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Russia's future aircraft carrier


Jan 27, 2010
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nuclear powered, ski-jump, double island, it seems to be larger than the US aircraft carrier, so i assume it is 400 meters long and 150,000 tons.

nuclear powered, ski-jump, double island, it seems to be larger than the US aircraft carrier, so i assume it is 400 meters long and 150,000 tons.


New Russian aircraft carrier to be blueprinted by 2017 ? RT News

The blueprint of Russia's next-generation aircraft carrier will be ready in six years.

The announcement was made by the state shipbuilding company working on the design.

No details have been released yet. Earlier reports suggested it will be nuclear-powered, with a displacement of 80,000 tons. Soviet carriers had a maximum of 50,000 tons.

It is not clear if the ship will actually be built, as the Defense Ministry is deciding whether Russia needs a second aircraft carrier at all. Anyway, the design bureau says, by the time the ministry makes a decision, the aircraft carrier’s price and design need to be blueprinted.

If approved, the new carrier would be part of the Defense Ministry’s decade-long plan to upgrade the Russian military. The program is expected to cost Russia over 23 trillion rubles.

Russia’s sole aircraft carrier, “Admiral Kuznetsov,” was built in 1985.
80k tons displacement so no its still smaller. Surprised they still use ski jump.
80k tons displacement so no its still smaller. Surprised they still use ski jump.

Because Russia has cold weather, the steam catapult will cause the big problem for the maintenance, while the EMALS is freaking expensive.

That's why Russia will stick with the nuclear powered + ski-jump, and their PAK FA has a longer combat radius than both F-35 and F-18, thus the penalty of the ski-jump won't be an issue for them. :coffee:
Russian aircraft carrier for the Navy: scale model and future plans

One of the most popular themes recently again came to the fore. In the past few days in the media appeared saying officials and other "infopovody" regarding the possible construction of new aircraft carriers for the Russian Navy. Unfortunately, the news did not appear the date of construction of such ships or putting them in order, but now have the opportunity to do some assessments and conclusions.

In the last days of June and the month on future Russian aircraft carrier has expressed Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov. As he said on radio "Echo of Moscow" in the current state armament program, which provides re-armed forces until 2020, the construction of the project or even the creation of a new aircraft carrier does not appear. The absence of such plans under the current state program does not exclude their occurrence in the future. According to Borisov, the start of work on the aircraft carrier project is expected in the next government program. The probability of this event is high and in the future the Russian navy can get a new aircraft carrier ship.

However, the carrier-based program has a number of controversial features. First of all, Borisov said the high cost of such a ship. One aircraft carrier would cost tens of billions of rubles, which requires a focus on the financial side of the project. According to the deputy minister of defense, in some cases, correct and appropriate to build more than one aircraft carrier, and several frigates and corvettes, which will strengthen the specified compound in the Navy. The aircraft carrier, in turn, the very need to be accompanied by other ships. Yet the Russian shipbuilding industry has the features needed to build aircraft carriers. Therefore, prior to the implementation of such projects need to evaluate financial opportunities and make an informed decision. Borisov said that a return to the subject aircraft carrier period is from 2015 to 2025.

It is worth noting, Y. Borisov himself is a supporter of views on the need of aircraft carriers. Speaking about the potential of such ships and the reasons for his sympathy for him, he recalled the experience of the United States. One appearance of U.S. aircraft carriers in the region capable of influencing the policies of local countries. In addition, carriers can effectively perform combat duty in local conflicts, characteristic for the last time. Perhaps in the future, during the discussion of the need to build aircraft carriers for the Russian Navy, Borisov will defend his point of view and defend the promising project. However, such disputes in the highest circles of the Ministry of Defense will begin only in the future, when preparations for the start of a new state program of armaments.

Just a couple of days after the speech Yuri Borisov his statements about the possibilities of the domestic shipbuilding confirmed by one of the leaders of USC. Director of the Department of the state defense order the United Shipbuilding Corporation A. Helms assured the public that the enterprises of the Russian defense industry ready for execution of such a complex project. As evidence of their willingness helmets led the recent work on the repair and refurbishment of aircraft carrier "Admiral Gorshkov", now bears the name of "Vikramaditya". This ship in the coming months will be the remaining stages of sea trials and go to a place of service in India.

