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Strategic chess and Emerging New World Order I

Bill Longley

Apr 15, 2008
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Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Strategic Chess and Emerging New World Order I

History is a very interesting subject, in fact it’s a story full of lessons for those who want to learn because it tells about actions and consequences of people who ruled and lived before us. Interestingly, history tells us that power follows similar patterns. History also reveals that biggest and mortal weakness of a powerful is his use of excessive and ruthless force against the week. This use of force creates immunity and destroys the fear-factor in weak and the weak gets courage to challenge the strong.
1991 was an important year in many ways. It was the year when Great Soviet Empire collapsed and an era of bipolarity ended. It was also the year when 35 nations joined hands and attacked Iraq to free Kuwait under the leadership of sole superpower, which survived Cold war i.e. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
It was in this war when the USA displayed its overwhelming power and global reach to the world, so that allies and enemy states take note , not to come in way of American global interests. US planes flew from their home bases, bombed Iraq and came back on their base after completing a complete circle without touching the ground .
The US power and influence increased but elite of the US wanted more ‘freedom of action’, to grab more and hence more show and use of power. Robert Kagan in his book ‘ON PARADISE AND POWER ‘explains American thinking by giving example of a man who has some work to do in Jungle where a ferocious beast dwells. Kagan says if that man has a knife he will go to jungle but will try to avoid the bear but if same man has an automatic weapon he will first kill the bear and then finish his work. Kagan observes that first case is with Europe and it’s because it has no overwhelming power but US has power and reach and that’s why it first neutralizes the threats and then proceeds.
There is an old story, once a young lamb and a tiger were drinking water from the same stream. Tiger became greedy and started bullying the lamb that he was polluting the water, lamb told politely that tiger was on high place and water was coming to him after passing the tiger. Tiger then accused that lamb had abused him a year back on which lamb replied he was only 6 month old on which tiger roared and attacked the lamb that lamb was calling him liar and it was his mother who cursed him. Moral of this story is that Power doesn’t need excuses, it creates excuses at will.
After the end of cold war, neoconservatives and hawks in American Elites started dreaming PAX AMERICANA. One of the most influential think tank Project for New American Century published an important paper under the heading of Re-Building Americas Defenses in which it was suggested.
The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions .
September 11,2001 attacks proved to be the catastrophic events and Hawkish elements of US elite found excuse to use force and implement their old dream of Pax Americana and within few hours of these terrorist attacks some of the most influential US officials like Sen. Mac Cain started advocating that Iraq ,Syria and Iran should be neutralized .
It has been nearly 12 years of war on Terrorism which started after the September 11 attacks. The US has shown its weakness that it is addicted to use of power and will kill in anticipation without any regret or remorse. After the attacks on its soil, the US attacked Afghanistan and ousted the Taliban regime. Although it was able to make Al-Qaeda on the run but in Process created a situation where major ethnic group in Afghanistan became the enemy and hence the Taliban, which was a religious movement became Pashtun ethnic Struggle against occupation and the minority alliance, called Northern Alliance, which was on forefront in war against the Taliban and which found it convenient to settle old scores against Pashtun Majority..
Similarly on the base of ‘War on Terror’, Iraq was invaded, nearly "1,455,590" Iraqis were killed and a developing and prosperous country was ruined. At present Iraq is a divided society where Sunnies, Kurds and Shia’s are fighting each other for dominance.
Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of State writes in his book DIPLOMACY that ‘Defence and Safe guard of Israel’ is one of the important foreign policy objective of American foreign Policy.
American Middle East policy is especially based on 2 factors:
1. Israeli defense
2. Energy security
Whatever American does in Middle East, its due to one of the above two reasons. From Arab Springs to Hostility against Iran, from Emerging Kurdish Spring to Sectarian strife and militancy amongst Middle East, we can observe a delicate Balance of Power is being tried to be maintained and by Divide and rule commercial and Strategic interests are being secured. But is not 1991… its 2012, new powers are emerging , which are challenging the sole super power. China with its strong economy is modernizing its forces. Russia under Vladimir Putin is trying to retake its place in the world politics.

To Be Continued…..
Losing Control ,Paul Rogers
Iraq Deaths | Just Foreign Policy

Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Strategic Chess and Emerging New World Order I
Silly stuff written by none other than a guy named Abu.

