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Shale gas in pakistan

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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As of 2009, Pakistan stands 19th in the world in terms of total technically recoverable shale gas reserves. Pakistan has about 51 trillion cubic feet of shale gas reserves. Pakistan consumes 100% of natural gas that it produces, so shale gas may be an area of future growth in Pakistan.[35]

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) has estimated shale gas at 586 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) against its 2011 estimates of 52 Tcf for Pakistan.
Shale gas by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are many positives and negatives in shale gas exploitation, any Ideas of what is being done, since these resources are quite huge.
All I know is that it takes horizontal drilling technology and special drilling rigs. Also it can cause environmental damage in the process of recovery, since it uses chemicals in the process.


"Recent international reports indicate huge potential reserves of shale gas and oil resources in Pakistan. In fact Pakistan is 9th largest in reserves in the world. This potential can change the dynamics for energy sector for Pakistan. The SDPI studies shows that Pakistan's oil reserves are 33 billion Ton of Oil Equivalent (TOE), gas reserves are 16 billion TOE and hydropower potential 70 million TOE which are far greater than available reserves in other countries of the region," he added...

"We have a fairly stable geology and consistent water flow which allows Pakistan's hydropower potential to be exploited as fully as possible but this potential needs to be tapped," he continued. The location of Pakistan's hydropower projects makes it imminently possible to easily supply to Afghanistan. Recent international reports indicate huge potential reserves of shale gas and oil resources in Pakistan. However, substantial technological and financial investment is needed to exploit the resources particularly in the case of shale oil and gas.

Shale gas, oil: Pakistan has world's ninth largest reserves: minister | Business Recorder
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