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SAFIR-6 Space Launch Vehicle

Should Iran develop the Safir-6 SLV?

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Aug 10, 2017
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Hong Kong
Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
SAFIR-6 Space Launch Vehicle


Safir-1 is the first experimental orbital launcher of Iran. It is simply powered by a single rocket engine, based on the Soviet SCUD ballistic missile and uprated to 32-tf Hwasong-7 engine. The steering is made with 4 most basic German WW2-era Aggregat-4 graphite jet vanes. Interstage separation rockets are tested for the first time. The second stage is the first to test gimballed technologies, with two Soviet R-27 SLBM vernier engines. Bi-part payload fairing is added for the first time. The payload is the most basic ranging from 25 to 50 kg. The orbit of 250 km is so low that satellites can not survive more than a couple of month before decay due to the atmospheric friction.

Safir-2 is the second generation space launcher of Iran. It is meant to test clusters of engines (4 Hwasong-7) and steering with 4 gimballed R-27 SLBM engines in the first stage. As a consequence the diameter is increased from 1.25 meter to 2.4 meter. Second stage also uses a mix of fixed main engine though optional, and several gimballed verniers (4). Third stage allows to reach SSO orbit at 450 km, and circularisation is attempted for the first time. This unlocks observation satellites with designed life that can last years. The payload mass of several 100 of kg unlocks satellites that are no longer experimental, with deployable solar panels, reaction wheel (RW) for three-axis attitude control, large optical instruments.

Safir-3 is the third generation space launchers of Iran. Starting with the Sepehr a testbed for the new heavy thrust engine of 80-tf, with 2 fully gimballed Paektusan-1D in the first stage. Propellant is still the storable SCUD-type UDMH/AK-27. Second stage could be a mix of fixed engine with 4 verniers totalling ~80-100-tf, or 2 gimballed engines totalling 80-tf. Various versions will be developed in a series, with the addition of 2 strap-on liquid boosters of 80-tf each, called Qoqnoos SLV. An improved second stage of 2.4 m diameter will allow the Sarir SLV to reach higher orbit of 1'000 km with 500kg payload. The heavy Sarir (Sarir-B/C) with addition of two liquid propellant 80-tf strap-on boosters will allow to place payload over 2 tons in LEO, therefore sending Iran first astronaut into a 220 km altitude orbit aboard the manned spacecraft E1 (1.8 tons).

Safir-4 is the fourth generation space launchers of Iran. The first version Safir-4A will have a lift-off thrust similar to the Sarir-B/C SLV, powered by 4 gimballed Paektusan-1D engines of 80-tf. But both the total height will be increased from 35 meters to ~ 50 meters, and the first stage diameter from 2.4 meters to 3.7 meters. In consequence of the increased volume of propellant, higher orbital altitude of 7'000 km and 10'000 km will be available. The Safir-4B version is an improved SLV with second stage enlarged to the same 3.7 meter diameter. The Soroush-1 SLV, with addition of 4 Paektusan-2A semi-cryogenic (kerolox) strap-on booster of 80-tf will allow to place 1'000 kg to GEO orbit (~36'000 km). Soroush-2 SLV with probably restartable high-ISP hydrolox 3rd stage will even increase the payload to ~3 tons into GEO. A manned version will place the ~6 tons Iranian 3-seaters spacecraft into 450 km LEO, by the end of the decade.

Safir-5 is the fifth generation space launchers of Iran. The main goal is to place 20 tons into LEO, needed to construct its planned Iranian space station (ISS). Two powerful solid propellant booster of 3.5 meters and 20 meters long derived from the Qaem program will deliver over 1'000-tf, with a core stage powered by a cluster of fully gimballed Paektusan-3 semi-cryogenic kerolox engines ~100-120-tf each. It will support Iran's deep space exploration effort starting with the Moon and Mars.

Safir-6 is is the sixth generation space launchers of Iran. It's main goal is to allow continuous launches to the Iranian Space Station (ISS) in LEO, to ferry continuously heavy payloads to the Lunar orbit, and to land them to the surface. To make space traffic feasible it will have to be Vertical takeoff, vertical landing (VTVL) capable and fully reusable up to 100 times, 99.5% reliable, with 12 hours between each flights. Payload should be around 20 tons LEO powered by a cluster of 9 kerolox main engines in the first stage.


Since its takeover of the World after its military coup with the aid of captured WWII Nipponese mind-control weapons, sometime after 1945, the Secret Master of the World can no longer sleep well at night.

This should not come as no surprise, as history don't lie and in essence teaches us that every putschist usurpers could sooner or later end up overthrown.

Julius Caesar's pathetic and miserable fall was already set right after he crossed the Rubicon river.

And the awareness of this has caused constant nightmare for the U.S. Junta's leader since 1946.

