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Stop wasteful military deals


Jul 3, 2012
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By Bharat karnad

Published: 01st November 2013 06:00 AM

Last Updated: 01st November 2013 12:59 AM

Reduction of the Rs 4 lakh-crore fiscal deficit will require a drastic winnowing of defence expenditure programmes. The wasteful military procurement system that fetches, as it were, as much chaff as grain, offers obvious targets for excision. Among them the egregiously wrong-headed deals for the Swiss Pilatus PC-7 turboprop trainer and the French Rafale MMRCA (multi-role, medium range combat aircraft).

Consider IAF’s priorities: It bought PC-7s for $1.5 billion, an amount the Chinese Air Force spent to secure the entire production line from Russia of the latest, most advanced, Tu-22M3M strategic bomber! This Pilatus purchase, moreover, was approved by defence minister A K Antony at a time when Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, had its new HJT-44 turboprop trainer up and ready. Brazening out such mindless splurges, Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne advised closure of the HJT-44 line to enable purchase of more PC-7s!

IAF has at most tolerated licence-manufactured foreign fighter planes but sought stubbornly to kill off indigenous combat aircraft projects. In the past, it buried the Marut Mk-II, the low-level strike variant designed in the 1970s by the highly talented Dr Raj Mahindra, who won his spurs under Kurt Tank, designer of the Focke-Wulfe fighter-bombers for the Nazi Luftwaffe and of the original HF-24 at HAL, buying the Jaguar from the UK instead. History repeats itself.

French and Israeli pilots who have unofficially flown the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) have gone gaga over its flying attributes. The Tejas will come equipped with an indigenous AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar — the heart and the brains of any combat aircraft, enabling it to near-instantly switch from air-to-air to air-to-ground missions. The Flight Control System (FCS) of the Tejas is so advanced, it can deal with the sort of turbulence in flight that its counterpart onboard the Eurofighter — supposedly technologically superior to the Rafale, plainly cannot, as per an expert familiar with the FCS in both aircraft. This deficiency nearly ended in disaster for the Eurofighter on several occasions but was not disclosed by EADS to IAF during the jockeying for the MMRCA contract. The larger, heavier, longer range Mark-II variant of the near all-composite Tejas, in fact, fills the bill of “MMRCA”. An LCA version of Tejas has already been flown weighted down with ballast to mimic the Mk-II plan-form. The fact that the Mk-II variant was coming along well, besides, was known to the IAF-MoD (ministry of defence) combo. So, how come the tender for MMRCA was not terminated midway?

The Mk-II’s chances were scuppered by IAF-MoD on the ground that Tejas was not operational. But the LCA has been prevented from entering squadron service after it obtained the Initial Operational Clearance (IOC)-1 last year, because of their insistence that IOC-2 and subsequent clearances be done by HAL rather than permitting the clearances to be obtained by the designated Tejas squadron, flying the aircraft, at the Sulur base in Tamil Nadu. The latter procedure will allow our fighter pilots to test the plane’s flight envelope and performance, and to provide feedback to designers — normal practice of advanced air forces inducting a new locally-produced aircraft. Further, rather than restricting the initial off-take to just 46 aircraft, MoD should order the full complement of 7-8 squadrons worth of Tejas to facilitate economies of scale and the farming out of work by HAL to private industry, thereby growing it. In the interim, additional “super Sukhois” could have been procured for a total force of some 70-plus of these planes, inarguably the finest combat aircraft now flying.

The fact is the original price tag for the MMRCA deal of $12-15 billion is set to balloon to $26-30 billion. Why? For one thing, having won the MMRCA contest, the French company, Dassault, doesn’t want to abide by the contract requiring the plane to be manufactured at HAL under license with transfer of technology (TOT). Dassault maintains it cannot guarantee Rafales made in India unless its chosen private sector partner, Reliance Aerospace, is tasked with its production. The arrangement with Reliance, however, is to have it import all of the most high-value assemblies and avionics as “black boxes” for the duration of the Indian production run, keeping over 500 French firms employing a workforce of 7,000 people, according to a French newsletter, L’Úsine Novelle, in the clover for the next few decades!

