond upset with this. And Ill add that this was not an Arab civil war. This was a fitnah between our Muslim ancestors. And this fitnah continues to this day. Where I and others disagree with our Shia brothers is the idea of cursing the companions. We are united with them in despair and sorrow over what happened to the family of Al Habib al Mustafa.
Basis of shiaism is to criticise certain companions of Muhammad. Christians couldn't care less, hindus couldn't care less. But you don't see shias ever being arrested because their numbers mean it will be caos all over Pakistan and for good reason. Its pointless to fight civil war in our backyard over 7th century bedoiun internal struggle to rule.

But it also exposes our coward failed state who go after poor christians and sentence them to death.
To call Husain ibn Ali, Zainab bint Ali, Hassan ibn Ali and others bedouin is to demean Ahl al Bayt. Please don’t use this argument.
Pakistan is a sunni majority country, if Shias want to live in harmony then they should learn to keep their tongues in check while speaking in public about companions of Prophet Muhammed, Otherwise, they are free to go to Iran and do whatever the fck they want to.

Plain and simple.

How about you go and make some new Pakistan for yourself and scum like Sipah e Sahaba? As Quaid was a twelver Shia converted from Ismailism. I wonder if you can begin migrating to S.A.
How about you go and make some new Pakistan for yourself and scum like Sipah e Sahaba? As Quaid was a twelver Shia converted from Ismailism. I wonder if you can begin migrating to S.A.
His funeral prayer was lead by a Sunni molvi. Would Shias of today have balls to do that? No they only bark against Sahabas like mad dogs and get killed.
I agree.

Man, they should stop doing that. It is not civilized.

It should be banned as it has no basis in the muslim religion. The Shia themselves dont do this retarded act. Its a sub continent illiterate culture that brings about these insane customs. Just like dancing in Mehndis and spending lavishly on weddings among thousands of things that you and me do everyday.

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The Indians aren't getting Chabahar back.
It should be banned as it has no basis in the muslim religion. The Shia themselves dont do this retarded act. Its a sub continent illiterate culture that brings about these insane customs. Just like dancing in Mehndis and spending lavishly on weddings among thousands of things that you and me do everyday.

More like an Indian practice imported all across Subcontinent and particularly Pakistan.
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