Just a simple question.

What was that dumb lamb doing on the waterhole (stream) while tiger was in the area.

The real life jungle examples clearly show that every animal knows his place and does not show up to drink water unaware of the fact as to who else is enjoying a nice cold one.

Saddam, Qaddafi, Ben-fing-laden, Ayatoolahs and Moolahs are/were ruthless beasts and comparing them with lamb is nothing but intellectual depravity (or at least laziness).

These pathetic so-called leaders are still living in a world that existed decades if not centuries ago. And hence, they go around challenging everyone weak or strong, with utter disregard for the reality.

Look at Pakistani Talibobs. They think they are living in 7th century Arabia, and thus they have every right to kick Pakistani government out of Islamabad. They are like drunkards who have beer cajones and yet they call themselves Islam's defenders. What a shame.

So many Pakistanis on this forum, so many Pakistanis in our beautiful homeland, go gaga, lady gaga on these Talibanic Moooolahs, while these beasts roam the country and kill our civilians and our police officers and our army jawans with no hesitation whatsoever.

But this Abdul guy ignores all that, and spreads hashish of Islamism and anti-Americanism without an iota of shame.

Pathetic really pathetic essay.
Thanks for feed back
Janab you dont know me and so how can you judge what I am.
but thanks at least you gave time to read.
Silly stuff written by none other than a guy named Abu.

Just a simple question.

What was that dumb lamb doing on the waterhole (stream) while tiger was in the area.

The real life jungle examples clearly show that every animal knows his place and does not show up to drink water unaware of the fact as to who else is enjoying a nice cold one.

Saddam, Qaddafi, Ben-fing-laden, Ayatoolahs and Moolahs are/were ruthless beasts and comparing them with lamb is nothing but intellectual depravity (or at least laziness).

These pathetic so-called leaders are still living in a world that existed decades if not centuries ago. And hence, they go around challenging everyone weak or strong, with utter disregard for the reality.

Look at Pakistani Talibobs. They think they are living in 7th century Arabia, and thus they have every right to kick Pakistani government out of Islamabad. They are like drunkards who have beer cajones and yet they call themselves Islam's defenders. What a shame.

So many Pakistanis on this forum, so many Pakistanis in our beautiful homeland, go gaga, lady gaga on these Talibanic Moooolahs, while these beasts roam the country and kill our civilians and our police officers and our army jawans with no hesitation whatsoever.

But this Abdul guy ignores all that, and spreads hashish of Islamism and anti-Americanism without an iota of shame.

Pathetic really pathetic essay.

A guy who is still sleeping after looking at the impact which US made after 79-87 war, 91 war, 2001 war and 2003 war.. The only looser are muslims and pakistanis.. who think Tiger do need any excuse to kill Lamb. The author correctly pointed out the hunger of oil and Israel is all what is around us (bloody war on terror).

The example of Pakistani Talibobs you mentioned didn't even exist before this s*xiest episode of 2001 and 2002. Who you are defending? Australian president himself said they came to Iraq for oil? also your model Abdul Masoud was not in the movie, he was in the jail of US after 2001 attacks and he also gets nobble prize of being pakistani and for getting free from the jail without any damage from US Jail. and Declaring so called Jihad against Pakistani Authorities. Drama queen US's intelligent Agencies are involved in Drug dealing and when Taliban fired up Opium. US Army came to save the day.. and today we have biggest economy of drugs in our neibouring country.. Iraq one of the best civilization of middle east is in middle of stone age.

I will use ur own words against you "Pathetic really Pathetic essay"

Last not least, in real life no one remain Lamb forever. So there is a chance you will see Lamb and Tiger on same river.
I agree that Saddam alongwith a lot of other names weren't exactly angels, but neither are American officials. A sovereign country was invaded, thousands of soldiers and civilians killed, its natural resources opened for plundering and its leader killed. All on the pretext of intelligence reports about WMDs that later turned out to be baseless.
....The only looser are muslims and pakistanis..

Losers are just losers. They are not Muslims, Christians, or Hindus. They are just losers.

Go read military history. Millions and millions have lost in the wars throughout the history. They were no Christians or Jews or Hindus. They just lost.

