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Status check: India’s indigenous missile power


Apr 8, 2014
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Nuclear: Prithvi-II/Dhanush
6 Nov, 2015
The single-stage, liquid-propelled Dhanush having 350 km range has already been inducted into the armed forces and is one of the five missiles developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP), defence sources said.

Image: DRDO

6 Nov, 2015
Agni I is an Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile. Agni-I uses solid propulsion booster and a liquid propulsion upper stage, derived from Prithvi.

"The strap-down inertial navigation system adopts explicit guidance, which was attempted for the first time in the world. It uses all carbon composite structure for protecting payload during its re-entry phase," says DRDO.

Agni-I: First flight conducted in May 1989
6 Nov, 2015
The first flight conducted in May 1989, established the re-entry technology and precise guidance to reach the specific target.

Agni-I flight trials having proved the long-range technologies. An operational version of Agni with solid-solid propulsion system was test fired in April 1999.

6 Nov, 2015
The 20-metre long Agni-II is a solid-propelled ballistic missile, with a launch weight of 16 tonnes.

The surface-to-surface missile can carry a payload of 1,000 kg. The 2500-km range missile was first tested on April 11, 1999, from a converted rail carriage that slides open to allow it to be raised to the vertical for launch by two large hydraulic pistons.

The missile was inducted in the armed forces in 2004.

Agni-II is equipped with state-of-the-art navigation system
6 Nov, 2015
The missile is equipped with a state-of-the-art navigation system with modern techniques for propelling it towards the designated target with accuracy.

It takes only 15 minutes to bring the missile into ready-to-fire mode.

6 Nov, 2015
Agni-III is a 3,000-km range indigenously developed surface-to-surface missile. The launch of the mssile in July 2006 had flopped miserably.

But the subsequent two tests, in April 2007 and May 2008, were deemed successful.

It is capable of carrying a one-tonne nuclear payload. Agni-III missile is powered by a two-stage solid propellant system. With a length of 17 metres, the missile's diameter is 2 metres and launch weight is around 50 tonnes.
Agni-III: Launch weight is around 50 tonnes
6 Nov, 2015
The missile is equipped with hybrid navigation, guidance and control systems along with advanced on-board computers.

The electronic systems are hardened for higher vibration, thermal and acoustic effects.

6 Nov, 2015
Will be tested again soon.

Induction in 2-3 years

Agni-IV is a 4,000-km range nuclear-capable Agni-IV ballistic missile. DRDO developed Agni-IV is a long range missile propelled by composite rocket motor technology and this was tested for its full capability.

DRDO sources have said the missile is equipped with state-of-the-art avionics V-12 fifth generation On-Board Computer and with distributed architecture has the latest features to correct and guide for in-flight disturbances.
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Agni-IV : Sophisticated missile
6 Nov, 2015
The sophisticated missile is lighter in weight and has two stages of solid propulsion.

The payload, with a re-entry heat shield can withstand temperature of more than 3000 degree Celsius.
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6 Nov, 2015
Agni-V will be tested again soon.

Induction in 2-3 years

The Agni-5 missile is an advanced long range surface to surface ballistic missile capable of being launched within minutes, from a self-contained road mobile launcher, to deliver payloads to distances in excess of 5000 km.

Agni-V is 17.5 metre-tall
6 Nov, 2015
'AGNI-V' is the most advanced version having some new technologies incorporated with it in terms of navigation and guidance, warhead and engine.

The missile is 17.5 metre-tall and two metre-wide and can carry a nuclear warhead of more than one tonne. According to DRDO, the Agni-V will be ready for induction into the armed forces by 2014.

With Agni-V, India has joined the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France, which already possess such missiles.

6 Nov, 2015
Sub-sonic cruise missile (1,000-km) has failed 3 tests till now

First submarine launched ballistic missile,

Nirbhay is India's first indigenously designed and developed long range sub-sonic cruise missile, which was successfully tested in October 2014.

Nirbhay: Powered by a solid rocket motor booster
6 Nov, 2015
The cruise missile Nirbhay, is powered by a solid rocket motor booster developed by the Advanced Systems Laboratory (ASL).

The 1000 kilometre class cruise missile with capability to strike deep in to the enemy territory, has been designed and developed by DRDO at its aeronautics R&D laboratory ADE.

K-15 (750-km), to be tested from INS Arihant soon.

Image: DRDO

Conventional: BrahMos
6 Nov, 2015
Supersonice cruise missile (290-km) Rs 27,000-crore orders already placed. Two Army regiments & 10 warships have got them. Test from Sukhoi-30MKI next year

The 290-km BrahMos flies at a speed of 2.8 Mach and carries a conventional warhead of up to 300 kg.

The missile can be launched from multiple platforms including land, sea, sub-sea and air.