The real kicker here is the fact that while India will pay for full TOT — amounting to tens of billions of dollars — no meaningful technology (flight control laws and source codes) will, as in past such deals, ever actually get transferred. New Delhi as always will pay up, not caring whether India gets what it paid for or not and, even less, whether it will ever become self-sufficient in arms. It may be better to simply buy 126 Rafales off the shelf if the IAF deems it such a critical need, when it is not, rather than pay through our ears for technology we won’t get.

The conjoined Mk-II Tejas-Super Sukhois option will make Rafale redundant, and is the reason why those Indians who have pocketed French baksheesh (which totals a very hefty sum, indeed) will resist it. But for the country’s good, the best thing that can happen is that the Pilatus and Rafale contracts are immediately junked.

What about self-sufficiency that our politicians and uniformed brass keep yakking about? Alas, that’s only public speeches and posturing. When has the government ever insisted, or compelled the military to go with, a home-made product at the expense of a foreign item, and the armed services told that otherwise they would have to make do with nothing at all?

Militarily ignorant political leaders are easily stampeded into making capital acquisitions owing to public fear of a “growing gap” in aircraft, tanks, or whatever, generated with the help of a gullible media. Rather than laying down an iron law favouring indigenous hardware Antony, like his predecessors, has played into the institutionalised distrust of the Indian military of indigenous weapons platforms. IAF is merely the worst offender.

(Bharat Karnad is professor at Centre for Policy Research and blogs at www.bharatkarnad.com)


@Abingdonboy, @gslv mk3 , @IND151 , @GURU DUTT , @janon , @HariPrasad , is it true with respect to high lighted sentence?

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Holy mother of god, there are so many inaccuracies, absurdities and outright lies in this article that pointing each one of them would require a post longer than the article. I'll pick a few:

It bought PC-7s for $1.5 billion, an amount the Chinese Air Force spent to secure the entire production line from Russia of the latest, most advanced, Tu-22M3M strategic bomber!

Bwahaha - Tu22M is the latest and most advanced strategic bomber? It was first flown in 1969, and is an outdated behemoth unsuited for any semi modern battlefield. If anything, China's purchasing the production line for that bomber was much more of a waste of money than our purchase of basic trainers. Russia's most advanced bomber as of now is the Tu-160, to be replaced by PAK-DA in future. Also, what exactly did he want rookie pilots to train on, without the PC-7? Magic carpets with propellors attached? Oh wait, he tells us:

This Pilatus purchase, moreover, was approved by defence minister A K Antony at a time when Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, had its new HJT-44 turboprop trainer up and ready.

HJT-44 exists only in the author's imagination. The least a professor can do when criticising an air force, is to display at least knowledge of the names of aircrafts. Assuming he means HTT-40 and not HJT-44, that plane is not "up" or "ready", and won't be even when the first batch of 75 PC-7s arrive. Until then, can the learned professor teach rookie pilots to fly? Magic carpets from ebay.ir, locally folded and ironed by HAL?

French and Israeli pilots who have unofficially flown the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) have gone gaga over its flying attributes.

Even IAF pilots, other than the ones deputed to HAL, have not flown the LCA. French and Israelis "unofficially" flying an aircraft that hasn't even achieved IOC fully? Are we talking about a fighter plane, or an auto rikshaw? The professor must have been high when he dreamt that.

The larger, heavier, longer range Mark-II variant of the near all-composite Tejas, in fact, fills the bill of “MMRCA”.

No, it doesn't. Not by a long shot. The L in LCA mk2 still stands for light. Not to mention range, hardpoints, load, sensors...
Quit misrepresenting facts, prof.

An LCA version of Tejas has already been flown weighted down with ballast to mimic the Mk-II plan-form. The fact that the Mk-II variant was coming along well, besides, was known to the IAF-MoD (ministry of defence) combo. So, how come the tender for MMRCA was not terminated midway?

WTF? An LCA flew with some ballast and therefore became an MMRCA? Is this a joke? And he wants the mother of all deals cancelled because the LCA flew with ballast? I am beginning to doubt if this article is satire.

The real kicker here is the fact that while India will pay for full TOT — amounting to tens of billions of dollars — no meaningful technology (flight control laws and source codes) will, as in past such deals, ever actually get transferred. New Delhi as always will pay up, not caring whether India gets what it paid for or not

Indians are not idiots. Well, maybe the author is, but not everybody. We will get what we pay for, or we won't pay. This is an extreme form of inferiority complex, to assume that europeans will be able to fool Indians after 2 years of negotiations, and somehow make us pay for something we won't get.

