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Russia’s Natural Population Declines for 4th Straight Year


Jun 9, 2016
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Russia’s natural population decline has continued for a fourth consecutive year in 2019, the Audit Chamber said Thursday as the country continues to struggle with a demographic crisis.

Russia’s total population dropped for the first time in a decade in 2018, totaling 146.8 million at the end of last year as migration numbers hit record lows. The United Nations has predicted that Russia’s population could halve to fewer than 84 million people by 2100.

“The natural population decline accelerating for the fourth year in a row creates serious risks for Russia’s national goal of ensuring sustainable growth,” the Audit Chamber said.

There were 1.21 million deaths versus 994,300 live births in Russia between Jan. 1-Aug. 31, according to the Audit Chamber’s quarterly budget report.

That amounts to a natural population decline of 219,200 and nearly equals the decline seen in all of 2018.

Russia’s overall population has declined by 52,500 people since Jan. 1 and totaled 146.7 million as of Sept. 1, according to the Audit Chamber’s report.

President Vladimir Putin has prioritized Russia’s migration policy, signing a 2019-2025 plan of action that the Kremlin hopes will attract more Russian-speaking migrants and offset falling birth rates. The Audit Chamber said that migration has compensated for 76% of Russia’s natural population decline so far this year.

Even with a relatively high TFR of 1.8 currently, Russia is experiencing a long-term population decline and its population could halve by the end of the century.

Low TFR is going to pose huge challenges to East Asian countries in coming decades.
Trickle affect of WW2 soviet polices.
Big deal. What goes up. Comes down. In 15th century Russians were a insignificant people restricted to the Moscow region. Over next 400 years their population exploded and like a plague they spread east and huge regions of Asia had Russians flooding them and eventually the swarm even reached Koreas and Japan. So now time to give others chance to fcuk some babies ....
Even with a relatively high TFR of 1.8 currently, Russia is experiencing a long-term population decline and its population could halve by the end of the century.

Low TFR is going to pose huge challenges to East Asian countries in coming decades.
We can import more people. You can rent a foreigner at 25000CNY a month + social insurance and housing fund payments
We can import more people. You can rent a foreigner at 25000CNY a month + social insurance and housing fund payments

China's population is too large and culture/language too difficult to integrate foreigners for immigration to work.

Germany, a highly developed country with just 80m people, can't attract enough quality immigrants to make up for their demographic shortfall. They had to compromise quality to admit a larger quantity of immigrants to reverse the population decline.

And even the 1m refugees admitted to Germany did little to reverse the situation.

Even with successful integration, only huge migrant inflows over many years would change the demographic outlook. Some 500,000 people are forecast to retire annually over the next few years. By comparison the government has been planning for a net immigration of 200,000 per annum. Last year’s refugee surge took the net immigration figure — immigration minus emigration — to a record 1.1m. The ensuing outcry suggests that such inflows are almost certainly politically and socially unsustainable. Immigration can help manage the demographic change but it is unlikely to avert it.

Unless you're willing to accept any quality of foreigner into China.
China's population is too large and culture/language too difficult to integrate foreigners for immigration to work.

Germany, a highly developed country with just 80m people, can't attract enough quality immigrants to make up for their demographic shortfall. They had to compromise quality to admit a larger quantity of immigrants to reverse the population decline.

And even the 1m refugees admitted to Germany did little to reverse the situation.


Unless you're willing to accept any quality of foreigner into China.
Africa is good source of quality meat. Stronger, faster, leaner, meaner, taller, more agile, more virile.
Africa is good source of quality meat. Stronger, faster, leaner, meaner, taller, more agile, more virile.

But extremely low IQ. Civilisation will cease to exist.

Big deal. What goes up. Comes down. In 15th century Russians were a insignificant people restricted to the Moscow region. Over next 400 years their population exploded and like a plague they spread east and huge regions of Asia had Russians flooding them and eventually the swarm even reached Koreas and Japan. So now time to give others chance to fcuk some babies ....