Image: DRDO/BrahMos
BrahMos has a maximum velocity of 2.8 Mach
6 Nov, 2015
Both the Army and Navy have already inducted the missile in service, while the air-version of the weapon is scheduled to be flight tested by the IAF soon.

According to the DRDO, the missile can be fitted in ships, mobile launchers, submarines and aircraft against land and sea targets. The missile has a maximum velocity of 2.8 Mach and cruises at altitudes varying from 10 metres to 15 km.

BrahMos supersonic cruise missile
6 Nov, 2015
BrahMos supersonic cruise missile is capable of hitting sea based targets beyond radar horizons.

Image: DRDO/BrahMos

Akash air defence missiles
6 Nov, 2015
Akash air defence missiles (25-km) being inducted. Two Army regiments (Rs 14,180 crore) & 15 IAF squadrons (Rs 10,900 crore)

Surface-to-air missile system (70-km) jointly developed with Israel. IAF to induct initial 9 squadrons from 2016-17 (Rs 10,076 crore).

Frontline warships will also get them (Rs 2,606 crore)

Image: DRDO

Equipped with indigenous surface to air supersonic missiles
6 Nov, 2015
Akash Weapon System (AWS), is an indigenously designed, developed and produced 'air defence system' and 'Weapon Locating Radar', which is equipped with indigenous surface to air supersonic missiles.

The army version of Akash consists of surveillance and tracking radars, control centres and ground support systems mounted on high mobility vehicles.

Image: DRDO
"The Astra missile, with a range from 44 to 60km, is coming up very well. I am confident it will be able to meet the revised project completion date of December 2016," said DRDO chief Dr S Christopher, talking to TOI on Thursday.

Since then, the 3.8-metre long missile, which flies at a speed of over four times the speed of sound at Mach 4.5, has been successfully fired with "pre-fed, fixed target coordinates" nine times. Next month, the "captive trials" will begin to complete the "electronic loop" or prove the missile's brains with "target lock-on and destroy" capabilities.

For this, the missile will be armed with terminal radio-frequency seekers but without any warheads or propellants. The subsequent stage will see the missile being fired in "full configuration" at "actual manoeuvring targets" mimicking enemy fighters by mid-2016.
DRDO says Astra has "excellent" ECCM (electronic counter-counter measures) to tackle jamming by hostile aircraft, active radar terminal guidance and other features for "high single-shot kill probability" in both head-on and tail-chase" mode. The IAF is keeping its fingers crossed.

Astra: DRDO's Air-to-Air missile
19 May, 2014

India's first indigenously developed Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Air-to-Air missile 'Astra' was tested successfully recently. The air-launch was captured by side and forward looking high speed cameras.

Read on to know what's special about this missile by the DRDO and enjoy some stunning pictures of the test launch. Also don't miss out on a special video of the test launch:


All-weather weapon
19 May, 2014
The indigenously developed missile from the DRDO is an all-weather weapon with active Radar terminal guidance.

Image by: DRDO

Smokeless propulsion
19 May, 2014
According to DRDO, the missile boasts of excellent ECCM features, smokeless propulsion and process improved effectiveness in multi-target scenario.

Image by: DRDO

Test fired from a Sukhoi Su-30MKI
19 May, 2014
The Astra missile was test fired from a Sukhoi Su-30MKI. The missiles have undergone rigorous testing on Su-30 in the captive mode for avionics integration and seeker evaluation in 2013.

Image by: DRDO


Modified by HAL
19 May, 2014
The Su-30MKI aircraft of the IAF was modified by the state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited along with IAF specialists.

Image by: DRDO

Test fired from a Sukhoi Su-30MKI
19 May, 2014
The Astra missile was test fired from a Sukhoi Su-30MKI. The missiles have undergone rigorous testing on Su-30 in the captive mode for avionics integration and seeker evaluation in 2013.

Image by: DRDO

Importance of Astra
19 May, 2014
The importance of having an indigenous air-to-air BVR missile cannot be over-stated with IAF jets currently armed with very expensive Russian, French and Israeli missiles.

Image by: DRDO

Project has reached the final stage
19 May, 2014
The project has reached the final stage of testing and evaluation, and the Mk-II variant of the missile with higher range capability is also planned to be tested by the end of 2014.

With inputs from TNN

Image by: DRDO
Long long way to go... MIRV, BVR with thrust vectors capable taking high G turns, subsonic long range cruise missiles, SLBM with 3500-5000 km range...
Add our SLBMs too. 700-1900 km range K-15 and 3500 km range K-4.
Army successfully test-fires Brahmos land attack missile | Zee News

Pokhran : Army today successfully test fired the nearly 300-km-range Brahmos supersonic land attack cruise missile here.

"At 1000 hrs?today,?the Indian Army?fired Brahmos land- attack?cruise missile successfully?against a designated target?at?Pokhran?test range in Rajasthan,?demonstrating the weapon's supreme operational capability," defence officials said.