When has the government ever insisted, or compelled the military to go with, a home-made product at the expense of a foreign item

For that to happen, domestic industries first have to field a useable product. Imaginary "HJT-44"s cannot substitute for real PC-7s. LCAs pretending to be MMRCAs by hanging ballast on them cannot be inducted in leu of real MMRCAs. MKI-LCA combo sounds good as an academic idea, but how many LCAs can be produced in the next 7 years, and how many aircrafts are set to retire? How much would additional MKIs cost, not only to procure, but also for the huge operational costs? Get real, professori.

Militarily ignorant political leaders are easily stampeded into making capital acquisitions owing to public fear of a “growing gap” in aircraft, tanks, or whatever, generated with the help of a gullible media. Rather than laying down an iron law favouring indigenous hardware Antony, like his predecessors, has played into the institutionalised distrust of the Indian military of indigenous weapons platforms.

Militarily ignorant professors/columnists are wasting people's time. Lay down N number of laws to buy domestic products, but until they materialize, don't ask the services to fight using their teeth and nails.
And by the way, of all the purchases by India's military, he can only rant against the Rafales and the basic trainers - two things we needed as of yesterday. No mention of the price of upgrading mirages, 145 M-777 howitzers, C-17s, super sukhois, P75I submarines, apaches - all of which can be questioned from a cost-benefit POV.
Would the author consider suggesting that ' wasteful scams' at every level & on everything be stopped ?

This alone will put an end to wasteful expenses.
Holy mother of god, there are so many inaccuracies, absurdities and outright lies in this article that pointing each one of them would require a post longer than the article. I'll pick a few:

Bwahaha - Tu22M is the latest and most advanced strategic bomber? It was first flown in 1969, and is an outdated behemoth unsuited for any semi modern battlefield. If anything, China's purchasing the production line for that bomber was much more of a waste of money than our purchase of basic trainers. Russia's most advanced bomber as of now is the Tu-160, to be replaced by PAK-DA in future. Also, what exactly did he want rookie pilots to train on, without the PC-7? Magic carpets with propellors attached? Oh wait, he tells us:

HJT-44 exists only in the author's imagination. The least a professor can do when criticising an air force, is to display at least knowledge of the names of aircrafts. Assuming he means HTT-40 and not HJT-44, that plane is not "up" or "ready", and won't be even when the first batch of 75 PC-7s arrive. Until then, can the learned professor teach rookie pilots to fly? Magic carpets from ebay.ir, locally folded and ironed by HAL?

Even IAF pilots, other than the ones deputed to HAL, have not flown the LCA. French and Israelis "unofficially" flying an aircraft that hasn't even achieved IOC fully? Are we talking about a fighter plane, or an auto rikshaw? The professor must have been high when he dreamt that.

No, it doesn't. Not by a long shot. The L in LCA mk2 still stands for light. Not to mention range, hardpoints, load, sensors...
Quit misrepresenting facts, prof.

WTF? An LCA flew with some ballast and therefore became an MMRCA? Is this a joke? And he wants the mother of all deals cancelled because the LCA flew with ballast? I am beginning to doubt if this article is satire.

Indians are not idiots. Well, maybe the author is, but not everybody. We will get what we pay for, or we won't pay. This is an extreme form of inferiority complex, to assume that europeans will be able to fool Indians after 2 years of negotiations, and somehow make us pay for something we won't get.

For that to happen, domestic industries first have to field a useable product. Imaginary "HJT-44"s cannot substitute for real PC-7s. LCAs pretending to be MMRCAs by hanging ballast on them cannot be inducted in leu of real MMRCAs. MKI-LCA combo sounds good as an academic idea, but how many LCAs can be produced in the next 7 years, and how many aircrafts are set to retire? How much would additional MKIs cost, not only to procure, but also for the huge operational costs? Get real, professori.

Militarily ignorant professors/columnists are wasting people's time. Lay down N number of laws to buy domestic products, but until they materialize, don't ask the services to fight using their teeth and nails.

Brilliant and SPOT ON! You captured all that needed to be conveyed wrt the "article".

