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Speaking at the G20, Foreign Minister Retno Alluded to a Double Standard on the Palestinian Conflict


Jul 25, 2013
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Speaking at the G20, Foreign Minister Retno Alluded to a Double Standard on the Palestinian Conflict​

Story from coilNEWS • Yesterday 18.21pm

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi, mentioned the existence of double standards from some countries in addressing humanitarian issues in Palestine.


Retno urged that the injustice must end immediately.

This was conveyed by Retno on Thursday (2/3), while speaking at the G20 Foreign Ministers Meeting (FMM) in New Delhi, India.

Retno presented two important issues that are currently becoming global challenges—humanitarian problems in some countries.

Quoting from a press release released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, regarding humanitarian issues, Retno emphasized that wars and conflicts always bring misery to mankind.

For example, such as political conflicts in Myanmar, Afghanistan, Palestine, to Ukraine. However, it seems that the world's attention is often diverted to new conflicts, rather than trying to deal with pre-existing conflicts.

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi attends the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) in New Delhi, India (2/3). Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi attends the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting (FMM) in New Delhi, India (2/3). Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia© Provided by Coils

"At the opening of the Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva a few days ago, not a single speaker touched on the Palestinian issue," Retno said.

Retno regretted that, because the conflict between Palestine and Israel has been going on for years — but there is a lack of international support that pushes for the conflict to end soon.

Retno's statement is a form of Indonesia's firmness in fighting for Palestinian independence.

Previously, while speaking at the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, United States, in September 2022, this top diplomat had called for something similar.

"Until Palestine becomes an independent state, Indonesia will continue to be with the Palestinian brothers," said Retno.

@nahtanbob why do you lought ?

This is the policy Indonesian has since long time ago and we are pretty consistent on it

Even in the past our foreign minister is Arab Indonesian


Ali Alatas (Arabic: علي العطاس ʿAlī al-ʿAṭṭās; 4 November 1932 – 11 December 2008[3][4]) was an Indonesian diplomat of Ba 'Alawi sada descent,[5][6] who served as the country's foreign minister from 1988 to 1999. He was Indonesia's longest serving foreign minister.[7]

you look the other way on Rohingyas, China and pretty much most situations

Rohingyas, Uigyur, Afghanistan. Indonesian policy is supporting those community. You are just not really informed about what Indonesians are doing on those issues. Many times it is behind the back door.

Indonesia Is Not Silent On Uighur: Foreign Minister​

DECEMBER 27, 2019

Jakarta. Indonesia has been actively communicating with China on Uighur issues to raise concern about freedom of religion among the Muslim-majority ethnic group in China's westernmost Xinjiang province, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi said on Friday.

The Indonesian government and moderate Islamic groups like Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah have been in the spotlights in the past weeks for their perceived silence over alleged persecution against the Uighur ethnic group.

Retno said she met with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi on Dec. 16 and Chinese Ambassador for Indonesia Xiao Qian on Monday.

“We have been communicating continuously with the Chinese government to express and request information regarding the situation,” Retno said after attending a meeting at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs’ compound in Central Jakarta.

Xin Jiang is part of China and Indonesia is careful on dealing with this issue as that is China domestic issue. Unlike Palestine which is blatantly under Israel occupation.

Indonesia also has its own domestic issue and China doesnt interfere thus our handling on Uigyur should be really careful as once again it is part of China domestic issue.
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