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Six killed in Southwest Pakistan

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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Six Shia killed in Southwest Pakistan

Five men, including four members of the minority Hazara Shia community, were killed by unidentified gunmen in two separate attacks in Quetta city of southwest Pakistan today, police and local residents said.

In the first incident, gunmen fired indiscriminately at men working in a scrap market on Sarki Road in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan province.

Four Shia Hazaras were killed instantly, local residents and a Shia organisation said.


The gunmen, who were riding a motorcycle, escaped before police cordoned off the area and launched a search.

No group claimed responsibility for the attack though such incidents are usually blamed on the banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, a notorious sectarian group.

A member of a polio team was shot and killed by gunmen in Rind Garh area of Quetta, police said.

Gunmen riding a motorcycle fired at the team while it was administering anti-polio drops to children.

One member of the team was hit by bullets and died while being taken to hospital.

Police officials said personal enmity could have been the cause of the attack.

Six killed in Southwest Pakistan | Business Standard

BBC News - Four minority Shia Hazaras are shot dead in Pakistan
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