The missile was?test?launched by a Mobile Autonomous Launcher?(MAL)?deployed in full configuration.

The test-fire, carried out in the user-deployment configuration by trained army personnel, met all the mission objectives, they said.

"BRAHMOS missile system,?the most lethal and potent weapon system for precision strike available with Indian Army,?has proved again its effectiveness in today's successful launch,"?said Sudhir Mihra, Chief of BrahMos Aerospace.

The Army has already inducted three regiments of Brahmos in its arsenal.?All are equipped with?Block-III version?of missile, which was?tested on May 8 and 9 this year.

The land-attack version of Brahmos has been operationalised in the Army since 2007.

The fire-and-forget Missile has the capability to take on surface-based targets by flying a combined high-low trajectory, thus evading enemy air defence systems.

Inclusion of the powerful?weapon system?in Indian Army has given it a distinct?operational?advantage to knock down any enemy target even in the most difficult and hidden terrains, the officials said.

The missile, having a range of 290-km and a Mach 2.8 speed, is capable of being launched from land, sea, sub-sea and air against sea and land targets.

Brahmos is a joint venture between DRDO of India and NPOM of Russia.


Army successfully test-fires BrahMos missile - The Hindu

The Army successfully on Saturday test-fired the BrahMos supersonic land attack cruise missile in Pokhran.

“At 1000 hrs today, the Indian Army fired BrahMos land attack cruise missile successfully against a designated target at Pokhran test range in Rajasthan, demonstrating the weapon’s supreme operational capability,” Defence officials said.

The missile was test-fired from a Mobile Autonomous Launcher (MAL) deployed in full configuration.

“BrahMos missile system, the most lethal and potent weapon system for precision strike available with the Indian Army, has proved again its effectiveness in today’s successful launch,” said Sudhir Mihra, chief of BrahMos Aerospace.

The Army has already inducted three regiments of BrahMos in its arsenal. All are equipped with Block-III version of missile, which was tested earlier this year.

The fire-and-forget missile has the capability to take on surface-based targets by flying at a combined high-low trajectory, thus evading enemy air defence systems.
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The Agni-IV missile, lifting off majestically from a road-mobile launcher on the Wheeler Island, off the coast of Odisha, on Monday. - A File Photo.

Updated: November 9, 2015 11:02 IST
Agni-IV successfully test-fired - The Hindu

The Army’s Strategic Forces Command, which is entrusted with the task of handling strategic weapons, launched the missile at 9.45 a.m. from a road-mobile launcher.
India’s 4,000-km range nuclear weapons-capable strategic missile, Agni-IV was successfully test-fired from the Wheeler Island off Odisha coast on Monday.

The Army’s Strategic Forces Command, which is entrusted with the task of handling strategic weapons, launched the missile at 9.45 a.m. from a road-mobile launcher.

The missile which is designed to carry a one-tonne payload covered a range of more than 3,500 km on Monday, before splashing down in the Bay of Bengal. “Flight was successful and it met all the mission parameters”, A Defence Research and Development Organisation official told The Hindu.

All the radar stations, telemetry and electro-optical systems along the East Coast monitored the performance of the missile during the entire operation. After accelerating to a height of about 600 km, the re-entry vehicle with a dummy payload withstood scorching temperatures as it re-entered the atmosphere and splashed down near the pre-designated area in the Bay of Bengal.

The two-stage solid-propelled, surface-to-surface ballistic missile is designed to carry a one-tonne payload to a distance of 4,000 km. Advanced ring laser gyro-based Inertial Navigation system and Micro Inertial Navigation System in redundant mode guided the missile to reach its pre-designated target area.

Top DRDO scientists and scientific adviser to Defence Minister G. Satheesh Reddy were also present the trial launch of the missile from Wheeler Island.

Ministry of Defence
03-October, 2018 20:58 IST
Development Trials of Astra BVR-AAM Completed Successfully

A series of flight trials of Astra Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVR-AAM) was conducted by Indian Air Force during September 26 to October 03, 2018 at Integrated Test Range (ITR), Balasore as part of final development trials of the missile.

The trials were a combination of complex tests for engagement of pilotless target in different modes of manoeuvring, off-boresight, medium and long ranges. The missiles were telemetered for evaluation of online performance of all sub-systems especially the datalink, RF seeker and proximity fuse for end-game performance. Astra has been tested six times under different launch conditions and ranges as part of the final development trial. The missile has engaged targets and all the mission objectives have been met.

With IAF's active participation, DRDO has developed the missile and integrated the weapon on Su-30 and other air platforms. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Nasik has been instrumental in the modification of a number of Su-30 aircrafts for Astra weapon integration and support during trials. More than 50 private and public sector industries are involved in the development and production of different sub-systems of the missile. The missile is expected to be inducted into IAF in 2019.

Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman congratulated DRDO, IAF, HAL and associated industries for successful trials.


(Release ID :183947)
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