Can you do me a solid though, I've been trying to post the above on the IDRW article but for some reason the "disqus" comments feature isn't opening on my browser. Go to the page and paste your post from here on to that page, would be much appreciated.
Consider IAF’s priorities: It bought PC-7s for $1.5 billion, an amount the Chinese Air Force spent to secure the entire production line from Russia of the latest, most advanced, Tu-22M3M strategic bomber! This Pilatus purchase, moreover, was approved by defence minister A K Antony at a time when Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, had its new HJT-44 turboprop trainer up and ready. Brazening out such mindless splurges, Air Chief Marshal N A K Browne advised closure of the HJT-44 line to enable purchase of more PC-7s!
Is he anyway trying to say that we should be training our new pilots with Tu 22 instead of PC-7s?!!!!!!
Brilliant and SPOT ON! You captured all that needed to be conveyed wrt the "article".

Can you do me a solid though, I've been trying to post the above on the IDRW article but for some reason the "disqus" comments feature isn't opening on my browser. Go to the page and paste your post from here on to that page, would be much appreciated.

I didn't have an account there, but posted anyway, and it says "awaiting moderation". Let's see if they publish it. The last lines may have been too harsh to pass their moderators.
Holy mother of god, there are so many inaccuracies, absurdities and outright lies in this article that pointing each one of them would require a post longer than the article. I'll pick a few:

Bwahaha - Tu22M is the latest and most advanced strategic bomber? It was first flown in 1969, and is an outdated behemoth unsuited for any semi modern battlefield. If anything, China's purchasing the production line for that bomber was much more of a waste of money than our purchase of basic trainers. Russia's most advanced bomber as of now is the Tu-160, to be replaced by PAK-DA in future. Also, what exactly did he want rookie pilots to train on, without the PC-7? Magic carpets with propellors attached? Oh wait, he tells us:

HJT-44 exists only in the author's imagination. The least a professor can do when criticising an air force, is to display at least knowledge of the names of aircrafts. Assuming he means HTT-40 and not HJT-44, that plane is not "up" or "ready", and won't be even when the first batch of 75 PC-7s arrive. Until then, can the learned professor teach rookie pilots to fly? Magic carpets from ebay.ir, locally folded and ironed by HAL?

Even IAF pilots, other than the ones deputed to HAL, have not flown the LCA. French and Israelis "unofficially" flying an aircraft that hasn't even achieved IOC fully? Are we talking about a fighter plane, or an auto rikshaw? The professor must have been high when he dreamt that.

No, it doesn't. Not by a long shot. The L in LCA mk2 still stands for light. Not to mention range, hardpoints, load, sensors...
Quit misrepresenting facts, prof.

WTF? An LCA flew with some ballast and therefore became an MMRCA? Is this a joke? And he wants the mother of all deals cancelled because the LCA flew with ballast? I am beginning to doubt if this article is satire.

Indians are not idiots. Well, maybe the author is, but not everybody. We will get what we pay for, or we won't pay. This is an extreme form of inferiority complex, to assume that europeans will be able to fool Indians after 2 years of negotiations, and somehow make us pay for something we won't get.

For that to happen, domestic industries first have to field a useable product. Imaginary "HJT-44"s cannot substitute for real PC-7s. LCAs pretending to be MMRCAs by hanging ballast on them cannot be inducted in leu of real MMRCAs. MKI-LCA combo sounds good as an academic idea, but how many LCAs can be produced in the next 7 years, and how many aircrafts are set to retire? How much would additional MKIs cost, not only to procure, but also for the huge operational costs? Get real, professori.

Militarily ignorant professors/columnists are wasting people's time. Lay down N number of laws to buy domestic products, but until they materialize, don't ask the services to fight using their teeth and nails.

very well summarized by you, Thanks
u should learn something from pakistan and iran.we are gradually becoming self relient
@janon you did a nice job mate. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this:

This Pilatus purchase, moreover, was approved by defence minister A K Antony at a time when Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Bangalore, had its new HJT-44 turboprop trainer up and ready.

I mean literally all this guy had to do was go on Wikipedia to see the farthest the HTT-40 project has got is a wooden mock-up shown at certain defence exhibitions, maybe he was unaware because he was searching for HJT-44 and this was not pulling up any results!

The level of stupidity exhibited by pretty much the entire Indian media towards defence related issues would be hilarious if they didn't have huge audiences who actually fell for these flat out lies.

The cheery on top of this BS was the fact that a single-engined LIGHT fighter jet produced by a nation with very little expertise in this arena could match up to a twin-engined fighter produced by a world-leader in this industery.
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