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Saudi Arabia carpet bombs the Houthis 23 times today - While on average 1000-2000 per month


Mar 1, 2019
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All these air strikes and they are still managing to loose the war. Way to go you STUPID saoodis!
Sauds are fighting in Twitter with hundreds of fake accounts while Houthis are fighting on the ground. Welcome to the real world
Without boots on the ground, Airstrike are ineffective.

Pakistan should charge Saudis $100 billion plus weapons cost, and fix the issue. Good ol’ JF-17s block 1 with targeting pods and G3’s mounted with aiming scope will do the magic.

Technically, Pakistan will be helping to stop the bloodshed, so it a Nobel cause.
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Without boots on the ground, Airstrike are ineffective.

Pakistan should charge Saudis $100 billion plus weapons cost, and fix the issue. Good ol’ JF-17s block 1 with targeting pods and G3’s mounted with aiming scope will do the magic.

Technically, Pakistan will be helping to stop the bloodshed, so it a Nobel cause.

Maybe you can drop Malala
So many strikes per month and still losing on the ground. It proves the fact that airstrikes alone cannot achieve much, maybe just bloodshed of innocent civilians.
Without boots on the ground, Airstrike are ineffective.

Pakistan should charge Saudis $100 billion plus weapons cost, and fix the issue. Good ol’ JF-17s block 1 with targeting pods and G3’s mounted with aiming scope will do the magic.

Technically, Pakistan will be helping to stop the bloodshed, so it a Nobel cause.
I don't think lack of weapons or equipment is the Saudis main problem that Pakistan could help them in this matter as they enjoy american support ... The best way Pakistan could help to stop the bloodshed is persuading the invaders to stop their aggression not helping them in their wrong deed.
Without boots on the ground, Airstrike are ineffective.

Pakistan should charge Saudis $100 billion plus weapons cost, and fix the issue. Good ol’ JF-17s block 1 with targeting pods and G3’s mounted with aiming scope will do the magic.

Technically, Pakistan will be helping to stop the bloodshed, so it a Nobel cause.

They do have forces on the ground.. Their allies the Yemen government and STC hold like 80% of the country and alot people in here are wishful thinkers not realiziing this is an actual civil war and KSA assistance is minimum but the Yemeni gov't and STC can't be defeated miltarily by the houthis which is why I say the Houthis ain't going anywhere. This is not Afghanistan like situation but rather where to equal forces sit against each other inside Yemen on one hand you have the Yemeni Government ans STC and on the other the Houthis..

So many strikes per month and still losing on the ground. It proves the fact that airstrikes alone cannot achieve much, maybe just bloodshed of innocent civilians.

The Yemeni Government and STC ain't going anywhere there is no amount of force on earth that can lift them or move them a centimeter militarily it is a forgone conclusion you will be claiming empty things under being besiged, The reason both sides are so solid it is because they are tight to tribes and Yemen is a country of tribes
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They do have forces on the ground.. Their allies the Yemen government and STC hold like 80% of the country and alot people in here are wishful thinkers not realiziing this is an actual civil war and KSA assistance is minimum but the Yemeni gov't and STC can't be defeated miltarily by the houthis which is why I say the Houthis ain't going anywhere. This is not Afghanistan like situation but rather where to equal forces sit against each other inside Yemen on one hand you have the Yemeni Government ans STC and on the other the Houthis..

The Yemeni Government and STC ain't going anywhere there is no amount of force on earth that can lift them or move them a centimeter militarily it is a forgone conclusion you will be claiming empty things under being besiged, The reason both sides are so solid it is because they are tight to tribes and Yemen is a country of tribes

Who controls the densly populated areas?
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