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Seniors Cafe


May 28, 2018
Reaction score
United States
What are the criteria to post in the Seniors Cafe?

Forgive me if it’s posted someplace, I’m still relatively new to this forum.

You must be a senior member. I think it's the number of posts that make one senior.
Unfortunately, seniority is determined by the number of posts rather than the quality of posts.
How can you measure the quality of the posts in a quantitative way?
For one, there won't be any mention of 'cow p*s/camel p*ss' in it.
The current system has an impartial element to it but I'd prefer if the mods vetted individuals.
The criteria for posting in seniors cafe remains the same as posted above i.e. 2000 posts or has it been changed?
I just tried posting there and after typing in a long message was shown an error that i do not have privileges.
@Horus @waz @Arsalan
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Can you try it again please? Let us know if the problem continues.

@WebMaster @Slav Defence
I have tried a few times over last few weeks and i still encounter threads where i can not post.. Like.. Syed1 thread... The final coundown.. Mualim ummah are u with us....
I cant post there.. Just tried it a min ago.
Is there anything wecna do to resolve this once in for all
Unfortunately, seniority is determined by the number of posts rather than the quality of posts.


Fruits of democracy that India is now ruled by Fascists. Quantity v Quality ..

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