My dear Pak,
A slow poison that was introduced first by
#NarcoLeague and then
#PeePee/GhardariLeague joined in to accelerate the decaying/dying process of state instituitions.
Now we have reached a stage of almost total
Instituitional Capture by the
#Mafia #CriminalEnterprise
FBR is a racket... it is bhatakhoor criminal racket.
And since the new GoP came to power it started to subotage the government policies... Asad Umar was actually a victim of coconut babus... but that is another tale of sorrows...
It was decided at the highest level that the smuggling would need to be stopped otherwise, t
he debt crisis will become post-collapse crisis. FBR parasites are hand-in-glove with smugling #Mafias they are trying to sabotage this effort as well.
AS a marker: We are now collecting 4+Trillion PKR in revenue... however, an almost equall amount goes into the pockets of coconut babus... PMIK is not shooting in the air when he says we can collect PKR 8+Trillion in revenues... FBR is fighting back GoP!
The idea was to use IB as shadow of FBR but IB is another totally useless and compromised agency... working from within for
#NarcoLeague and
#GhardariLeague ... spying on the GoP for these
#Godfather #Mafias
Marker: Both of these
#MafiaLeagues have their own intelligence services.. quite good/efficient actually... wait till that gets exposed. Remember this marker!
Now that the FBR is in an open revolt and working with the
#MarasiMedia to spread the
fasad of
#FakeNews in the country so that the GoP fails... it has been approved at the highest level of the PakState to keep an eye on these FBR
Last 40 years... to this point has turned
Pakistan into colony. Yes, Colony under Occupation of this New East India Company which I call #CriminalEnterprise .... please, remember that the babus have off-shore companies, trusts and assets as well...
Just look at the landscape... it is a
Total War on the PakState .
Have you heard what
#FazoolMullah said in his jalsa... he is attacking the very essence of the PakState.
That jalsa in Quetta was another play of the same script... with rented Afghans shouting antiPakistan slogans and
#NaniTweetni given open ride....
So yes, we need to embed our boys into the enemy territory. I am fully aware of the implications of calling it enemy territory..
The coming 3 to 6 months will determine whether we are starting to break free of the occupying forces i.e. #CriminalEnterprise or not.
This unrestrained, there-is-no-tomorrow , loot and plunder has turned Pak into HollowState / SoftState ...
Peace in the hellhole of Aghanistan is only possible when we take Our Land back form the colonist/parasite of
A Purge... yest the purge... would be another front we should not open so quickly... unless we can Crush the
#MarasiMedia #Lifafas and #KhooniLiberals ... this fifth column has international linkage...
WE need an Honest, Fair and totally Free PakMedia under the constituition...
Because in this Total War we need a PakMedia as a Pillar of State fighting side-by-side for Our Freedom / Liberation from the Colonists
I believe a clinical application of Pareto Principle would create enough shockwave in the first phase to build momentum of the Clean-up.
Funny thing is that PakState knows who in FBR/NAB is corrupt and how much ... just hasn't got the courage/plan/will/opportunity to do The Purge.
A good start would be tackling
#FakeNews ... countries, beautiful countries are now a heap of rubble because of #FakeNews ...
Given that
Our Uncle Sam needs us again this affords us a window of opportunity with
Orange King on our side to apply the Principle and get the corrupt mosts in GoP departments to
The Purge Pyre.
Well, if it were
@MastanKhan and I, we would have our
#MaoMoment a couple years ago...
kher... dair aed drust aed
P.S. old SROs need to be opened...and invoicing scams need to be tackled with artificial intelligence ... we need to establish a Special Unit to
Fight the WhiteCollar Criminals...
So yeah... we got
Our Boys keeping an eye on the scrouges!
When you must cut, you cut!