I haven't written in a while, so i thought I'd write down some observations for keen thoughtful observers and then open it for a debate.
1: Pakistan has made a breakthrough in Afghanistan, but would it lead to peace?
2: CPEC is being developed, maybe not as fast as planned, but it surely is. How does this help us in industrialization?
3: Although TTP has been beaten to pulp. The threat remains, how long can we keep forces deployed on the border with Afghanistan?
4: Color movements by communists are another threat. Non lethal yet but poses a great risk of subversion.
5: Iran's dystopian mullah regime is sheltering BSNM militants. Just note the location of a few high profile assasinations, ostensibly carried out by ISI. Add to that, Kulbhushan, Uzair Baloch, Baba Laadla etc all operating out of Iran.
6: Saudis are backing away from Pakistan under MBS. If you can't see it, you're a fool. What should we do?
7: Why did Turkey not inform us before going into Idlib?
8: Modi has lost his sh.it. How to accelerate it?
Important and relevant thoughts, my two cents:
1: Pakistan has made a breakthrough in Afghanistan, but would it lead to peace?
Million dollar question, and depends on lots of factors. All Afghan stake holders sitting together to resolve the issues at hand. Its Iranian/Indian proxies vs Pashtuns in General. There could be no peace without serious stakes for Taliban. Resurgence of ISIS in Afghanistan is a worrying sign.
I will keep my fingers crossed but one thing is a fact, no country on earth has shed more Afghan blood than the afghans themselves. Peace is just a paradox.
If taliban continue to rule like 90s, then I am afraid we are going to see along drawn out war.
2: CPEC is being developed, maybe not as fast as planned, but it surely is. How does this help us in industrialization?
Depends on so many factors political stability, economic policies, bureaucracy will be the major players. Till the time discount rates are below the magic 10% I don’t see much happening. Pakistani Industrialist are more like leeches they are more interested in profits than corporate social responsibility, or interest of the country or its population. Foreign investors that’s a tight rope, their investment comes with hefty repatriation of profits. Our bureaucracy is not only corrupt but incompetent and short sighted as well, instead of inviting foreign investment they should rather be focusing on inviting foreign investment which is focused toward value addition and exports.
I mean what is the fun if a Turkish company comes in invests a $100 million and then take away 30$ million per annum as repatriation of profits. I know there is job creation, tax payment by it doesn’t help with CAD.
One thing going in Pakistan’s favor is its improving international image, india going south. So is china may be the world does realize than with increasing cost of labor in china/Vietnam/Thailand/korea/malasysia they need to diversify and invest in Pakistan as well.
3: Although TTP has been beaten to pulp. The threat remains, how long can we keep forces deployed on the border with Afghanistan?
First part have they been defeated, nurseries are still there mullah fuzla you know and his nurseries. Unless the Govt becomes serious and bring all madaris under some sort of control there is always risk.
For second part I am afraid till the time we have powerful ally Govt in Kabul that’s not happening, even if there is an ally Govt as soon as they are stable they will again question durand line and question the expiry of old agreement. They already have their proxy supporters here. Just a reminder who were invited to and attended Mayor of Kabul’s oath taking ceremony recently.
I am afraid this is going to be a permanent deployment, but the bright side is this will help our forces hone their skills in varied terrain for upcoming challenges. My God there are very serious challenges ahead. Just look at Mideast!
4: Color movements by communists are another threat. Non lethal yet but poses a great risk of subversion.
Socialist are there in every country, even in USA and UK. Their ideals are not really bad, pre marx. The key is not to suppress them by force.
If democracy and those behind so called democracy don’t realize that free lunch era is over, with the advent of “not so social” social media everything could be questioned, every message now has an audience.
Life of a common man is difficult in Pakistan and every successive Govt is making it more difficult, media and un-social media is making him realize that one cartel or the other is exploiting him, so yes it is a risk and can allure masses.
5: Iran's dystopian mullah regime is sheltering BSNM militants. Just note the location of a few high profile assasinations, ostensibly carried out by ISI. Add to that, Kulbhushan, Uzair Baloch, Baba Laadla etc all operating out of Iran.
I don’t know about others but my batch mates and my social circle of faujis had long ago established that biggest risk to Pakistan is neither the east/nor the west but south west and further south.
People in Pakistan are not aware that if there is anything like a blast or target killing in Iran which is labelled to be done by terrorist hiding in Pakistan there are processions in Tehran where Pakistani flag is burned and chants are raised against Pakistan akin to what happens in Delhi.
In a way the covert/overt love fest/sanction between the US/Israel and Iran are keeping them in check otherwise they would have sponsored major problems in Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, Parachinar and Jhang area. I am sure you could correlate what I mean. The incident in Pindi two years back was not an isolated one it was sponsored and planned outside Pakistan. With the likelihood of a semi-pro-Pakistan setup possibility in Afghanistan, two countries feel their major investment are at risk namely Iran and India.
But every oppressive setup has its expiry date, I am absolutely sure that ayatollahs have long passed that date. As to why they are in power still, well till the time there is a major change in Mideast this setup favors USA/Israel.
6: Saudis are backing away from Pakistan under MBS. If you can't see it, you're a fool. What should we do?
In a way this is good for Pakistan in the long run, provided if we could somehow miraculously severe their ties with their sponsored proxies in Pakistan and their array of terrorist nurseries. Their roots are deep, too deep for my convenience how many media channels are covering the problems in saudia these days.
Just like ayatollahs of Iran the expiry date of Arab bas**ds, sorry I mean Arab Royals is over, I am afraid their time will come before Iranians, what worries me is that Pakistan will be made to get involved in the mess. And that’s really bad. Not only they curse Paksitanis but call our armed forces as mercenaries of course there is truth in the second part but every dead soldier in service or retired is one Pakistani lost for thankless dipsh*ts.
We should learn self reliance.
7: Why did Turkey not inform us before going into Idlib?
Bro this is called national interests, only we Pakistanis are stupid enough to sacrifice our national interests in the name of stupid notion of “Ummah” rest of the countries are less prone to this idiocy.
8: Modi has lost his sh.it. How to accelerate it?
We have already sown/nurtured the seeds, we should just start a massive media campaign on social media and enjoy the show.
We have already reaped the benefits of extremist and illiterate people at helm of affairs almost lost our national and geographical integrity, thank goodness we are almost out of it, thanks to the sacrifices of our jawans/JCOs/NCOs/ mid/low level officers, civilians, minorities, now it is their time to reap the benefits of an illiterate/extremist man at helm of affairs. Frankly I don’t see India with current geography few decades down the road. Religious extremism and oppression of minorities is a dangerous road and never bodes well.
We did not have much choice in electing/selecting such people but they have elected such a setup by choice and they will enjoy it all in the name of anti mulsim/anti every religion.