It will be better for humanity if the beautiful, good-looking races breed more as opposed to the ugly ones.
Russia’s natural population decline has continued for a fourth consecutive year in 2019, the Audit Chamber said Thursday as the country continues to struggle with a demographic crisis.

Russia’s total population dropped for the first time in a decade in 2018, totaling 146.8 million at the end of last year as migration numbers hit record lows. The United Nations has predicted that Russia’s population could halve to fewer than 84 million people by 2100.

“The natural population decline accelerating for the fourth year in a row creates serious risks for Russia’s national goal of ensuring sustainable growth,” the Audit Chamber said.

There were 1.21 million deaths versus 994,300 live births in Russia between Jan. 1-Aug. 31, according to the Audit Chamber’s quarterly budget report.

That amounts to a natural population decline of 219,200 and nearly equals the decline seen in all of 2018.

Russia’s overall population has declined by 52,500 people since Jan. 1 and totaled 146.7 million as of Sept. 1, according to the Audit Chamber’s report.

President Vladimir Putin has prioritized Russia’s migration policy, signing a 2019-2025 plan of action that the Kremlin hopes will attract more Russian-speaking migrants and offset falling birth rates. The Audit Chamber said that migration has compensated for 76% of Russia’s natural population decline so far this year.

Take people from pakistan .
What is all this land for .

It will be better for humanity if the beautiful, good-looking races breed more as opposed to the ugly one
Are you like real ? Or are you even sane ?
Are you breeding animals or are you taking about human race reproducing .
What is a difference between you and a sick Hinduvadi dreaming of breeding as you a say with white girls to change their race.
Or what is the difference between you and nazi Germany who have special hospitals /centers where blond blue eyed girls are kept for the leaders of nazi Germany to be bread and raised because they think and consider it a pure race .
How can it be better for humanity how people look ?
So you mean that all the ugly and poor people don't even have right to have children ?
Yiu guys made me sick .
Take people from pakistan .
What is all this land for .

Are you like real ? Or are you even sane ?
Are you breeding animals or are you taking about human race reproducing .
What is a difference between you and a sick Hinduvadi dreaming of breeding as you a say with white girls to change their race.
Or what is the difference between you and nazi Germany who have special hospitals /centers where blond blue eyed girls are kept for the leaders of nazi Germany to be bread and raised because they think and consider it a pure race .
How can it be better for humanity how people look ?
So you mean that all the ugly and poor people don't even have right to have children ?
Yiu guys made me sick .

So? Why do the Russians need non-Russians to populate their country? If that happens, Russian culture, history, achievements and their biosphere will be replaced by that of the race who replaces them.

Please don't compare me to a hindu-modi fanatic. They are the most hideously ugly, deformed and physically repulsive race that has EVER existed. Their hyper-ugliness can NEVER be replaced no matter who they breed with.
Big deal. What goes up. Comes down. In 15th century Russians were a insignificant people restricted to the Moscow region. Over next 400 years their population exploded and like a plague they spread east and huge regions of Asia had Russians flooding them and eventually the swarm even reached Koreas and Japan. So now time to give others chance to fcuk some babies ....
I do not understand you. I tried but I keep going in circles. Please elaborate on why that was a good/bad thing?
Big deal. What goes up. Comes down. In 15th century Russians were a insignificant people restricted to the Moscow region. Over next 400 years their population exploded and like a plague they spread east and huge regions of Asia had Russians flooding them and eventually the swarm even reached Koreas and Japan. So now time to give others chance to fcuk some babies ....
good luck with immigration ideas
It will be better for humanity if the beautiful, good-looking races breed more as opposed to the ugly ones.
Don't say that, I'm sure there's someone out there for you.

Have hope mate, looks and intelligence aren't everything, you'll find one eventually.
Even with a relatively high TFR of 1.8 currently, Russia is experiencing a long-term population decline and its population could halve by the end of the century.

Low TFR is going to pose huge challenges to East Asian countries in coming decades.

All simple predictions are stupid.
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