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Saudi ends 'largest' manuevers in its history

They are waiting for you guys to attack Taiwan.
Chinese won't attack Taiwan, she will eventually belong to China locks, stocks and barrels. Hong Kong joined the ranks with all its wealth intact, so will Taiwan...

Why the fixation on Israel, I am sure the Saudis wanted to send a strong message to some country(ies) and Israel is not one of them..
Why the fixation on Israel, I am sure the Saudis wanted to send a strong message to some country(ies) and Israel is not one of them..

Seems like they have a paranoia about Iran-Iraq.
Seems like they have a paranoia about Iran-Iraq.
They have a paranoia about anything that wasn't written before 800 ad. Also add in Syria Lebanon and Russia to that list.
Why the fixation on Israel, I am sure the Saudis wanted to send a strong message to some country(ies) and Israel is not one of them..
Because they are the only ones making wars in the ME + now their zionist Al Qaeda

They even oppress latinos, west europeans, americans & russians

No,you asked with all their weapons why haven't they attacked Israel and the answer they could toss back to you is well why with all your weapons have you not attacked Taiwan?
Good try making the comparison between Taiwan and Israel
Except the shape of the country, they have nothing in common
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