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Sheikh Aymen's Response to a Proponent of Secular Education



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May 3, 2013
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Q: We wonder why today the Muslims are so backwards and oppressed. Why is it that Israel can steal our land, and kill our women and children? Why is it that America can jail our men and do whatever she wants with them? If we do not understand the etiology of this, then we can never fix it! One must first understand the problem ,before one can find the solution.
A: Secular Education is irrelevant to the situation of the Ummah. Actaully, the more erducation we receivve from universities is the cause of this fall that we suffer. Proof: Prophet & his Compainions were uneducated in the sense of secular education while persia and romans were living in era of science and inventions. Yet, Muslims were superior..why? Because the only means to revive the Ummah is by sticking to the religion and allowing what we discuss here gets us far from religion since it contradicts its principles.

By the way, do you know that Muslims make the largest percentage of Degree holders! Actually, look at universities and do a survey on the percentage of Muslims who go into higher education and you will be amaized. So, the issue is not education, the issue (based on understanding the problem) is that Muslims give up religion in the name of noble theoritical western slogans!

Q: When did Christian Europe rocket ahead of the Muslims? After they had the Renaissance, and once they embraced EDUCATION, knowledge, and higher learning. They started making all the inventions, which put them way ahead of us. They were able to make all the most advanced weapons (i.e. advanced guns), advanced naval ships, etc. They entered the Industrial Revolution due to their inventions, which rocketed them ahead of the rest of the world.

A: That is not true. They only managed to roket ahead only when we became far from religion and that era witnessed when Muslims started adopting "taking off Hijab" study at university" " women travelling" "value western education" and etc. History is there to read and we lived it and know people who lived it alhamdullah to know it first hand. There is a hadeeth that I do not recall its exact Ref. that the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: "The side that has more Imaan always defeat and if there is no Imaan any side then those that are powerful than others defeat other side"

Q: More than this, they made huge advances in medicine and in sanitation, etc, all of which made their populations more healthy, decreasing mortality and morbidity. This allowed them to flourish, generating prosperity and wealth, which made them the kings of the world. A small island (i.e. the British) was able to rule the entire world.

A: Irrelevant! Victory is only through religion and not secular education and inventions! The Prophet and his companions did not know any of this secular education but ruled the world that enjoyed secular inventions. Refer to my previous posts please,.

Q: As for women, ANY nation that keeps its women uneducated will NEVER thrive intellectually. Rather, it will remain bankrupt. The woman raises the children. If she is not well-read, she has nothing in this category to give her children. However, if a child is raised in an environment of intellectualism, then he will have a higher chance of becoming an intellectual in this area.

A: Would you say that to the wives of the Prophet and the female companions? Just wondering!! I think I know the answer but wanted to double check!

Q: Today, in America, you are not considered educated if you stop at grade twelve. I don't care if you in the East think that a woman is educated if she reaches that level. Do you want to compete with the West? Yes or no? Why do you cry about Palestine so much if you are not willing to fix your situation!?

A: Is it mentioned in any place in Quran or Sunnah or even a scholar that what we suffer is because our women do not go to universities?

Q: Why do you think they are so much superior to us and are able to throw us around like rag dolls? Why do you think they were able to trounce us in Iraq and Afghanistan, in a matter of weeks?

A: Umar bin Al-Khattab replied to you 1400 years ago and he says to you:

"Allah hounoured us with islam. So if you are to seek honour in other than Islam, Allah will dis-honour you"

Q: Nowadays, Muslims talk about how they were unable to defeat us in Afghanistan, and how the Taliban are still kicking. Do you know--if the Americans wanted to--they could just aerial bomb all of Afghanistan and reduce it to rubble? Without even sending a single soldier there? They could launch cruise missiles and bunker busters that would devastate the entire country...without even sending a single man there.

A: The Prophet blinded a whole army with handful of dust he threw in the air.
314 companions defeated thousands of soldiers
Small armies defeated large armies


Because education? No
Because fortune" No
Beacuse weapons? No
Beacuse Islam? Yes.
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