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Some Taliban prisoners freed by Pakistan return to fight Nato troops


Apr 25, 2012
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WASHINGTON - Some Taliban prisoners released by Pakistan as a ‘good-faith’ effort to promote peace in Afghanistan have rejoined their colleagues fighting US-led NATO and Afghan troops, a leading American newspaper reported Sunday.
In a dispatch from Kabul, The Washington Post said the Pakistani move is “now prompting questions about whether the gesture has yielded anything but potential new dangers” for Western troops and the coalition-backed government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
The newspaper underscored Pakistan’s ‘vital role’ in nudging the Taliban to the table as the United States winds down its involvement in the 11-year war in Afghanistan. “But Pakistan’s handling of the prisoner release once again subverted the trust of the Afghans, who were supposed to receive the captives and keep tabs on them to lower the risk of any returning to terrorist havens in Pakistan,” the Post said.
“The whereabouts and even the number of ex-prisoners have remained murky since their release in two batches in mid-November and late December by Pakistan’s powerful spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, as part of a roadmap drawn up by the Afghan High Peace Council to build the militants’ confidence.
“Despite an earlier agreement, the ISI failed to consult with the council when it set many of the captives free.” On Friday, it however noted that the Pakistani government pledged to coordinate future Taliban releases with the council, “in a belated admission that it had blindsided the Afghans.”
The US military, according to the Post, is keenly interested in the former captives’ whereabouts and is trying to track down any who have returned to the Taliban in Afghanistan — and wants to identify those participating in the reconciliation process so they won’t be targeted.
“It’s all a black hole,” the paper quoted one unnamed US official as saying.
A Pakistani security official, according to the Post, confirmed that 18 men were freed and described them as junior to mid-level members of the Islamic movement, including field commanders and foot soldiers.
“Some have gone back to their old ways, with their old friends,” said the official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.
The Post said, “The original deal, presented in Islamabad by peace council head Salahuddin Rabbani and backed by Washington, envisioned the prisoners being handed over to Afghanistan or a third country. Instead, most of the released Taliban members rejoined their families in Pakistan, in cities including Quetta, Peshawar and Karachi, to recover from years in detention.
The most senior of the captives, Noruddin Toorabi, the ailing former justice minister in the Taliban government, has promoted himself as a spokesman for the collective prisoners. But, like others set free, he will have to be anointed by Taliban chief Mullah Muhammad Omar to be allowed a role in any prospective peace talks.”
The ISI spurned a specific request by Rabbani to free the most important prisoner: Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy leader under Omar taken captive in 2010.
Afghan officials considered Baradar’s release a crucial olive branch to Omar to nudge along a mediated end to the war — but, said the Pakistani security official, “Baradar isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
Rabbani, in an interview with the Post, acknowledged that questions remain about the ability of any Taliban representatives to negotiate on behalf of a group that he says is splintered. But he said he remains an optimist.
“You can’t convince everyone in the opposition to join the peace process,” he said, “but if you can convince a large majority, the level of violence will come down.”
Part of the Afghan government’s goal in giving Pakistan a key role in brokering any deal was to allay enmities between the ever-suspicious neighbours, the Post said. The idea was to cement their common interest in averting a civil war in Afghanistan after the United States pulls out its combat troops at the end of 2014.
“It hasn’t worked out exactly that way, given the friction over the prisoner releases including the fact that the peace council got only two of the four specific prisoners it asked for,” the dispatch said.
According to the Post, “The motive of the ISI in releasing hand-picked captives remains unclear, and probably deliberately so, analysts said: Was it to help the peace process, as claimed, or to keep its Taliban proxies on the field to assure Pakistan’s influence in any future Afghan government?”
“This is not for Afghanistan, it’s for Pakistan’s game,” Wahid Mujda, a former Taliban government official who closely monitors peace overtures, was quoted as saying.
Mujda said he doubted the releases would have any impact on negotiations because “the important people are still in jail,” including Baradar.
Omar, who headed the Taliban regime during its five-year rule, has conditioned negotiations on the release of five Taliban leaders held at Guantanamo Bay and a permanent withdrawal of all foreign troops.
Meanwhile, the Taliban continue to assert that they will never negotiate with Karzai, whom it considers an illegitimate leader and US puppet. This week, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid scoffed at talks in London held by Karzai, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and British Prime Minister David Cameron aimed at bringing the Taliban to the table.
In a statement, Mujahid said previous contacts with “counterfeit and ineffective individuals and circles” had led nowhere — a glancing repudiation of the prisoner releases.

