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Smoke and Mirrors


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Smoke and Mirrors

By Ayesha Siddiqa Published: April 3, 2013

The writer is an independent social scientist and author of Military Inc.

The idea was to gather in a coffee shop in Islamabad and discuss ways civil society could help stop the killing of Hazaras, Shias and minorities in general. But we were taken by surprise by a serving ISI officer who got inadvertently invited through Twitter due to his claim of having deep interest in the Hazara issue. He may have come due to organisational concerns but he posed as an innocent bystander who came to protest out of personal interest on the issue. It could be that the agency may have no knowledge of his interest or of his Twitter ID (despite the fact that his face is recognisable on his Twitter account). That he didn’t hide his identity was proof of his honesty.

But then marketing techniques change. I was reminded of how street beggars have changed techniques over the years. While traditional street beggars would implore you for cash, newer ones ask you to buy them food and not necessarily give them cash. The more modern types come in the form of suited-booted men and women selling the story of having their bags stolen and if you could contribute money to help them get back home. It is all about winning confidence. No wonder the ISI directorates in most cities provide patronage to beggars’ networks as a source of intelligence and raising revenue.

The disclosure of identity and claiming that his agency did not know about his participation in Hazara demonstrations was to win confidence and then guide our entire conversation in one direction. But from experience, his claim is questionable as there are spooks watching spooks and it is not possible to have a Twitter ID of liberal pretence and go around all protests, be it for Rimsha Masih or Hazaras, with the agency not knowing anything. I was reminded of my once chance meeting with one DG (Analysis) ISI at a diplomatic reception. The gent didn’t encourage conversation, which I later found out was because of not wanting to blow up his chances of promotion as Lt General.

With a ‘trojan horse’ in our middle, it was not possible to have a sensible conversation. He tried to slip in his bright idea of stopping the Shia-Sunni conflict by reducing the gap between the military and intelligentsia. It is the new fixation with psy-ops and media as a tool of war. One wondered how many people does the agency want to buy? The ISI has tremendous access to all forms of journalists, columnists, academics, print and electronic media. As if tapping phone calls was not enough, the agency has eyes glued on social media as well. A well-informed friend once told me that spooks even watch the number of likes/retweets on your Facebook and Twitter comments and the nationalities of those that do so. Thus, if there are more Indians liking your comments, you are immediately seen as an enemy of the state. Such recipe stinks of low IQ and EQ as it reflects a lack of understanding of how the internet has made the world fairly transparent. To use this method to gauge someone’s nationalism is pathetic.

How does one even begin to take an agency that only uses people seriously? The spook, who was a colonel, was dismissive of the current caretaker chief minister of Balochistan accusing him of being part of a racket to destabalise the province. This is the same as rumours being spread about the ISI paying a couple of singers these days who have recently joined a political party. Even if it is for a good deed, the mere fact that such information is being disclosed is good enough to make such characters suspicious. Perhaps, a few years later, when these singers are in responsible positions as social and political icons and happen to defy the agency, another colonel will boast of knowing them “in and out” and how they were not reliable. Maligning sometimes helps in creating the perception of an agency’s neutrality. For instance, the spook discarded Jaish-e-Muhammad’s Masood Azhar as an Indian agent, despite the agency’s continued support to the ji hadi leader. This is similar to the agency bad-mouthing a journalist of being a double agent after he was kidnapped, tortured and killed in May 2011.

Clearly, the intent of the colonel was to micro-manage debate on the critical issue of the murder of innocent citizens for the “sin” of being an ethnic and religious minority. He talked about the army not being on the same page as the ISI. This is in the same vein as spreading stories about inner disconnect within the organisation — since all directorates within the organisation operate independently, the officials of each reports to their respective director-generals but not to a single person at the top, which creates confusion. Or that “I as an individual have often supported liberal values but it is the top brass the needs to change”. Such impressions smack of a smart method to present the organisation on autopilot so one could never accuse it of anything. For example, it was a couple of days after Mumbai that the army and the ISI went to confess before foreign diplomats that there were a couple of junior officers who had links with the plan and not the organisation.

Not that the ISI and the army do not disagree or that everyone in the agency has knowledge of a central plan. Lt General (retd) Shahid Aziz confirmed that the ISI was out of the information loop during Kargil. Musharraf did not want to share information with an organisation headed by General (retd) Ziauddin Butt as he was close to Nawaz Sharif. A colonel may pretend to have extensive knowledge, which in reality is limited to what he is told. His knowledge of civilian life may also be limited because the gap between civil and military understanding of each other is fairly huge and real. We certainly need a meaningful civil-military dialogue and that certainly cannot happen with “iron curtains” — gagging conversation and spreading propaganda to malign people. Such an environment compromises rather than ensures security.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 4th, 2013.
What's the point of the first 5 paragraphs?
Meaning, I suppose, that since you're a moderator I'm only posting stuff you already know?

This is common stuff...even a kid who watches action movies would know all this stuff, Enemy of the State, Will Smith?:D

Government wire taps, beggar spies, political opinions are all open secrets, for every intel agency of the world, from CIA to KGB and to Mossad and the ISI. That is what they do, they aren't there to play all hunky dory and friendly, sometimes they go by the rules, sometimes they don't...this is how intel agencies operate.