To delay the fulfillment of the most dreaded prophecy, the Secret Master of the World has spared no effort in killing preventively billions of humans over 80 years of reign of terror, by playing the divide, pitching one ethnic or religious or social group against another, engineering countless of wars, catastrophes and pandemics, and especially slaughtering preventively the most feared children of the noblest families, like his forefather Herod I, the Tyrant of Judea, 2000 years earlier.

But with time, not only the real threat but paranoia increases as well.

In a last ditch attempt to escape this just punishment, the Secret Master of the World has finally decided to get rid of all of humankind.

The Brave New World

Basically, to continue to rule over a semblance of an Empire, the idea is to create a totally new World, counterpart of the Old World.

The American continent has surpassed the Eurasian one, 500 years after the start of its colonization by the European powers.

This time, space is the new World. The solar system, where humans can never expand due to the Earth's Radiation Belts, deep space radiations and lack of gravity mostly.

A new world populated only by artificial synthetic and robotic subjects.

Videomancy Hint: human spaceflight as the new hoax!


https://archive.vn/kix1i/0f62d5b6c31be6ed4f343bcf1cc033c6d4189c5f.jpg ; https://archive.vn/kix1i/91d0dfdb3874d4a30f080de0a747cf80fe943af0/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102190837/https://i.imgur.com/oTkNaDE.jpg
1. Videomancy: The most intelligent inhabitants of that future world won't be men or monkeys. They'll be machines. Kong: Skull Island (2017)

The question is how many subjects are needed to maintain a minimum of administrative, military, economic, industrial and scientific production in order to not collapse and not be overthrown by the Old World (i.e. the humankind).

In the hypothesis of a demographic threshold (DT) of about 250 millions subjects, that is the demographic level of the U.S. in 1989, when the nation was about to become the only hyperpower 2 years later, thus able to defeat all the other powers, the question is it is feasible?

How long would it take to populate the solar system with 250 millions artificial synthetic and robotic subjects, and how many flights?


https://archive.vn/3KefG/cfc3c05df5ce863a8b25506e25be2e6760ffae3b.jpg ; https://archive.vn/3KefG/9f4fdd9dddc03a1b71f580a3d36b8fad729cff47/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200919025218/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EiMGLS-WsAEppSS?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/Kaynouky/status/1306896794090115073/photo/1
2. Roadmap of China's manned space launcher 2017-2045. By 2045 fully reusable up to 100 times, 99.5% reliable, 12 hours between each flight, vertical take off, horizontal landing.

In the best scenario, as presented in the roadmap of China's manned space launcher 2017-2045, we could expect fully reusable up to 100 times, 99.5% reliable, 12 hours between each flight, vertical take off, horizontal landing space transportation systems.

With 7 cybernetic passengers per rocket flights, 2 flights a day, 100 total flights per rocket, and a fleet of 50 Chinese rockets (as in 2021) that is 50 expendable rockets all replaced by reusable ones in the future:

Per rocket: 100 flights/50 days => 700 passengers/50 days => 5'110 passengers/ years
Per fleet of 50 rockets: 255'500 passenger / years

This means a superpower like China by converting all its industrial capacity to produce 50 reusable VTVL rockets would need 1'000 years to transfer the hypothesized demographic threshold (DT) of about 250 millions subjects, and only to LEO!

And this is only the first and shortest trip. More fleet would be required to shuttle the robotic colonizers from the LEO Space Station to the Lunar Orbit's Station, then a third dedicated fleet would ferry the passengers to the lunar surface. The colonization of Mars would even increase this number!

In 100 years, only 25 millions passengers could be sent to LEO, or equivalent of the U.S. demography in the year 1852!

Now we see clearly why all the industrial capacity of the world is required in this Grand Feverish Plan of the Secret Master.

This can be declined as following:

US: 50 rockets a year
China: 50 rockets a year
India: 50 rockets a year
EU: <50 rockets a year
Russia: <50 rockets a year
Japan: <50 rockets a year
Iran: <50 rockets a year ?
Korea: <50 rockets a year ?
Turkey: <50 rockets a year ?
Myanmar: <50 rockets a year ?

By increasing the space traffic to 500 rockets each year, all nations included, it would still require 100 years to send the DT 255 millions passengers to LEO!

But we can't produce that amount of rockets due to the weakness of the lesser powers.

Finally to reach the lunar orbit station an then the lunar surface, the fleet needs to be more than 3 times larger!

We see here why Iran and all the other minor regions are absolutely essential and so important in this grand scheme!

