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Sri Lanka deports arrested Indian journalist


Sep 20, 2009
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Sri Lanka deports arrested Indian journalist

CHENNAI/COLOMBO: Tamil Prabakaran (24), a Tamil Nadu-based journalist arrested in Colombo on Thursday reached Chennai on Saturday after he was deported by the Sri Lankan government.

"I was tortured psychologically by the Lankan army personnel," Prabakaran said soon after landing in Chennai. Speaking to reporters at the airport, Prabhakaran denied violating any rules while visiting Killinochchi. "I will fight for the Tamil cause and will approach the UN Human Rights Council against the abuses by Sri Lanka," he said.

Prabhakaran was arrested by the Lankan army personnel for allegedly filming military installations in Killinochchi, a former LTTE stronghold, without media credentials.

Prabakaran was deported and sent back on a Chennai flight at 6.40pm (local time), police spokesman Ajith Rohana said in Colombo.

Prabakaran was earlier handed over to immigration authorities after being questioned by the police's Terrorism Investigation Division. After the questioning, all the footage shot by Prabakaran was deleted. "As such there was no reason for him to be prosecuted," Rohana said.

Prabakaran, arrested on Wednesday, allegedly filmed a military camp, a road and buildings devastated during the ethnic war. Police said Prabakaran had arrived in Sri Lanka on a tourist visa and violated rules by not informing authorities that he was on an assignment to report from the former war zone.

Local media described him as a LTTE sympathiser. Indian diplomats were granted consular access to Prabakaran before he was deported. There is no official censorship in Sri Lanka but foreign journalists have to submit their passport to the military before entering the erstwhile LTTE stronghold.

Kilinochchi was the administrative centre of the Tamil rebels until January 2009, when Sri Lankan forces recaptured the city.

Political parties and journalist federations in Chennai and other parts of the state had voiced their concern over the arrest of Prabakaran and wanted the Centre to intervene to seek his release.

"Prabakaran was a journalist and had every right to visit any country on a tourist visa and the freedom to meet people," said MDMK chief Vaiko. He said Prabakaran had accompanied Sri Lankan Tamil MP S Sritharan and Pasupathi Pillai, an elected member of the Northern Province council, when they visited Ponnavili, a village in Kilinochchi district. "When Sritharan and Prabhakaran were interacting with a Christian priest, they were surrounded by Sri Lankan armymen and taken into custody. The army released Sritharan in the evening," he claimed.

The Chennai Press Club and Chennai Union of Journalists wrote to the external affairs ministry, explaining that Prabakaran had written a series of articles in a Tamil journal about the plight of Sri Lankan Tamils, which was subsequently published as a book.

Sri Lanka deports arrested Indian journalist - The Times of India

Idiots are high in over confidence after eliminating LTTE...

Idiots are high in over confidence after eliminating LTTE...

Over confidence or anything no country would allow foreign journalists in its conflicts zones without prior approval, because that is against the defence and security regulations. That guy is from TN (rest of india would not matter), works in a Pro LTTE magazine and came with a tourist visa.

So SL authorities have all the rights to arrest and question him
Over confidence or anything no country would allow foreign journalists in its conflicts zones without prior approval, because that is against the defence and security regulations. That guy is from TN (rest of india would not matter), works in a Pro LTTE magazine and came with a tourist visa.

So SL authorities have all the rights to arrest and question him
Diplomacy is the tool buddy...
You are spoiling the realation with entire india...

you should be patient...
If you believe india created LTTE, then you should also believe the we can create another....
Over confidence or anything no country would allow foreign journalists in its conflicts zones without prior approval, because that is against the defence and security regulations. That guy is from TN (rest of india would not matter), works in a Pro LTTE magazine and came with a tourist visa.

So SL authorities have all the rights to arrest and question him
the guy's name is prabhakaran.. :p:
but yes, if he sneaked into defence installation, he should be deported.
He is lucky to get away with just a deportation. If he was taking videos of sensitive installations without clearance, they had every reason to put him behind bars for a long time. Heck, India has arrested its own citizens for clicking photographs of military bases.

I'm not taking any sides in the SL-Ealam conflict, but all countries tend to be strict about such rules, and being a journalist he can't even plead ignorance of that fact.

On a lighter note though, ''Tamil Prabhakaran''? Really? If he was going there for these dubious purposes, at least he should have assumed a different name - that's like somebody named 'jihadi bin laden' applying for an American tourist visa and then sneaking into a military base.
They deserve the sri lankan treatment for their unbearable patriotism towards tamil

If you are talking about this incident, he got arrested for videographing sensitive installations without clearance, not for any 'unbearable patriotism'. Any country would arrest somebody who does that, as India often does.
If you are talking about this incident, he got arrested for videographing sensitive installations without clearance, not for any 'unbearable patriotism'. Any country would arrest somebody who does that, as India often does.
Yeah true, but why are only tamilians getting invoved always(when it comes to lanka)
Because the conflict that happened there was between Sri Lanka and ethnic Tamils.
I think conflict ended 2 or 3 years back...
But the bad news between tamilians and lankans is still continuing...
Every week there is some shit going on...
I think conflict ended 2 or 3 years back...
But the bad news between tamilians and lankans is still continuing...
Every week there is some shit going on...

Of course. Just because one side got defeated doesn't mean that ill will and hostility will completely cease immediately. There will still be lingering tensions after such a prolonged conflict that lasted decades.
Of course. Just because one side got defeated doesn't mean that ill will and hostility will completely cease immediately. There will still be lingering tensions after such a prolonged conflict that lasted decades.
hope it wont create another conflict...
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