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Sultan Mehmed Fateh


Apr 28, 2011
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For eight centuries, the conquest of Constantinople, now IstanbulTurkey was a dream for the Muslim commanders. Ever since the era of the revered companion, Mu`aawiyah Ibn Abu Sufyaan, there had been many attempts to conquer it, but none had succeeded.

Every Muslim commander wanted to be the conqueror praised in the narration in which the Prophet
said: "You will conquerConstantinople. Its commander is the best and its army (that will conquer it) is the best."

Who was then the person about whom the Prophet
gave glad tidings? It was Muhammad Al-Faatih son of the Ottoman Sultan Murad II.

Muhammad Al-Faatih as a child and his excellent preparation:

Muhammad Al-Fatih was born on 27th Rajab, 835 A.H., 30th March, 1432. He was brought up under the supervision of his father, Sultan Murad II, the seventh Ottoman Sultan. His father prepared and trained him to shoulder the responsibilities of the position of a Sultan. Muhammad Al-Fatih memorized all the Quran, learnt the Prophetic narrations, Islamic jurisprudence, mathematics, astronomy and the skills required for war.

He also learnt Arabic, Persian, Latin and Greek languages. He joined his father in his battles and conquests.

His father appointed him as a ruler of a small emirate so that he could receive practical training on administering state affairs under the supervision of some of the top scholars of that time. This matter influenced the character of the young prince and tinted his personality with Islamic morals and manners.

Shaykh Aaq Shamsd-Deen, one of the scholars who supervised the upbringing and education of Muhammad Al-Faatih, managed to inculcate in his heart the spirit of Jihaad and the desire to be a person with high ambition.

The Shaykh also told Muhammad Al-Faatih
that he may be the one referred to in the Prophetic narration mentioned above. All this shaped the character of Muhammad Al-Faatih. He was devoted to Jihaad, highly ambitious, widely cultured, and had deep knowledge of the skills of war and combat.

Taking power and his efforts to achieve the glad tiding:

After the death of his father, Sultan Murad II on 5th Muharram, 852 A.H., 7th February, 1451 A.C., Muhammad Al-Faatih
took over and became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He was a strong young man, only twenty years old, very enthusiastic and ambitious. He was thinking of the conquest of Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire. This dream overwhelmed him to the extent that he would not talk about any subject except for the conquest of Constantinople. He would not even allow anyone who was sitting with him to talk, except about the expected conquest.

The first step in achieving his dream was to take control of the Strait ofBosporus so that he could prevent any support or supplies that might come to Constantinople from Europe. So he built a huge castle on the European seashore of the Strait of Bosporus. Along with top senior officials, he personally participated in building the castle. It took three months to build this castle that came to be known as the Roman Castle. On the other bank of the Strait of Bosporus there was the Castle ofAnatolia. It then became impossible for any ship to cross unless it obtained permission from the Ottoman forces.

At that time, a talented engineer managed to make a number of cannons for the Sultan, Muhammad Al-Faatih
. One of these cannons, never known before that time, was 700 tons and its projectile weighed 1,500 kilograms.

The sound of its shell could be heard from a long distance away. It was pulled by one hundred oxen aided by one hundred strong men. This giant cannon was called the Sultanic Cannon.

The conquest of Constantinople and the realization of the glad tidings:

After completing his preparations, Sultan Muhammad Al-Faatih marched to Constantinople with an army of two hundred and sixty-five thousand fighters. This army had infantry forces as well as horsemen. Huge cannons supported this army. The army besieged Constantinopleand the Ottoman cannons started to fire their missiles at the fortified walls of the city day and night. From time to time, the Sultan surprised the enemy with a new war plan until the city defenders lost control and their forces gave up.

At dawn of Tuesday, 20th Jumaadaa Al-Awwal, 827 A.H., 29th May, 1453 A.C., the Ottoman forces managed to penetrate the walls and drive away the defenders who fled. The people of Constantinople were taken by surprise when they saw the Ottoman flags waving on their walls and the soldiers flooding into the city.

