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Sikh girl Stabed and blinded by her Father-in-law


Sep 18, 2013
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Shocking injuries of Sikh woman stabbed in the eyes by her father-in-law who accused her of having an affair with a Muslim as he is jailed for 10 years

  • Jageer Mirgind's eyes gouged with knife and wrists slashed in violent assault
  • Manjit Singh Mirgind, 51, attacked her claiming she had 'ruined his family'
  • He became angry when he became convinced she was 'sleeping with a ****'
  • Victim's children witnessed the horrific ordeal and pleaded for him to stop
  • Mrs Mirgind has been left blind, scarred and with a stutter following attack
  • Mirgind jailed for ten years and eight months at Snaresbrook Crown Court

The mother has been left partially-sighted in both eyes while the children can no longer sleep alone and have recurring nightmares.

The crazed attacker wrongly believed his daughter-in-law was 'sleeping with a ****' and that she had 'ruined his family', Snaresbrook Crown Court heard.

Tragically, Mirgind misunderstood the situation when his daughter was the victim of a series of prank calls.

After punching her in the face he dragged her into the kitchen where he savagely kicked her before grabbing a knife.

He eventually left and went home as his wife called an ambulance for Mrs Mirgind. He later turned himself in at the police station and told them exactly what had happened.

Judge Nigel Peters QC said: 'You have accepted that you have caused the most serious injuries to your daughter in law.

'You set about her having taken umbrage because you felt she was having affairs when it turned out she had been receiving prank calls.

'You set out with great hostility and vengeance - you punched her, forced to the ground and kicked her and took knives to her face and wrist to gouge her eyes.

'She has since lost a lot of sight in both eyes and there is major scarring to her face.

'She has a stutter as well, most likely caused by the loss of confidence and lack of sleep and general work.

'So distressing was that her children, your grandchildren, witnessed it from start to finish and pleaded with you to stop but you did not stop.'

Father-of-four Mirgind stared at the floor as he was jailed for ten years and eight months at Snaresbrook Crown Court.

Crown lawyer Jonathan Turner said Mrs Mirgind's children had suffered, having begged the defendant to stop and they saw the blood everywhere.

‘Their life has changed and they cannot sleep alone while the marriage of their parents has disintegrated.’

Mrs Mirgind has since moved to Nottingham with her two children.

The court heard the defendant Mirgind had been a leading member of the Sikh community and often drove young worshippers to the temple.

In a statement read by his lawyer Edward Boateng-Addo, he said: ‘I am a hard-working family man who left his job to care for his ill mother seven years ago.

‘I was stressed out at the time and nothing can excuse what I did.

‘I was trying to protect her - I am a peaceful and honest man and I know I will not have the chance to apologise but I do look to the court to say how sorry I am.

He had initially been charged with attempted murder but prosecutors later accepted a plea of causing grievous bodily harm with intent in order to avoid having to go to trial.

Mirgind, of Mayfair Avenue, Ilford, admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

A single count of attempted murder has been left to lie on the court file.

Sikh grandfather blinded own daughter-in-law as he thought she was having an affair with a Muslim | Mail Online
I think UN must take notice of this horrific act, the whole world especially UK were left shell shocked with this horrible act.
The father in law should be blinded for this crime against this poor woman. And about the way this story is presented in the media, the media has a way of sensationalizing a story. Would the father in law have been okay if it was a non Muslim instead of a Muslim?

Furthuremore, why are they constantly revealing the religion of the criminal involved? when a white man belonging to a Christian background does a crime, do they always say "Christian man" kills or rapes?

Where was her husband when this deranged man went crazy on his daughter in law ?
10 fucking years? 10 motherfucking years? Wtf no wonder UK is shitty when it comes to sentencing.
Another moral policing fu**head. I wished I could stab out the eyes of this beast.

Hats off to his morality
What a barbaric man! He should be executed for doing this.
The father in law should be blinded for this crime against this poor woman. And about the way this story is presented in the media, the media has a way of sensationalizing a story. Would the father in law have been okay if it was a non Muslim instead of a Muslim?

Furthuremore, why are they constantly revealing the religion of the criminal involved? when a white man belonging to a Christian background does a crime, do they always say "Christian man" kills or rapes?

Because most "white men" arent christian? and 90% of stories like this involve minorities.
Because most "white men" arent christian? and 90% of stories like this involve minorities.
So if a person belonging to a christian background(white and black) does a crime, "he's not christian". Granted most of these honour related crimes happen in asian societies. But you can't deny people of Christians background don't commit murder, rape, theft, pedophilia. Yet how many times has the media mentioned their religion repeatedly as they do to people of Asian background? Take for example the Italian mafia(catholic) whose members go to the church, has the western media ever mentioned their Christian religion in any article? Or how about the IRA(catholic) and UDA(protestant), has the media ever called them white Christian terrorists?
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Sardar kai bara baj gai. Sick Sikh should be deported back to the Punjab. We have no place in British society for such values.
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