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Salman Ahmed should be dropped out from PTI

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Jan 19, 2013
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New "Salman Rushdie" rejected!!! Kindly spread everywhere this video like wildfire … So that those temptation mongers do apologize forcibly to the people … After seeing this video, many people has left PTI … He has given the concept of “NEW PAKISTAN” to PTI … Even point is that Imran Khan’s this free masonry type worker makes fun of Islam is thoroughly in a BBC program and supports those who state that Na Aouzibillah Qur'an as a book on sexology … This woman insults to the Qur'an & interprets it is based on material of sexology … The Salman Ahmed ……….. Whom received honor of friendship & closeness with Imran Khan … And gets with him in each rally & meeting … And he conducts speeches all over, shows concept of new Pakistan / anthem / song … If Imran supports those who says that Islam is Religion of sex … Then we will be cursed if we support to Imran … If there is any true leader in PTI then he dropped him out from the party … It is a matter of faith … We won’t accept to a new "Salman Rushdie" … This is our faith the song which have been sung by a obsessive person Salman Ahmed aka Jr. Salman Rushdie PTI made its moto “New Pakistan” on it … It will be surely cause destruction of Pakistan … The Person saying to Islam Religion of sex … The person making mockery of Jihad … Creating temptation to Singing Qur’anic Verses on the guitar … Supporting to those who say to Qur’an sexology book … Despite the protests of Muslim Ummah on several occasions, how Imran Khan has promoted to Salman Rushdie Jr … How he has been given significant place in all major rallies … How his song has been declared official anthem by PTI … At least I wouldn’t expectations from this party that they will keep intact to Pakistan … If you don’t believe then must see this video clip and decide yourself … Forget for a moment that you belongs to any party … Just decide according to your honor of faith ..

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you are absolute right he is unbalanced lunatic SERIOUSLY.he talks like a utopian fool king of idiots.i have seen his other videos .imran kahn is so busy but someone should tell him asap he is hurting pti.we don't need loons like him
Why are lunatics allowed in PTI? I thought it was supposed to be different as compared to other parties....
if i remember correctly imran khan recently refused to attend a function because salman rushdi was present their so simply imran don't know of this idiot unbalanced lunatic fool suleman ahmed idiocracy LANAT ALLAH iss par
Never liked him and i have even more reason to hate him now ... salay ullu kai pathay wannabe ABCD burgers ...
FYI: He is NOT a registered PTI member.
... Qur'an as a book on sexology … ...

Oooaay Jahil Ganwaar Paindoo, firstly he has given his explanation on TV as to what he actually said... secondly learn to use little brain before calling him Salman-Rushdie...

Do your ears have wax -or- your listening power is weak...!!!

He said "Sexy" NOT "book on sexology"... He was praising it & in spontaneity of talk it came out like that.

& there's nothing wrong in praising islam or Quran.
& Quran does talk on sexual topics, have you ever read it??? Or just kiss the book once a year & wrap it in silky cloth & keep it on a higher place so you never have to read it... Is it too heave a book for you to read...!!!

Quran talks about sex, about menstruation, about ghusl after copulation & even about having some foreplay before intercourse... SO what if he praised the book that way (& it accidentally came out that way he didn't say that intentionally)


You should be proud that you have a book & prophet who covered every aspect of human lives & gave instructions on every single issue. I'm proud that my Prophet(pbuh) had many wives... There's nothing to be ashamed of if holy scriptures talk on sex issues...

Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will.(instruction on intercourse) but do some good act for your souls beforehand; (on foreplay)(وَقَدِّمُواْ لِأَنفُسِكُمۡ)and fear Allah, and know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter) and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.

Sahih Muslim:8:3462: Jabir b. 'Abdullah (Allah be pleased with them) reported: We were with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)...He said: Jabir, what hastens you? I said: Messenger of Allah, I am newly wedded. whereupon he said: Is it a virgin that you have married or one previously married? I said: With one previously married. He said: Why not a young girl so that you could play with her and she could play with you? ...
You people seriously need to work on your sense of humor. :disagree:
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