People who do not prepare, do not work hard, behave as primitive tribal beduins, they suffer regardless of their religion, or nationality.


Thanks for feed back
Janab you dont know me and so how can you judge what I am.
but thanks at least you gave time to read.

Hmmn. I thought you were just quoting someone else named Abu.

My comments were specific to the author, and not against a PDF poster.

No personal insult is intended. Only ideas are discussed, trashed or praised.

Hmmn. I thought you were just quoting someone else named Abu.

My comments were specific to the author, and not against a PDF poster.

No personal insult is intended. Only ideas are discussed, trashed or praised.


I am Abu Abdul Samad, Father of Abdul Samad and I am Proud of My Identity. I am a Muslim and I am a pakistani not a oance of Complex nor regret .

and you might not have that pride in ur israeli or american roots ,the pride I have in my Pakistani and Islamic roots :)
The specifics of the article has been the hot pots on the discussion table. World has seen many empires and great civilizations in its whole history. In my view, United States of America is the most immoral and unethical empire world has ever witnessed.
Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Strategic Chess and Emerging New World Order I

History is a very interesting subject, in fact it’s a story full of lessons for those who want to learn because it tells about actions and consequences of people who ruled and lived before us. Interestingly, history tells us that power follows similar patterns. History also reveals that biggest and mortal weakness of a powerful is his use of excessive and ruthless force against the week. This use of force creates immunity and destroys the fear-factor in weak and the weak gets courage to challenge the strong.
1991 was an important year in many ways. It was the year when Great Soviet Empire collapsed and an era of bipolarity ended. It was also the year when 35 nations joined hands and attacked Iraq to free Kuwait under the leadership of sole superpower, which survived Cold war i.e. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
It was in this war when the USA displayed its overwhelming power and global reach to the world, so that allies and enemy states take note , not to come in way of American global interests. US planes flew from their home bases, bombed Iraq and came back on their base after completing a complete circle without touching the ground .
The US power and influence increased but elite of the US wanted more ‘freedom of action’, to grab more and hence more show and use of power. Robert Kagan in his book ‘ON PARADISE AND POWER ‘explains American thinking by giving example of a man who has some work to do in Jungle where a ferocious beast dwells. Kagan says if that man has a knife he will go to jungle but will try to avoid the bear but if same man has an automatic weapon he will first kill the bear and then finish his work. Kagan observes that first case is with Europe and it’s because it has no overwhelming power but US has power and reach and that’s why it first neutralizes the threats and then proceeds.
There is an old story, once a young lamb and a tiger were drinking water from the same stream. Tiger became greedy and started bullying the lamb that he was polluting the water, lamb told politely that tiger was on high place and water was coming to him after passing the tiger. Tiger then accused that lamb had abused him a year back on which lamb replied he was only 6 month old on which tiger roared and attacked the lamb that lamb was calling him liar and it was his mother who cursed him. Moral of this story is that Power doesn’t need excuses, it creates excuses at will.
After the end of cold war, neoconservatives and hawks in American Elites started dreaming PAX AMERICANA. One of the most influential think tank Project for New American Century published an important paper under the heading of Re-Building Americas Defenses in which it was suggested.
The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions .
September 11,2001 attacks proved to be the catastrophic events and Hawkish elements of US elite found excuse to use force and implement their old dream of Pax Americana and within few hours of these terrorist attacks some of the most influential US officials like Sen. Mac Cain started advocating that Iraq ,Syria and Iran should be neutralized .
It has been nearly 12 years of war on Terrorism which started after the September 11 attacks. The US has shown its weakness that it is addicted to use of power and will kill in anticipation without any regret or remorse. After the attacks on its soil, the US attacked Afghanistan and ousted the Taliban regime. Although it was able to make Al-Qaeda on the run but in Process created a situation where major ethnic group in Afghanistan became the enemy and hence the Taliban, which was a religious movement became Pashtun ethnic Struggle against occupation and the minority alliance, called Northern Alliance, which was on forefront in war against the Taliban and which found it convenient to settle old scores against Pashtun Majority..
Similarly on the base of ‘War on Terror’, Iraq was invaded, nearly "1,455,590" Iraqis were killed and a developing and prosperous country was ruined. At present Iraq is a divided society where Sunnies, Kurds and Shia’s are fighting each other for dominance.
Henry Kissinger, former US secretary of State writes in his book DIPLOMACY that ‘Defence and Safe guard of Israel’ is one of the important foreign policy objective of American foreign Policy.
American Middle East policy is especially based on 2 factors:
1. Israeli defense
2. Energy security
Whatever American does in Middle East, its due to one of the above two reasons. From Arab Springs to Hostility against Iran, from Emerging Kurdish Spring to Sectarian strife and militancy amongst Middle East, we can observe a delicate Balance of Power is being tried to be maintained and by Divide and rule commercial and Strategic interests are being secured. But is not 1991… its 2012, new powers are emerging , which are challenging the sole super power. China with its strong economy is modernizing its forces. Russia under Vladimir Putin is trying to retake its place in the world politics.