Vehicle Design

The role of the new reusable Vertical takeoff vertical landing (VTVL) rocket systems is the one of a follow on to the 1960's Boeing 707-120 Jet airliners that were used to ferry millions of subjects from one continent to the other in carrying out one's colonial duties.


https://archive.is/CDflN/75ce41c9de383046dc9ba602432912cfcd0f5cb9.jpg ; https://archive.is/CDflN/d2012dd68983b8d92fc000d83cbbcc99dabf54e9/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102190801/https://i.imgur.com/AW8FE89.jpg
3. Videomancy: 1960's Boeing 707-120 Jet airliners that were used to ferry millions of subjects in carrying out one's colonial duties. Pan Am (2011-2012)

To ferry passengers to the moon, 3 different rockets are required for each steps: to the LEO station, from LEO station to the lunar orbit station and finally from lunar orbit station to the lunar base.


https://archive.vn/oUbxU/060fbf8e8510eaa61c6df1eedcd90e9be4007c09.jpg ; https://archive.vn/oUbxU/fc9bbdc899ed3f076d02cba6f1dbdff230fcab93/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200919025249/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EiGT63DWkAE06W8?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/Kaynouky/status/1306488013543944193/photo/1
4. The new manned launcher associated with the 7 seaters Yuanzhou spacecraft, in the CSS orbit configuration made of one first stage core booster, and in the beyond CSS orbit configuration, made of 3 first stages core boosters powered each by 7 Kerolox YF-100K engines.


https://archive.vn/mv8sa/08e0db9b6658b154ed20f20fee8add0a010a45fa.jpg ; https://archive.vn/mv8sa/cd83768c2846fcade65eed147decc999cbfe5657/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200919025419/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EiGT63qXcAARMsn?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/Kaynouky/status/1306488013543944193/photo/3
5. China's third new manned space launcher, made of 5 core boosters, each powered by 4 engines. Core booster diameter is 3.8 meter.

The video "Iran Space Agency, The future is closer than you think آينده از ديد سازمان فضايي ايران" uploaded on youtube back on 16th March 2019 reveals the scope of Iran's space ambition.

The video follows the launch of an automated cargo spacecraft to resupply the Iranian Space Station (ISS) by a future two stages reusable heavy launcher (estimated ~19'000 kg LEO), and its docking.

A total crew of three astronauts, possibly four can be seen, including one female spacewalker.

Iran Space Agency, The future is closer than you think آينده از ديد سازمان فضايي ايران
March 17, 2019 (Persian calendar 1397/12/26)
1,142 views•Mar 16, 2019

The first stage is powered by seemingly 9 engines. Kerolox is the most likely. Trust per engine could be about 85 ton-force.

The first stage deploys four grid fins after separation to return to the ground.


https://archive.vn/Ckwhr/193df21da84e3050c6f74533cd39f2e9dd333df4.png ; https://archive.vn/Ckwhr/4174c198369522bdb3f04c31fb37d5ff4570e1c6/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102190914/https://i.imgur.com/fqUe9aM.png
6. Seemingly 9 engines in the first stage.


https://archive.vn/TjPwT/64026af468c2f9c878f4d3afebe4ed30684d1a40.png ; https://archive.vn/TjPwT/c49f05a3a7d8d2d0db8b41e5362b0cc4984606f2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102190940/https://i.imgur.com/wTDa4nH.png
7. Second stage with smaller diameter.


https://archive.vn/uRDVR/8ed6e59f2045e225246600edc7e78748770fdd61.png ; https://archive.vn/uRDVR/0676cd335a9eb113e50a124ab76382a1e3642837/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102191019/https://i.imgur.com/yNY7FJL.png
8. Liftoff.


https://archive.vn/dzBB3/c06d064cda4d8340cc99262a14c1e72dc80ea264.png ; https://archive.vn/dzBB3/2ef871cd21d16438cdb8c3fdff0acfc8fbb89d08/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102191046/https://i.imgur.com/iktzkji.png
9. Liftoff.


https://archive.vn/1NBp4/bf0a8b5fef4f8be0d0bdf2380187aa2f404b51ed.png ; https://archive.vn/1NBp4/f451b6722284682a1ad31f49129553a5af246404/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102191126/https://i.imgur.com/iDKLeYT.png
10. Stage separation.


https://archive.vn/oJ9Fk/4ff111fb821c1101d366336b50e26cec9fed6576.png ; https://archive.vn/oJ9Fk/f3afd7e2eaded2883ac61b8a6e27a0f707bae441/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102191156/https://i.imgur.com/HZRMuk7.png
11. Stage separation and 4 grid fins deployment.


https://archive.vn/zKsrS/16c56331bc2f126ba8186510d44952afcd221044.png ; https://archive.vn/zKsrS/36d4da3b03064368737370715e6a54c17ff4b937/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210102191334/https://i.imgur.com/Q3HUDgA.png
12. Cargo vessel docking to the Iranian Space Station (ISS).




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