Some Taliban prisoners freed by Pakistan return to fight Nato troops | The Nation
WASHINGTON - Some Taliban prisoners released by Pakistan as a ‘good-faith’ effort to promote peace in Afghanistan have rejoined their colleagues fighting US-led NATO and Afghan troops, a leading American newspaper reported Sunday.
In a dispatch from Kabul, The Washington Post said the Pakistani move is “now prompting questions about whether the gesture has yielded anything but potential new dangers” for Western troops and the coalition-backed government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
The newspaper underscored Pakistan’s ‘vital role’ in nudging the Taliban to the table as the United States winds down its involvement in the 11-year war in Afghanistan. “But Pakistan’s handling of the prisoner release once again subverted the trust of the Afghans, who were supposed to receive the captives and keep tabs on them to lower the risk of any returning to terrorist havens in Pakistan,” the Post said.
“The whereabouts and even the number of ex-prisoners have remained murky since their release in two batches in mid-November and late December by Pakistan’s powerful spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, as part of a roadmap drawn up by the Afghan High Peace Council to build the militants’ confidence.
“Despite an earlier agreement, the ISI failed to consult with the council when it set many of the captives free.” On Friday, it however noted that the Pakistani government pledged to coordinate future Taliban releases with the council, “in a belated admission that it had blindsided the Afghans.”
The US military, according to the Post, is keenly interested in the former captives’ whereabouts and is trying to track down any who have returned to the Taliban in Afghanistan — and wants to identify those participating in the reconciliation process so they won’t be targeted.
“It’s all a black hole,” the paper quoted one unnamed US official as saying.
A Pakistani security official, according to the Post, confirmed that 18 men were freed and described them as junior to mid-level members of the Islamic movement, including field commanders and foot soldiers.
“Some have gone back to their old ways, with their old friends,” said the official, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity.
The Post said, “The original deal, presented in Islamabad by peace council head Salahuddin Rabbani and backed by Washington, envisioned the prisoners being handed over to Afghanistan or a third country. Instead, most of the released Taliban members rejoined their families in Pakistan, in cities including Quetta, Peshawar and Karachi, to recover from years in detention.
The most senior of the captives, Noruddin Toorabi, the ailing former justice minister in the Taliban government, has promoted himself as a spokesman for the collective prisoners. But, like others set free, he will have to be anointed by Taliban chief Mullah Muhammad Omar to be allowed a role in any prospective peace talks.”
The ISI spurned a specific request by Rabbani to free the most important prisoner: Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy leader under Omar taken captive in 2010.
Afghan officials considered Baradar’s release a crucial olive branch to Omar to nudge along a mediated end to the war — but, said the Pakistani security official, “Baradar isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.”
Rabbani, in an interview with the Post, acknowledged that questions remain about the ability of any Taliban representatives to negotiate on behalf of a group that he says is splintered. But he said he remains an optimist.
“You can’t convince everyone in the opposition to join the peace process,” he said, “but if you can convince a large majority, the level of violence will come down.”
Part of the Afghan government’s goal in giving Pakistan a key role in brokering any deal was to allay enmities between the ever-suspicious neighbours, the Post said. The idea was to cement their common interest in averting a civil war in Afghanistan after the United States pulls out its combat troops at the end of 2014.
“It hasn’t worked out exactly that way, given the friction over the prisoner releases including the fact that the peace council got only two of the four specific prisoners it asked for,” the dispatch said.
According to the Post, “The motive of the ISI in releasing hand-picked captives remains unclear, and probably deliberately so, analysts said: Was it to help the peace process, as claimed, or to keep its Taliban proxies on the field to assure Pakistan’s influence in any future Afghan government?”
“This is not for Afghanistan, it’s for Pakistan’s game,” Wahid Mujda, a former Taliban government official who closely monitors peace overtures, was quoted as saying.
Mujda said he doubted the releases would have any impact on negotiations because “the important people are still in jail,” including Baradar.
Omar, who headed the Taliban regime during its five-year rule, has conditioned negotiations on the release of five Taliban leaders held at Guantanamo Bay and a permanent withdrawal of all foreign troops.
Meanwhile, the Taliban continue to assert that they will never negotiate with Karzai, whom it considers an illegitimate leader and US puppet. This week, Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid scoffed at talks in London held by Karzai, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and British Prime Minister David Cameron aimed at bringing the Taliban to the table.
In a statement, Mujahid said previous contacts with “counterfeit and ineffective individuals and circles” had led nowhere — a glancing repudiation of the prisoner releases.

Some Taliban prisoners freed by Pakistan return to fight Nato troops | The Nation

They are fighting for Muslims and their faith they can't be bought buy these cheap tactics of USA and Nato Forces these powers will be defeated and they will have to run away and run away soon
Oh boy. It turned out exaclty as predicted.

1. The US/Afghanistan want Pakistan to release dangerous prisoners to promote negotiations.
2. Pakistan releases them despite warning signs.
3. Fighters join their buddies in their struggle against a perceived invading force.
4. The US blames Pakistan for releasing them.
5. The US conveniently blurs point number 1 in its media campaign.

Heads we lose, tails they win.
They are fighting for Muslims and their faith they can't be bought buy these cheap tactics of USA and Nato Forces these powers will be defeated and they will have to run away and run away soon

I thanked your post. Not because I am agree with you. its because I find it extremely funny and i laughed so much.
Was there any long-term thought given to this decision? Once the US infidels are seen leaving Afghanistan- where Are these ad fry armed men going to turn their attention? Pakistan has shot itself in the foot here.
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