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Saudi Arabia ‘to join CPEC’ for stonger trade ties with Pakistan

Shahzaz ud din

Jun 12, 2017
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Saudi Arabia ‘to join CPEC’ for stonger trade ties with Pakistan
  • KSA ambassador tells Pakistani media group the kingdom will “soon” undertake investment at Gwadar Port
by Dawood Rehman | Published on September 22, 2017 (Edited September 22, 2017)

ISLAMABAD – The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will soon join the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and undertake investments at Gwadar Port, according to a Pakistani newspaper which interviewed Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf Saeed Ahmed Al-Malkiy.

During an interview with Jang Group publications, the ambassador said Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are taking measures to strengthen “fraternal and trade ties”.

“More than three million Pakistanis are playing their role in the progress and prosperity of Saudi Arabia,” Pakistani daily The News quoted Al-Malkiy as referring to Pakistani immigrants working in Saudi Arabia.


The envoy added that Saudi Arabia’s investment in CPEC would allow the kingdom to play a similar role in Pakistan.

In August, during a visit to Jeddah, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had shown appreciation for Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud’s ‘Vision 2030’ plan – an ambitious project to diversify and modernise the Saudi economy. PM Abbasi had assured the Prince of continued cooperation and collaboration to the benefit of both Islamic countries.

Referring to the meeting in Jeddah, the ambassador said that new avenues will be explored for enhancing trade volumes between the two countries.
That's really good news; master stroke would be to include Tureky, GCC and iran in it as well. We have to materialize CPEC not just as corridor but as an economic union. I hope our policy makers are on it.
That's really good news; master stroke would be to include Tureky, GCC and iran in it as well. We have to materialize CPEC not just as corridor but as an economic union. I hope our policy makers are on it.

Not that easy.

We want business flowing through CPEC not terrorism.

Middle East is infested.

UAE and Somalia may join next.

Turkey and Iran already have RCD or eco with us.
We want business flowing through CPEC not terrorism.

Economic union terms and policy is up to Pakistan and China to decide; doesn't have to be freedom of movement. And by businesses and trade agreements and other related deals; i don't understand how do you perceive that it will increase terrorism?
This is good. Saudia should invest in other countries as well and also make their own weapons now and sell it. They should not reply on only oil now.
Economic union terms and policy is up to Pakistan and China to decide; doesn't have to be freedom of movement. And by businesses and trade agreements and other related deals; i don't understand how do you perceive that it will increase terrorism?

These countries are at each others throats.

This will just attract the new round of proxy warfare in the country.

The infrastructure has to be built only by stronger ones first so the smaller ones can benefit later.

As of now only militants are moving freely in the middle east. Referendums taking place. Borders not defined.

If they are wise they will come themselves rather than being sold this project.
This will just attract the new round of proxy warfare in the country.

Economic benefits means common interests. And when stakes are high and related to economic benefit chances of proxies and destabilization reduce. As far as referendums and un-defined borders are concerned; of course, i am not talking about negotiating syria or iraq or somalia or what not. UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc are the markets we should focus and they are neither weak nor small in terms of economy and stability.
Economic benefits means common interests. And when stakes are high and related to economic benefit chances of proxies and destabilization reduce. As far as referendums and un-defined borders are concerned; of course, i am not talking about negotiating syria or iraq or somalia or what not. UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc are the markets we should focus and they are neither weak not small in terms of economy and stability.

These are our markets.

Heck we been dealing with Qatar as well.

But beyond Qatar is a no go zone as far as business sense is concerned.
Bringing markets under an umbrella of single policy and union must be the ultimate goal. Will make Pakistan's market accessibility easy and the export out-flow will be channelized better. Hence, i am of opinion to materialize CPEC as economic union rather than corridor. If it will stay only a corridor the bigger beneficiary of it will stay china, we have to play it smart.
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