After the Ottoman forces conquered the city, Sultan Muhammad arrived on his horse in a great procession that included his ministers and army commanders. Ever since that time, the Sultan was known as Muhammad Al-Faatih (the Conqueror). The soldiers were shouting:

Mash-Allaah! Mash-Allaah! Long live our Sultan! Long live our Sultan!

The Sultan's procession marched until it reached Hagia Sophia church where the people of the city had gathered. When they knew that the Sultan had arrived, they bowed and prostrated and they were all weeping and crying because they did not know their fate; what Sultan Muhammad Al-Faatih would do to them.

When the Sultan arrived, he dismounted from his horse and prayed two Rak`ahs thanking Allaah Who had blessed him with this conquest. Then the Sultan addressed the people of the city who were still bowing and prostrating in tears:

Stand up! I am Sultan Muhammad and I would like to tell you, your brothers, and all the people present that your lives and freedoms are protected.

The Sultan ordered that the church be turned into a mosque and for the first time, the call for prayer was heard from this place. Until now, this mosque is still known as the Mosque of Hagia Sophia. He also decided to take Constantinople as a capital of his country. It was called Islambul, meaning the House of Islam. Later on the word was viciously twisted to become Istanbul.

The Sultan was very tolerant and merciful with the people of the city, and acted according to the teachings of Islam. He commanded his soldiers to treat their prisoners of war in a good manner. The Sultan himself paid the ransoms for a large number of prisoners of war from his own money. He also allowed those who left the city when it was under siege to return home.

The aftermath of the conquest of Constantinople:

Muhammad Al-Fatih attained this victory when he was twenty three years old. This indicated his early military genius. He also deserved the glad tidings of the Prophet
who foretold that a good person would conquer that city.

Later on, Muhammad Al-Faatih headed to complete his conquests in the Balkan. He managed to conquer SerbiaGreeceRomaniaAlbania and Bosnia Herzegovina. He also looked forward to conquering Rome so that he would have another source of pride in addition to the conquest ofConstantinople.

In order to achieve this great hope, he needed to conquer Italy. He prepared a tremendous fleet for this mission. He managed to land his forces and a large number of cannons near the Italian city Otarant. Consequently he managed to capture its castle in Jumaadaa Al-Awwal 885 A.H., July 1480 A.C.

Muhammad Al-Fatih decided to take Otarant as a base for his northern military operations until he could reach Rome. The European world was terrified because of this attempt and they expected the fall of the historical city, Rome into the hands of Muhammad Al-Fatih. However, he died suddenly (on 4th Rabee' Al-Awwal, 886 A.H., 3rd May, 1481 A.C.) while he was preparing to realize this dream. All Europe was very happy when they knew about his death. The Pope of Rome ordered that thankfulness prayer be held in churches as a means of expressing joy and happiness over the news.

Muhammad Al-Fatih as a statesman and a sponsor of civilization

During the reign of Muhammad Al-Faatih and because of his wise leadership and well-planned policy, the OttomanState reached boundaries that it had never done before.

All these conquests were not the only achievements of Muhammad Al-Faatih may Allaah have mercy on him. Through the help of some of his loyal men, he managed to establish a constitution based on the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Prophet
and the Ottoman state adhered to this constitution for about four centuries.

Although he was very busy, he managed to establish more than 300 mosques, 192 of which were in Istanbul alone. He also built 57 schools. Among his most famous architectural monuments are the Mosque of Sultan Muhammad, the Mosque of Abu Ayyoob Al-Ansaari, and SaraiTub-QabuPalace.

Muhammad Al-Faatih was known for his love for literature. He was a good poet and a regular reader. He liked the company of scholars and poets and made some of them ministers. Whenever he heard about a great scholar in any field, he would help and support him or ask him to come to Istanbul in order to benefit of his knowledge.

The character of Muhammad Al-Faatih :

Muhammad Al-Faatih was a committed Muslim who abode by the rulings of Islamic jurisprudence. Because of the way he was brought up, he was a pious man. As for his military conduct, it was very civilized and it was unfamiliar to Europe in its Medieval Ages.