To Be Continued…..
Losing Control ,Paul Rogers
Iraq Deaths | Just Foreign Policy

Chronicles of Abu Abdul Samad: Strategic Chess and Emerging New World Order I

The article shows frustation of Author Regarding Drones.

He wants drone attacks to be stopped, But it wont stop because Obama and CIA knows what the military of pakistan will do?
The article shows frustation of Author Regarding Drones.

He wants drone attacks to be stopped, But it wont stop because Obama and CIA knows what the military of pakistan will do?

hats off
you are a genious
I am Abu Abdul Samad, Father of Abdul Samad and I am Proud of My Identity. I am a Muslim and I am a pakistani not a oance of Complex nor regret .

and you might not have that pride in ur israeli or american roots ,the pride I have in my Pakistani and Islamic roots :)

As I said earlier, no personal disrespect against you as a poster. However when you write an essay, please be ready for it be picked apart and challenged. This is the nature of being an author. I admire your courage to write one. That doesn't mean I have to agree with the fallacies presented in it. Hope you understand.

You Sir may not have "regrets" about a confused view of the world, but (forgive me for pointing the obvious) you do have a HUGE complex.

In Pakistani culture of the first 40 odd years, and the culture of its provinces for 1000 years no one referred himself as "Abu" of some fulana fulana.

This is obviously a recent import from the much inferior and dark Beduin culture of the middle East.

You my dear Sir, say that you have Pakistani roots. I agree. As Pakistan is the name of the soil where people can put their roots.

But no one can claim "Islamic roots", there is no country named Islamistan yet, just some imaginary place that exists perhaps on planet Pluto or even beyond. Anyone claiming to have roots in that imaginary soil certainly do not belong to Pakistan.

So many idiots have tried to turn my beautiful country Pakistan into an dark primitive tribal place called Islamistan. Perhaps you are one of them, perhaps not. Who knows. But look at the Talib and Muj and sundry tribals who utterly and shamelessly destroyed our country in the name of some made up interpretation of Islam.

Coming back to your essay, you never responded to the fundamental error related to the idiot lamb who shows up at the water hole when the tiger is in the vicinity.

In real world every animal knows his/her place and thus do not come to drink when the danger is lurking in the area.

Thus your essay represents thoughts of someone who has no idea of realities. But then most of the Middle East lives in their own made up world. So perhaps it is not your fault and instead the fault of the primitive culture you are trying to ape.


p.s. Before someone jumps on the Arab bandwagon, let me assure all the readers that I have traveled through Middle East, not just for Umra Huj etc. but deep into the Saudi and other countries. I have met some wonderful individuals. But as a collection, Middle Eastern culture is primitive, outdated, and utterly regressive. Saudi Arabian region that is heart of Islamism, or Egypt that is brain of Islamism, have remained dark for 100s if not 1000s of years. No science, no painting, and no art has come out of the black-hole of culture that is called modern day Saudi. Egyptians too have not produced much in the form of modern art. Their claim to fame are the things that were built by a long-extinct un-Islamic culture from the time of Pharaohs. you go from Egypt to a short distance away into Israel, and suddenly you are 21st century, then you go over to West Bank/Jordan and you are back in the stone age. Thus the travel from Egypt-to-Israel-West bank/Jordan is like traveling through totally different time zones.
As I said earlier, no personal disrespect against you as a poster. However when you write an essay, please be ready for it be picked apart and challenged. This is the nature of being an author. I admire your courage to write one. That doesn't mean I have to agree with the fallacies presented in it. Hope you understand.