As for the encouraging beggars in cities and using them as intel sources thing...I even had an encounter with one...he wasn't a pro beggar though, he was a intel trainee on a training mission! This was in Murree...a very popular tourist spot!
This is common stuff...even a kid who watches action movies would know all this stuff, Enemy of the State, Will Smith?
I take it you also believe in vampires and were-wolves.

Government wire taps, beggar spies, political opinions are all open secrets, for every intel agency of the world, from CIA to KGB and to Mossad and the ISI. That is what they do, they aren't there to play all hunky dory and friendly, sometimes they go by the rules, sometimes they don't...this is how intel agencies operate.
I don't think U.S. agencies can act with such impunity in the U.S. against U.S. citizens. Such abilities were greatly reduced in the 1970s and only partially restored after 9-11 - otherwise, a terror attack like Major Hasan's would have been detected before it happened.

As for the encouraging beggars in cities and using them as intel sources thing...I even had an encounter with one...he wasn't a pro beggar though, he was a intel trainee on a training mission! This was in Murree...a very popular tourist spot!
How did you spot him from the crowd?
[............. A well-informed friend once told me that spooks even watch the number of likes/retweets on your Facebook and Twitter comments and the nationalities of those that do so. Thus, if there are more Indians liking your comments, you are immediately seen as an enemy of the state. Such recipe stinks of low IQ and EQ as it reflects a lack of understanding of how the internet has made the world fairly transparent. ............

I wonder how that approach applies to a forum such as this one? Interesting ...............
I take it you also believe in vampires and were-wolves.

Whatever you want to believe, but phone taps arent a surprising thing anymore when we are living in a digital age and NSA has its roots everywhere, governments can get your whole history.

What other thing did the article mention...website monitoring? So whats new...even this forum gets monitored so do others...that is the job of intel agencies...monitoring things! They gaze and stare at people.

I don't think U.S. agencies can act with such impunity in the U.S. against U.S. citizens. Such abilities were greatly reduced in the 1970s and only partially restored after 9-11 - otherwise, a terror attack like Major Hasan's would have been detected before it happened.

This would take the discussion off topic but I dont think FBI and NSA are just sitting there eating donuts...

How did you spot him from the crowd?

A good looking eunuch/hijra outside a school at finish time, comes to the army bus driver, has a chit chat...a white double cabin with hand painted number plate (they have been changed and improved now) parked at a distance...observing...the eunuch after the exercise sits in the double cab and goes...not pretty hard to notice if you know how things work.

I wonder how that approach applies to a forum such as this one? Interesting ...............

This forum is seen by a fair few folks...there is a reason they have us as a helpful site on ISSB homepage!

Some folks were very surprised when they saw the amount of info here!

This forum is seen by a fair few folks...there is a reason they have us as a helpful site on ISSB homepage!

Some folks were very surprised when they saw the amount of info here!

Wow, I am surprised to know that. This means that this forum is "blessed" in many ways. It also explains the moderating policies I suppose.
A good looking eunuch/hijra outside a school at finish time, comes to the army bus driver, has a chit chat...a white double cabin with hand painted number plate (they have been changed and improved now) parked at a distance...observing...the eunuch after the exercise sits in the double cab and goes...not pretty hard to notice if you know how things work.
I find it hard to believe that Pakistan's "agencies" would reveal its agents in such a sloppy fashion. What you describe is, however, one of the methods I've read in news accounts that Hezbollah and like-minded terrorists use to collect information - they don't care if they are revealed, that's part of the intimidation, and in this fashion they avoid electronic communications that could reveal themselves to the authorities.

If I was you and I witnessed what you did, I might well have contacted the police immediately. The police might have seen what was going on from a distance but they would surely be interested in the sorts of questions the "beggar" asked.
I find it hard to believe that Pakistan's "agencies" would reveal its agents in such a sloppy fashion. What you describe is, however, one of the methods I've read in news accounts that Hezbollah and like-minded terrorists use to collect information - they don't care if they are revealed, that's part of the intimidation, and in this fashion they avoid electronic communications that could reveal themselves to the authorities.

If I was you and I witnessed what you did, I might well have contacted the police immediately. The police might have seen what was going on from a distance but they would surely be interested in the sorts of questions the "beggar" asked.

It was a training op, and identity was revealed after the op finished, I am guessing it was his leisure time...and he sort of knew us, we were in a military environment, military jeep so no real worries, he didnt have a sign board on his head nor was he telling it to everybody.

And these beggars dont ask questions, they just observe.

Wow, I am surprised to know that. This means that this forum is "blessed" in many ways. It also explains the moderating policies I suppose.

Lets not get too overboard please...we have some very anti army mods as well, and the policies are very different than what would be expected of a military backed forum.

Btw, go ahead and have a look at the ISSB site! Bottom right...
Wow, I am surprised to know that. This means that this forum is "blessed" in many ways. It also explains the moderating policies I suppose.

No reason to stretch credulity - Moderating policies have nothing to do with any of that -- and remember I'm a liberal fascist, a Zionist Jew, a Hindu etc, etc,
No reason to stretch credulity - Moderating policies have nothing to do with any of that -- and remember I'm a liberal fascist, a Zionist Jew, a Hindu etc, etc,

I get the point Sir, but you are not a Mod either, no disrespect intended to either you or the Mods here. I have no complaints or issues whatsoever.

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