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Snowden Explains Terrifying Government Spying Powers

Former CIA contractor. Who can dispute his authority or his words about CIA? For someone working inside CIA.
US, a despicable nation who spy on its citizen ,allies and rival got the cheek to accuse China of spying.
Beware of double head snake. It will bite you anything. Be it allies or friends
Former CIA contractor. Who can dispute his authority or his words about CIA? For someone working inside CIA.
US, a despicable nation who spy on its citizen ,allies and rival got the cheek to accuse China of spying.
Beware of double head snake. It will bite you anything. Be it allies or friends
one of the best post sir
Former CIA contractor. Who can dispute his authority or his words about CIA? For someone working inside CIA.
US, a despicable nation who spy on its citizen ,allies and rival got the cheek to accuse China of spying.
Beware of double head snake. It will bite you anything. Be it allies or friends
Worse is they put you on some database and you have problems getting jobs, loans, mortgages etc.
. .
The man is nothing short of legend. Sacrificed his whole life and took on the Goliath all alone. How this lone guy exposed the treachery of the deep state is beyond exemplary. Snowden single-handedly destroyed Obama’s legacy and laid bare the hypocrisy of the deep state.
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superb movie must say ...

they can read your FB messages, e mails, remotely turn the webcam on,

facebook and instagram are like their free data centers where the dumb population given them raw info for free , LOL
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