You Sir may not have "regrets" about a confused view of the world, but (forgive me for pointing the obvious) you do have a HUGE complex.

In Pakistani culture of the first 40 odd years, and the culture of its provinces for 1000 years no one referred himself as "Abu" of some fulana fulana.

This is obviously a recent import from the much inferior and dark Beduin culture of the middle East.

You my dear Sir, say that you have Pakistani roots. I agree. As Pakistan is the name of the soil where people can put their roots.

But no one can claim "Islamic roots", there is no country named Islamistan yet, just some imaginary place that exists perhaps on planet Pluto or even beyond. Anyone claiming to have roots in that imaginary soil certainly do not belong to Pakistan.

So many idiots have tried to turn my beautiful country Pakistan into an dark primitive tribal place called Islamistan. Perhaps you are one of them, perhaps not. Who knows. But look at the Talib and Muj and sundry tribals who utterly and shamelessly destroyed our country in the name of some made up interpretation of Islam.

Coming back to your essay, you never responded to the fundamental error related to the idiot lamb who shows up at the water hole when the tiger is in the vicinity.

In real world every animal knows his/her place and thus do not come to drink when the danger is lurking in the area.

Thus your essay represents thoughts of someone who has no idea of realities. But then most of the Middle East lives in their own made up world. So perhaps it is not your fault and instead the fault of the primitive culture you are trying to ape.


p.s. Before someone jumps on the Arab bandwagon, let me assure all the readers that I have traveled through Middle East, not just for Umra Huj etc. but deep into the Saudi and other countries. I have met some wonderful individuals. But as a collection, Middle Eastern culture is primitive, outdated, and utterly regressive. Saudi Arabian region that is heart of Islamism, or Egypt that is brain of Islamism, have remained dark for 100s if not 1000s of years. No science, no painting, and no art has come out of the black-hole of culture that is called modern day Saudi. Egyptians too have not produced much in the form of modern art. Their claim to fame are the things that were built by a long-extinct un-Islamic culture from the time of Pharaohs. you go from Egypt to a short distance away into Israel, and suddenly you are 21st century, then you go over to West Bank/Jordan and you are back in the stone age. Thus the travel from Egypt-to-Israel-West bank/Jordan is like traveling through totally different time zones.

steriotyping, grossly genralizing and oversimplifing is sign of deep seated bais and hate. can you say because germans were involved in holocast of jews in past means all germans are killers?
I guess no.
steriotyping, grossly genralizing and oversimplifing is sign of deep seated bais and hate. can you say because germans were involved in holocast of jews in past means all germans are killers?
I guess no.

you are confusing two entirely different things. Germans went through a short dark period (few decades) called Nazi era. Once they got punished for their crimes, they mended their ways and became yet again a progressive and open society. If you go check out German culture before Nazi era and after, you will find it to be vibrant, open, with huge contribution towards science and arts and literature.

On the other hand, Saudi Arbian region in particular and beduins in generals have remained in the dark for centuries now. How could you even say that mentioning this reality is somehow "stereotyping". How?

Inform us as to how many scientific works or art or literary works that have come out in the last One Thousand Years + from the region now called Saudi Arabia.

you are confusing two entirely different things. Germans went through a short dark period (few decades) called Nazi era. Once they got punished for their crimes, they mended their ways and became yet again a progressive and open society. If you go check out German culture before Nazi era and after, you will find it to be vibrant, open, with huge contribution towards science and arts and literature.

On the other hand, Saudi Arbian region in particular and beduins in generals have remained in the dark for centuries now. How could you even say that mentioning this reality is somehow "stereotyping". How?

Inform us as to how many scientific works or art or literary works that have come out in the last One Thousand Years + from the region now called Saudi Arabia.


is it fault of ISLAM. or monachs who rule arabia
btw Sharif of Makkah and Saud were both allies of Britain
why Britain allowed Sauds to Take control of Hijaz and in eturn Allowed the former ruler of Hijaz Sharif e Makkah to get Iraq and Jordan.
secondly who called these fanatics their biggest ally against communism and who used them for its own Real Politikal intrests. Dont go on blaming in bais and hate.
May be in Real Politiks Morality doesnot matter

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