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Should India navy show up in Scs as mediator


Feb 23, 2015
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United States
United States
All people know that china navy has appear India ocean for many reasons, why not for India navy to show up in Scs mediate the situation. this is what japan are doing right now. should not be a problem . the duty is to maintain freedom of navigation.
Why not? India has no conflict of interest here. :)
No, I don't think so.

1) India has no capability as of now to project it's naval power outside Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal.

2) Well, we have mighty USN there for freedom of navigation. So i don't see the purpose of IN protecting it there.

3) Chinese have avoided meddling in any bi-lateral affairs of India that does not concern them, and we should reciprocate in manner unless $h!t goes crazy.

4) Mediate between Chinese and Who? Unless all other countries form a bloc for negotiation against China, there is no mediation possible because claims usually overlap there. Some of them have to give up some part of their claim, if they want mediation and i do not see any country backing up on their territorial claim.

5) Status-Quo suites us just fine for preparation of better IN with formidable CBGs, unless Chinese start knocking on our borders, or Unless they do something stupid like that in Colombo docking.
India is a regional power and her presence in Southeast Asia is part of her Look East Policy. I believe India can play a valuable mediator in said region.

Let's go for it!

Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

Someone is thinking to invite more people to join the party, bigger party = more fun.
They are not interesting to solve the issue, but just get their popcorn ready and enjoy the show...
All people know that china navy has appear India ocean for many reasons, why not for India navy to show up in Scs mediate the situation. this is what japan are doing right now. should not be a problem . the duty is to maintain freedom of navigation.

Some are high on drugs again. :D
All people know that china navy has appear India ocean for many reasons, why not for India navy to show up in Scs mediate the situation. this is what japan are doing right now. should not be a problem . the duty is to maintain freedom of navigation.

India should show up in SCS. No doubt about it.

But I would wait for Modi to finish his visit to China and see what comes out of it. Probably nothing going by the usual chinese BS.
Why not? India has no conflict of interest here. :)

Fact is China already had become a culprit there by building Islands there by permanently making enemies out of all the nations situated there.

Also giving USA a chance to establish bases in all of those small countries.
Fact is China already had become a culprit there by building Islands there by permanently making enemies out of all the nations situated there.

Also giving USA a chance to establish bases in all of those small countries.
pretty sure they had bases there anyways. Besides, I never understood the Indian's problem with China and Sri Lanka. If you are strong enough, you are strong enough.

If the US has no bases right now in Asia, period, we are still no match for them, if they do have bases in Asia and we can match them ship for ship, what does it matter if they have bases or not.

As to permanent enemies, Americans waterboarding Filipinos and Japanese killing and raping them, Americans dropping Agent Orange on Vietnam and the rest of the imperialistic crap that happened in Asia, just shows nothing is permanent.

You do remember before 1962 Pakistan and China were "enemies," immediately after 62, we are friends and now look at us. Things change just that quickly, especially if it's a country like China that has tons to offer.

That is how you become a blue water navy. By actually acting like one, not talking like one.
pretty sure you do that by having more and better ships, but then that's just one way of doing it. If we go by "actions" the Philippines is a blue water navy, pretty sure they said they can win a naval conflict with us with 2 fishing boat and a row boat.

India is a regional power and her presence in Southeast Asia is part of her Look East Policy. I believe India can play a valuable mediator in said region.

Let's go for it!

Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

Any concrete plans? What ships to send, how much money to spend, how would the Indian navy change the equation, be specific.

Side note, did you take classes with Bill Clinton? Lol, sounds like his Monica speech.

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