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Sensitivity to Iran-Russia ties illogical: Tehran

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Sensitivity to Iran-Russia ties illogical: Tehran

Iran has dismissed as “illogical” certain countries’ sensitivity toward Tehran’s cooperation with Russia, saying Tehran-Moscow relations are “running their normal course.”

“Iran and Russia enjoy great potential for cooperation and expansion of economic and trade relations,” Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said on Saturday.

Officials from both countries pay due regard to efforts to tap into the existing potentialities, she added.

“The two neighboring countries are naturally utilizing these potentialities in accordance with international law, commitments and principles to boost cooperation in order to further develop political, economic, trade and cultural relations in different areas,” Afkham said.

The spokesperson’s remarks came after US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Thursday warned Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov that any possible oil-for-goods deal between Moscow and Tehran in the future could run afoul of US sanctions.

Lew also said it would run counter to an interim deal reached between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – Russia, China, France, Britain and the US – plus Germany over Tehran’s nuclear energy program.

Siluanov also on Friday said that Moscow would act in accordance with United Nations rules and not US regulations on sanctions against Iran in conducting any “oil-for-goods” transactions with Tehran.

Iran’s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Friday that Tehran and Moscow are set to finalize an agreement they have reached for broader economic and trade cooperation.

“The memorandum of understanding for the development of Tehran-Moscow cooperation will be finalized early next [Iranian calendar] year [starting on March 21],” Zanganeh, said in Moscow.

Iran-Russia trade currently totals USD 5 billion a year, but economists say they can at least quadruple the volume of their trade exchanges.

PressTV - Sensitivity to Iran-Russia ties illogical: Tehran
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