Owing to his ambition fostered by his teachers who always encouraged him to be the conqueror of Constantinople he managed to make the greatest of his achievements by conquering this city.

Muhammad Al-Faatih managed to realize his dreams through hard, continuous work, and well-organized planning. For example, before besieging Constantinople he prepared for the war by making cannons, preparing his fleet, and making use of all the factors that might render him victorious.

Through high ambition, determination, and the effort to achieve his goals, he managed to materialize his dream, make his hope an existing reality which made him one of the great Muslim heroes and conquerors.

@Kaan @Aeronaut @Rashid Mahmood @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Slav Defence @ajpirzada @Arsalan
The real hero of the conquest was Sultan Murad II whose wisdom, foresight, and ambition laid ground for the State power that could conquer Constantinople.
The real hero of the conquest was Sultan Murad II whose wisdom, foresight, and ambition laid ground for the State power that could conquer Constantinople.
and who was he ?
except for converting Hagia Sophia into a mosque, i have all praise for Sultan Fatih (may Allah have mercy on him).
The capture of Constantinople was an defensive or offensive war for the Muslims?
If u have seen Hagia Sophia, you wouldn't be saying this. This was a great gesture of tolerance.

I have visited Hagia Sophia but I do not get you point. Can you explain plz?

If u have seen Hagia Sophia, you wouldn't be saying this. This was a great gesture of tolerance.

well i agree and disagree. I cant recall where any of the first four caliphs of Islam converted any of the worship places of the people of the book into a mosque.
We have a totally different example in the conquest of the Jerusalem during the times of Hazrat Umar (Allah's mercy be upon him). People of the Book were allowed to retain their places of worship and practice their faith.
In fact our times have gotten worse. today is our dark ages while yesterday was our golden age. it is the opposite for the western world.
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I have visited Hagia Sophia but I do not get you point. Can you explain plz?

well i agree and disagree. I cant recall where any of the first four caliphs of Islam converted any of the worship places of the people of the book into a mosque.
We have a totally different example in the conquest of the Jerusalem during the times of Hazrat Umar (Allah's mercy be upon him). People of the Book were allowed to retain their places of worship and practice their faith.
In fact our times have gotten worse. today is our dark ages while yesterday was our golden age. it is the opposite for the western world.

So what is the problem in that? Its a celebrated fact that it was converted into a masjid and no one seems to have any issues with it for several centuries.
So what is the problem in that? Its a celebrated fact that it was converted into a masjid and no one seems to have any issues with it for several centuries.

He meant how do you brand it 'a great gesture of tolerance'?:undecided:
It wasn't the worst thing a medieval religiously affiliated conqueror could do,but calling it a great gesture of tolerance is lol.
He meant how do you brand it 'a great gesture of tolerance'?:undecided:
It wasn't the worst thing a medieval religiously affiliated conqueror could do,but calling it a great gesture of tolerance is lol.

Lol! You have to go and see it if you read my original post. Stop being an ***.
Lol! You have to go and see it if you read my original post. Stop being an ***.

No thats what is curious,its beautiful..but what has that got do with it being a great gesture of tolerance?U could say modern turkey govt's decision to turn it into a quasi museum a great gesture of tolerance...but how was the former case?I'm not being an ***,u are putting ur reply in a curious fashion as if something we are missing?
"For eight centuries, the conquest of Constantinople, now IstanbulTurkey was a dream for the Muslim commanders. Ever since the era of the revered companion, Mu`aawiyah Ibn Abu Sufyaan, there had been many attempts to conquer it, but none had succeeded."

Why is conquering foreign/non-Muslim territory considered such an important part of the Muslim way of life ?
The fall of Constantinople was a blessing in disguise to the Christian Europe. After the fall of Constantinople the silk and spice trade from Asia to Europe got disrupted. This motivated the Europeans to find alternate routes to Asia which resulted in discovery of the new world in America and Australia and direct sea route to India and the rest of the orient. These discoveries directly lead to the era of global colonization and rise of Europe. The fall of Constantinople also had an uniting effect on the Europeans against the alien culture. The start of decline of Islamic empires can also be dated to the fall of Constantinople.
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