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Senate panel told: China to build new Gwadar international airport


Feb 2, 2007
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ISLAMABAD: Amid noisy protests by opposition legislators over the decision to change the route of the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor for a second consecutive day, a top government official revealed on Thursday that China has taken the responsibility to construct the New Gwadar International Airport.

“The government has changed the implementation mode of the New Gwadar International Airport and the project will be completed outside the scope of the federal Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP),” said Hasan Nawaz Tarar, the federal secretary for the Ministry of Planning and Development.

He was speaking at a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue, which has been debating budgetary proposals for the last four days. Tarar was responding to a proposal of Senator Sardar Fateh Mohammad Hasani on allocating more funds for the early completion of the project.

After taking over Gwadar port, China’s decision to construct the New Gwadar International Airport highlights its plan to make the port-city a hub to watch its commercial and strategic interests in the region. The government has already transferred Gwadar Port operations from the Port of Singapore to the Chinese company, Overseas Port Holdings Limited.

Senator Talha Mahmood said that China was eyeing at Afghanistan and Central Asia, once the US leaves the region. Under the same plan, China is also financing Pak-China Economic Corridor to secure trade routes and energy supplies for its western parts.

Tarar said that while government has still allocated a notional amount of Rs150 million for the airport as a backup measure, the project will be completed by China.

Federal Minister for Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal said a Pakistani delegation will leave for Beijing soon to discuss the project with Chinese authorities. He said China will either construct the airport on a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) basis or provide a concessionary loan to Pakistan.

He said the government will soon issue an international tender to hire a consultant to make Gwadar a city along the lines of Dubai and Singapore.

Corridor Controversy

While the government is reluctant to accept there was any controversy over changing the route of Pakistan-China Economic Corridor, opposition senators staged a token walkout from the standing committee meeting over the issue. The situation went out of hand when the planning secretary and acting communication secretary gave contradictory statements over the issue.

“The original corridor route was never discussed with China at any stage”, said the planning secretary. According to the acting communication secretary, however, “The original route was discussed with China but the Chinese side was more interested in the new route.”

Senator Talha Mahmood of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl disclosed that he and his party chief met the Chinese ambassador who told them that “China was comfortable with any route as long as it assured security for movement.”

The standing committee recommended the government restore the old route of the corridor. But the planning minister insisted there was no change in the route and the government was only implementing the first phase of the route. He claimed people were exploiting the issue for political gains.

Distribution of financial aid

The standing committee also recommended that the government distribute the $1.5 billion received from Saudi Arabia among the provinces under the NFC formula. It added that any future money received under the Pakistan Development Fund should also be distributed under the NFC formula.

The committee also advised the government to pay Rs56 billion interest on delayed payment of net hydel profit to K-P. It also endorsed Senator Haji Adeel’s proposal to seek Rs67 billion payments from Punjab and Sindh as water usage charges.

Senate panel told: China to build new Gwadar international airport – The Express Tribune
gawadar should be secured and made as secure as the capital... Its not infected yet, so best time. Start tourism there, sports etc. Will make baloch happy too

ISLAMABAD: The government disclosed on Thursday that the financing and development of Gwadar International Airport had been “taken over by China” and that the Civil Aviation Authority would not be involved with the process.

In addition, the controversy over the change in the route of the $35 million Pak-China Economic Corridor deepened as government officials continued to contradict each other over the reasons for the change.

Planning and Development Secretary Hassan Nawaz Tarar told a Senate committee that a special board had been established to oversee the construction of Gwadar airport. Pakistan People’s Party Senator Fateh Mohammad Hassani alleged that land for the airport — worth Rs100 million — had been purchased at Rs1.5 billion.

Controversy over change of route of Pak-China Economic Corridor
The government has already handed over the development and operations side of the Gwadar Deep Sea Port to China, after withdrawing the rights originally granted to Singapore.

Change of route: A number of senators walked out of the Senate Standing Committee on Finance and Revenue meeting over what they termed “the conflicting statements of federal ministers and secretaries about the route of the multi-billion dollar project”.

The government currently favours the Gwadar-Karachi-Lahore route, also known as the ‘eastern route’; whereas opposition members preferred the original ‘western route’ of Gwadar-Dera Ghazi Khan-Dera Ismail Khan.

The former, they said, bypassed “Pakhtun and Baloch areas” and demanded that the original route be restored.

On Wednesday, Tarar told the committee that a proposal to change the route was being considered at the request of the Chinese. But at Thursday’s meeting, he said the original route was never discussed with the Chinese at any stage.

His statement was contradicted by the additional secretary for communications, who told the committee that both route options had been shared with the Chinese, who showed a greater interest in the eastern route.

This led certain senators, led by the Awami National Party’s Haji Ilyas Bilour, to deplore the contradictory statements coming from government officials and alleged that Planning and Development Minister Ahsan Iqbal had ‘misled’ the committee. Mr Iqbal had told the committee on Wednesday that both routes were considered, but the government opted for the eastern route because it was possible to develop most of it on a build, operate and transfer (BOT) basis, without too much external financial assistance. Developing the western route, he had said, would require heavy borrowing, which the country could not afford.

Former finance minister Saleem H Mandviwala said that he had met the Chinese ambassador, who said his government had no role in the change of route and were fine with whichever route was chosen as long as Pakistan could guarantee its security.

Sardar Hassani demanded that the western route be reinstated, a view supported by a majority of members.

Mr Iqbal later told journalists that the route for the corridor had not been changed; rather both options were always part of the plan. He added that the western route was not viable at this stage because parts of it could not be developed on a BOT basis.

Published in Dawn, June 13th, 2014

China to finance, develop airport in Gwadar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM


Makes no sense to go LONG route

Gwadar - Karachi - Lahore (Waste of gas , and destruction of highways due to trucks)

Pakistan China route should go thru Balouchitsan and our government should stabalize these regions rather then running away from responsibility of stabalizing these areas with Police force and Traffic wardens with weapons and support
Makes no sense to go LONG route

Gwadar - Karachi - Lahore (Waste of gas , and destruction of highways due to trucks)

Pakistan China route should go thru Balouchitsan and our government should stabalize these regions rather then running away from responsibility of stabalizing these areas with Police force and Traffic wardens with weapons and support

China isnt ready to invest in ruoute which goes through half of Balochistan.
Expect a TTP attack on Gwadar in case it develops too fast. Indian intelligence wouldn't be involved obviously.
In several intel reports, it has been mentioned that many regional countries, including those we call friends are involved. Its all to derail the development and exploration of vast potential of Baluchistan.

This is not a conspiracy theory.

Imagine this. If Gwadar is developed and its port of one of the biggest countries on the region,countries like UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar will economically lose. Also, Gwadar is at the mouth of major sea route, the Persian Gulf.

Zoom in on this map to see the strategic position.

Google Maps
like UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar

How will they lose when their inherent strength lies in their resources - Resources which barring poor "quality" unexportable coal, Baluchistan (and Greater Pakistan) lacks?

For Gwadar port to be viable, it needs a strong export economy to support it. Something which Pakistan can not develop for decades to come.

There was a time, not that long ago when the biggest ports in the region were Bombay and Karachi (originally named as Currachee on my maritime maps). Times change and the Gulf ports will continue to dominate until their commodities run short and/or the diversification plans of their economies don't work.
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