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Sit-ins provided sustainability to economy, says Dhedhi


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
Sit-in protests compelled government to take right path, continues pressure mounted by the political forces against the ruling government provided sustainability to economy overall, says Aqeel Kareem Dhedhi Chairman AKD Group while exclusively talking to The Nation.

Existing political situation is not against the economy, it gives an opportunity to the people to highlight their issues not considered in power corridors since many decades. There is no choice for the rulers to enjoy power without addressing the core issues of the nation. “I am not agreed that the sit-in protests bring negative impact, it is an eye-opener for the public who become aware about their basic rights”.

Education, health and food are the basic necessities of the society and it is government responsibility to address all these issues on priority. Dhedhi said recent political boom gave the multiple choices to people of Pakistan and now people decide who would resolve the issues of public as protests sit-in developed a sense of maturity among the people.

In democracy everyone have freedom of speech and it is the responsibility of government to give space to all who have concern about the existing system. Dhedhi pointed out the positive impacts of Sit-in protest that in such scenario government could not suppose to charge over billing and not increased the price of urea and electricity tariff while the Lady Health Workers also the beneficiary of the existing political move. He said that rapid increase in the pool of sit-ins party proved that they have not support of army or any other. Now this is the time for rulers to take further steps for the betterment of common man to grow up their vote bank by serving the people. He suggested the government to focus on those promises which was made during the election.

Commenting over the foreign direct investment, he said it portfolio investment was increase last eighteen months but we are waiting for foreign direct investment which also depends on the international circumstances. He further suggested the government to lift the ban on export of live stock to support the 500,000 people related to the business while its responsibility of government to take the advantage of internationally declined in oil prices and facilitate the people of Pakistan. Aqeel Kareem Dhedhi said there is good move in real estate business but some initiatives are much needed from the government side to further boost up this sector.

Sit-ins provided sustainability to economy, says Dhedhi

That's a funny picture!
Still, anyone can post such a picture, and they are all over the internet.
Can you please share with me a clear statement of what precisely you disagree with when it comes to the article writer above?
For example: which of his assumptions, exactly, do you think is incorrect?
Which of his conclusions, other than the main overall conclusion, do you think is inadequately supported by evidence?
Thanks in advance!
That's a funny picture!
Still, anyone can post such a picture, and they are all over the internet.
Can you please share with me a clear statement of what precisely you disagree with when it comes to the article writer above?
For example: which of his assumptions, exactly, do you think is incorrect?
Which of his conclusions, other than the main overall conclusion, do you think is inadequately supported by evidence?
Thanks in advance!

It's well established at this point that the sit-ins have cost the economy billions in economic growth just in a few months. That obviously flies in the face of the claims being made in the OP.
It's well established at this point that the sit-ins have cost the economy billions in economic growth just in a few months. That obviously flies in the face of the claims being made in the OP.

Thank you for the swift reply!
Now I hate to be an annoying nitpicker, but can I ask you for a source for the claim that the sit-ins have cost the economy billions in economic growth?
The reason I ask is not that I doubt you specifically, but rather that people are always claiming something is well-established, and others at the same time claim the opposite is well-established.
Because of this, I was delighted when, recently, Dr. Qadri claimed that the government had signed for $52 billion worth of loans in just one year (at the staggering rate of $1 billion per week), and I found an article by a former Finance Minister which reported exactly that figure.
It is very pleasing to actually be able to show someone a proper, academic source when they question you.
So could you please help me out with a link or a reference I can look up for myself when people ask me about this?
Thank you for the swift reply!
Now I hate to be an annoying nitpicker, but can I ask you for a source for the claim that the sit-ins have cost the economy billions in economic growth?
The reason I ask is not that I doubt you specifically, but rather that people are always claiming something is well-established, and others at the same time claim the opposite is well-established.
Because of this, I was delighted when, recently, Dr. Qadri claimed that the government had signed for $52 billion worth of loans in just one year (at the staggering rate of $1 billion per week), and I found an article by a former Finance Minister which reported exactly that figure.
It is very pleasing to actually be able to show someone a proper, academic source when they question you.
So could you please help me out with a link or a reference I can look up for myself when people ask me about this?
Political turmoil: Early estimate puts losses at 2.1% of GDP, says WB
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