Helms noted that the question of the need of aircraft carriers in the Navy Russia is conceptual in nature. The leading countries or have or are building aircraft carrier fleet and it clearly shows the trends of the world. As for aircraft carriers for the Russian Navy, the helmet referred to the numerous expert opinions according to which such ships are needed in our country, and in the amount of several units. They should serve the Northern and Pacific fleets. In this case, the decision to start such a complex and expensive project should be taken at the state level, but not the Navy or the Department of Defense itself.

Defense officials and leaders of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, rises in the last days subject aircraft carriers agree that aircraft carriers are needed to Russian Navy, but their construction is only a guide for the foreseeable future. But despite the lack of aircraft carriers in the current state arms program, some of the scientific and engineering organizations are already engaged in advanced topics of aircraft carriers. The first results of this were shown just yesterday.

During the International Maritime Defense Show, running now in St. Petersburg, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Scientific Center Krylovskiy" representatives of the Ministry of Defense and showed the press his version of a promising appearance ship. Commander in Chief of the Navy Admiral Vladimir Chirkova and Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov showed a model of a new aircraft carrier, established research centers. For obvious reasons, this project is still conceptual in nature and is not intended for immediate start of construction of the finished ship. However, the model is shown and claims related to the project looks quite interesting and can make some conclusions.

The model shown has a characteristic wide and long flight deck with a springboard in the bow and four take-off positions. To starboard are two models relatively small add-on. Claimed displacement of the ship - 80 thousand tons, which gives rise to speculation about the size of the ship. About the same total displacement must have had an unfinished nuclear aircraft carrier "Ulyanovsk". Thus, we can conclude that the perspective of the aircraft carrier Krylovskogo state research center will have a length of 300 meters and a maximum width of the flight deck of at least 70-75 meters. The ship is said to be fitted with a conventional power plant, allowing it to accelerate to a speed of about 30 knots. Other details were not disclosed.

On the deck of this model are miniature replicas of the two types of fighters. These were mock naval MiG-29K and the model does not yet exist (at least, it has not yet officially announced) carrier-based version of the fifth-generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA). The total number of aircraft models - about 25-30 units. On this basis, we can draw some conclusions about the long-term aviation aircraft carrier group, but its dimensions are just talking about a lot more possibilities for movement and the working of aircraft.

Do not need to remind you that the presented IMDS 2013 draft of a new aircraft carrier away from the construction. Prior to bookmark prospective ship engineers and the military will determine the mass of details of his appearance. Moreover, the shape of the ship before heading will discuss the very necessity of aircraft carriers in the Russian Navy. Judging by the statements of leadership of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, our industry is able to cope with the construction of aircraft carriers. But will it be placed in front of it is a problem? The final resolution of this issue for the leadership of the Ministry of Defence and the country.

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google translation
The double island is ugly, Russia's future carrier should still look something like this.



i didnt i was in hurry so please tell me

how many aircrafts it will carry ?

The model shown has a characteristic wide and long flight deck with a springboard in the bow and four take-off positions. To starboard are two models relatively small add-on. Claimed displacement of the ship - 80 thousand tons, which gives rise to speculation about the size of the ship. About the same total displacement must have had an unfinished nuclear aircraft carrier "Ulyanovsk". Thus, we can conclude that the perspective of the aircraft carrier Krylovskogo state research center will have a length of 300 meters and a maximum width of the flight deck of at least 70-75 meters. The ship is said to be fitted with a conventional power plant, allowing it to accelerate to a speed of about 30 knots. Other details were not disclosed.

On the deck of this model are miniature replicas of the two types of fighters. These were mock naval MiG-29K and the model does not yet exist (at least, it has not yet officially announced) carrier-based version of the fifth-generation fighter T-50 (PAK FA). The total number of aircraft models - about 25-30 units. On this basis, we can draw some conclusions about the long-term aviation aircraft carrier group, but its dimensions are just talking about a lot more possibilities for movement and the working of aircraft.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/europe-russia/262585-russias-future-aircraft-carrier.html#ixzz2YEl8kD8R
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