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Six rockets fired from Gaza, Iron Dome intercepts them


Aug 18, 2010
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6 rockets were fired last night from Gaza at Israeli city Ashqelon. Iron Dome intercepted 5, 1 fell in open area. No injuries or damage were reported.

The Israeli response:

Note secondary explosions.

Hamas again is playing with fire.
6 rockets were fired last night from Gaza at Israeli city Ashqelon. Iron Dome intercepted 5, 1 fell in open area. No injuries or damage were reported.

Awesome !!!

The Israeli response:

I presume, the holy warriors are now enjoying their after life with the v!rgins which were offered to them :D
5 injured by Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza Strip | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Four children and a woman were injured in Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip early Thursday, medics said.

Several strikes hit areas in the west and east of Gaza City, with all of the injured suffering shrapnel wounds.

Palestinian security officials confirmed that one strike hit a military base used by Hamas' military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades.

Israel's army said it targeted a "terror site, an underground rocket-launcher, a weapon storage facility and a weapon manufacturing site, all in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed."

The airstrikes were in response to five rockets fired from Gaza, all of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome, the army said.

Three Palestinians were injured last Thursday after an Israeli airstrike targeted the southern Gaza Strip.

Israel never mentions this constant incursions in it Gaza and tank shells they fire at residents in Gaza. Nor shootings along the coast.

That doesn't stop 500 from telling is Hamas is playing with fire(What he means by that is Israel has more power, doesn't matter who starts the conflict he will make an assertion that only Palestinians are initiators of any violence in the region) yet he disregards any Israeli actions which are condemned by US and European leaders. Israel's occupation and ongoing settlement policy instigates violence. He doesn't see it that way because Israel sends armed reinforcements to build illegal Jewish homes so nobody can do anything about it. So nobody gets killed, walla! That for Israelis means Israel does not initiate violence.

Great logic there! So expand the occupation through brute force and pardon your own selves to make it appear as if no wrong is being done.

Hamas also had no role in this, these are probably Egyptian Israeli collaborators who want to turn the situation upside down in Gaza and they will be apprehended as soon as possible if they have not been already.
5 injured by Israeli airstrikes in northern Gaza Strip | Maan News Agency

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Four children and a woman were injured in Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip early Thursday, medics said.

Several strikes hit areas in the west and east of Gaza City, with all of the injured suffering shrapnel wounds.

Palestinian security officials confirmed that one strike hit a military base used by Hamas' military wing, the Al-Qassam Brigades.

Israel's army said it targeted a "terror site, an underground rocket-launcher, a weapon storage facility and a weapon manufacturing site, all in the northern Gaza Strip. Direct hits were confirmed."

The airstrikes were in response to five rockets fired from Gaza, all of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome, the army said.

Three Palestinians were injured last Thursday after an Israeli airstrike targeted the southern Gaza Strip.

Israel never mentions this constant incursions in it Gaza and tank shells they fire at residents in Gaza. Nor shootings along the coast.

That doesn't stop 500 from telling is Hamas is playing with fire(What he means by that is Israel has more power, doesn't matter who starts the conflict he will make an assertion that only Palestinians are initiators of any violence in the region) yet he disregards any Israeli actions which are condemned by US and European leaders. Israel's occupation and ongoing settlement policy instigates violence. He doesn't see it that way because Israel sends armed reinforcements to build illegal Jewish homes so nobody can do anything about it. So nobody gets killed, walla! That for Israelis means Israel does not initiate violence.

Great logic there! So expand the occupation through brute force and pardon your own selves to make it appear as if no wrong is being done.

Hamas also had no role in this, these are probably Egyptian Israeli collaborators who want to turn the situation upside down in Gaza and they will be apprehended as soon as possible if they have not been already.

Ofcourse they are from firing rockets blindly and attacking the soilders with knifes....
you want the settlements to be removed???? then recognize the state of Israel. Israel is not going to border another enemy state who'll mount their country with Terror and Weapons to attack Israel now and then.
6 rockets were fired last night from Gaza at Israeli city Ashqelon. Iron Dome intercepted 5, 1 fell in open area. No injuries or damage were reported.
yes, ya ya. :tdown:
Ofcourse they are from firing rockets blindly and attacking the soilders with knifes....
you want the settlements to be removed???? then recognize the state of Israel. Israel is not going to border another enemy state who'll mount their country with Terror and Weapons to attack Israel now and then.

Nobody is firing rockets blindy, go inform yourself. You simply cannot cover a decade of events in one paragraph. You have to be specific and look at the little facts and not just a broad point of view. I could make a similar statement without going over little facts to demonize Israel that way.

Violence is always an reaction to an actions, when you recognize the violence israel commits on a daily basis than things will become easier for you to understand.

Btw..."you want the settlements to be removed???? then recognize the state of Israel. "

This has no place in international law and is supremacist dictatorial point of view. You look at things from a odd perspective. Just like previous fascist leaders.

As for recognizing Israel, it's purpose is not about Jewish people. It's about disbanding the whole Palestinian cause in return for not even a guaranteed state. They want to be immune from their occupation. So if we recognize Israel, Israel will say okay you do this we can negotiate. Really? There's no negotiating left, solution is simple! Internationally recognized 1967 borders! Two state solution with a sovereign Palestine economically.

Israel doesn't want this, so even if we recognize Israel. This would mean Israel will trash the negotiations purposefully until we get down and kiss their boots and they will keep occupying our land and demand preconditions from the occupied people's! When preconditions are supposed to pertain to the occupying power!

This is a fake game and that's what it's purpose is. Inform yourself
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