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Saudi Likely To Order Five Corvettes From Navantia For Over 3 Billion Euros


Apr 28, 2011
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Avante 2200 combatant (Image: Navantia)

Saudi Arabia is likely to order five corvettes from Spanish Navantia in a deal worth over €3 billion and is expected to be signed during Spanish King Philip VI’s visit to Saudi scheduled later this week.

Having postponed a number of official journeys overseas due to the fact that there was only an interim government in place, King Felipe VI is now due to travel to Saudi Arabia. The King will be discussing the provision of five corvettes for the Saudi Navy at a cost of €3 billion, Spanish News Today reported Wednesday.

The corvettes will be built on the Avante 2200 combatant and is specially designed for EEZ surveillance and protection, Strategic assets defence, Anti-surface warfare, Passive electronic warfare and intelligence gathering. The corvettes will have a speed of 28 kt and a cruising speed of 15kt. The ships will be 98.9 m long with a full load displacement of 2,500 tonnes.

The corvettes will also have Flight deck & hangar for 10t class helicopter (NH-90, AB-212, AB-412, Eurocopter AS-565 Panther).

why not go for turkish one
Maybe they didn't respond to an RFP? The above two ships could be complementary or the 5 Navantia ships could be replacings the 4 US ships..

The entire fleet modernization/expansion program specified:
  • Four 3,500-ton “frigate-like warships” capable of anti-air warfare, armed with an eight-to-16-cell vertical launch system (VLS) capable of launching Standard SM-2 missiles; fitted with an “Aegis or like” combat system using “SPY-1F or similar” radars; able to operate Sikorsky MH-60R helicopters; with a speed of 35 knots.
  • Six 2,500-ton warships with combat systems compatible with the frigates, able to operate MH-60R helos.
  • 20 to 24 fast patrol vessels about 40 to 45 meters long, powered by twin diesels.
  • 10 “maritime helicopters” with characteristics identical to the MH-60R.
  • Three maritime patrol aircraft for coastal surveillance.
  • 30 to 50 UAVs, some for maritime use, some to be shore-based

Jan 2016
Saudi Arabia has reportedly declined the Pentagon’s offer of combat ships, which would enable the kingdom to replace and modernize its eastern fleet in the Persian Gulf.
Last week, Riyadh rejected the $4 billion offer for four frigates based on the Lockheed Martin littoral combat ship (LCS) design allegedly over high costs and a long delivery time, Defense News reported on Monday.
The ships, known as Multi-Mission Surface Combatant (MMSC), are armed with surface-to-air missiles and a more robust combat system. They comprise the largest part of Saudi Arabia’s $16 billion plan to have a modern fleet.
The US and Saudi Arabia initially signed the MMSC contract in October; however, it is not yet known when the contract would be finalized.
The Saudis have balked at the price tag for the MMSC package, believed to be over $3 billion but less than $4 billion.

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